Obama's 47 Percent Approval Lowest of Any President at This Point
President Obama's job approval rating has fallen to 47 percent in the latest Gallup poll, the lowest ever recorded for any president at this point in his term.
Jimmy Carter, Gerald Ford and even Richard Nixon all had higher approval ratings 10-and-a-half months into their presidencies. Obama's immediate predecessor, President George W. Bush, had an approval rating of 86 percent, or 39 points higher than Obama at this stage. Bush's support came shortly after he launched the war in Afghanistan in response to the terror attacks of Sept. 11, 2001.
White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs said he doesn't "put a lot of stock" in the survey by Gallup, which has conducted presidential approval polls since 1938, longer than any other organization.
"If I was a heart patient and Gallup was my EKG, I'd visit my doctor," Gibbs said in response to questions from Fox. "I'm sure a six-year-old with a Crayon could do something not unlike that. I don't put a lot of stake in, never have, in the EKG that is daily Gallup trend. I don't pay a lot of attention to the meaninglessness of it."
Gallup Editor-in-Chief Frank Newport responded: "Gibbs said that if Gallup were his EKG, he would visit his doctor. Well, I think the doctor might ask him what's going on in his life that would cause his EKG to be fluctuating so much. There is, in fact, a lot going on at the moment -- the health care bill, the jobs summit, the Copenhagen climate conference and Afghanistan."
The new low comes as Obama struggles to overhaul the nation's health care system and escalates America's involvement in the Afghanistan war. He is also presiding over a deep and prolonged recession, with unemployment at 10 percent.
"There's no doubt Obama's 47 percent is mainly a result of the continuing bad economy," said Larry Sabato, director of the University of Virginia's Center for Politics. "But there is also a growing concern about government spending and debt, and a sense that Obama is trying to do too much, too soon."
He added: "President Obama has reason to be concerned about his ratings. Even in tough times, presidents have usually been able to stay above the critical 50 percent mark in the first year, when the public is most inclined to give the new incumbent the benefit of the doubt."
Obama officials have not always shown disdain for Gallup. During last year's presidential campaign, Obama adviser David Plouffe, trumpeted "the latest Gallup poll" to reporters because it showed that 53 percent of Americans did not find Obama Democratic rival, Hillary Clinton, "trustworthy."
When Gallup began taking presidential approval polls 71 years ago, Franklin Roosevelt had been president for more than five years. During his remaining time in office, his job approval rating never fell below 48 percent.
The next 11 presidents, both Democrats and Republicans, all had higher job approval ratings than Obama at this stage of their tenure. Their ratings were:
-- George W. Bush, 86 percent
-- Bill Clinton, 52 percent
-- George H.W. Bush, 71 percent
-- Ronald Reagan, 49 percent
-- Jimmy Carter, 57 percent
-- Gerald Ford, 52 percent
-- Richard Nixon, 59 percent
-- Lyndon Johnson, 74 percent
-- John Kennedy, 77 percent
-- Dwight Eisenhower, 69 percent
-- Harry Truman, 49 percent
The poll is an average of a three-day tracking of 1,529 adults taken Dec. 4-6. It has a margin of error of 3 percentage points.
By Bill Sammon - - FOXNews.com
Latest polls show Obama’s approval at below 50% (varying between 46 and 50% this week); number of people who identify themselves as Conservatives as between 43% and 51%, depending on poll and wording of question, and the number of people who identify themselves as Liberals only 19%.
BEGIN TRANSCRIPT (From Rush Limbaugh)
RUSH: The Reverend Jackson is not happy about this. Last night on PBS on the Tavis Smiley show, Tavis Smiley talked to the Monochrome Coalition chairman and whatever else he is, the Reverend Jackson, and the question: "Some think the blame Bush rhetoric no longer applies that Obama used successfully in the campaign." JACKSON: He essentially owns more and more. When Bush left office there were 30,000 troops in Afghanistan. We're now going to a hundred thousand, so we kind of own the Afghanistan mission. We bailed out the banks. We kind of own a plan now where you have more foreclosures than you do have modifications. We're losing jobs by the droves. Unemployment levels are disastrously high. We are the canary in the mine. We're on the front side of its pain and the backside of its prosperity. Urban America is black, but Appalachia basically is white. We must not be seen as marginal America.
RUSH: I'll tell you what's going on here with this. The Reverend Jackson -- and I got two more stories in the stack today about how black unemployment is through the roof, black unemployment is terrible, the black frame of mind is terrible, they're depressed, Obama is not doing anything for them. How is that Hoax and Change working for you? They're all livid. I mean they thought there was going to be an exact 180 degree economic reversal and it's done nothing but get bad for everybody, but they're especially upset about it because they look at him as one of them and now they feel abandoned. I'm sure Tiger Woods' choice of females is not helping 'em out with their attitudes there, either. Folks, about that, I got a great piece to share with you from Lisa Schiffren at the AmericanThinker.com on the parallels between Tiger Woods and Barack Obama. The theme is that both are the result of lies, falsely crafted images that are in no way representative of who they really are. I'll get to that in a mere moment.
One more sound bite here from Reverend Jackson. Oh, and there's total disarray over in Copenhagen, something called the Danish texts. Poor nations have found out they're going to get screwed with the climate talks over there. Oh, yeah, it's big. And then Dingy Harry is out there with his slavery comment. I don't know, folks. I have faith in all things good, and this stuff just cannot triumph, at the end of the day it just won't. This is utter disaster. Anyway, back to the Reverend Jackson, Tavis Smiley said, "How do black leaders, how do black folk, how do black people make that case to the president? In other words, how do you push back on him respectfully when you know that black folk in the 90th percentile love this president?"
JACKSON: They also love to keep their houses and they also love their jobs. So the issue is about policy. It's not about our appreciation of the impact of this presidency. We found through the attorney generals that these major banks profiled blacks and Latinos. They circumvented community reinvestment laws. As opposed to getting a bailout, they should be facing the courts for breaking the law. On the black and brown side is where the water came in the boat. But the water didn't stop. It kept on coming, the water kept coming across. A rising tide will not lift those boats stuck at the bottom that have holes in them.
RUSH: So there's trouble in paradise out there. The Reverend Jackson, his anger is pretty muted here but he's pretty mad. (interruption) What is it, Snerdley? What is it? Hm-hm. Hm-hm. Well, no, he said it's about skin color thing, but, look, the bottom line is, all of this was supposed to have vanished. We were supposed to have a postracial country. Look at the divisions that have sprung up. Look at the partisanship, the divide has gotten wider. The Reverend Jackson is not happy at all, and all of it was so predictable. Look, I'm a little long. I gotta take a quick break and we'll come back, we have more samples of Obama's Hoax and Change speech at Brookings today plus a damn good Stack of Stuff to get through, so sit tight. We'll be right back.
Read the Background Material...
• UK Guardian: Copenhagen Climate Summit in Disarray After 'Danish Text' Leak
Thanks, Rush!!
Black Caucus War Against Obama
A civil war is breaking out within the left of the Democratic Party pitting the Congressional Black Caucus against the first African-American president.
The battle began when California Congresswoman Maxine Waters complained publicly about the Administration’s failure to do more to help minority-owned businesses in the current recession. (Translation: In the new Stimulus of “Jobs” Bill making its way through Congress, they want a larger take). It continued yesterday when ten members of the Black Caucus refused to participate in a meeting of the House Banking Committee which was considering the bill to restructure financial regulations forcing Chairman Barney Frank to push the bill through by the uncomfortable margin of only 31-27.
The latest shot in the battle was fired by Homeland Security Chairman Bennie Thompson (D-Miss) a card carrying regular of the Black Caucus. Faced with the need to investigate the gate crashing at the White House during the recent state dinner for India, he chose to embarrass the Administration by subpoenaing White House Social Secretary Desiree Rogers rather than quietly negotiating for her appearance.
That Thompson’s action was a deliberate slap in Obama’s face is obvious (even though the media has missed it). Since when does a liberal Democratic committee chairman embarrass a liberal Democratic president by forcing a liberal Democratic Social Secretary (from Chicago no less) to resist a subpoena to appear at a hearing? Since he wanted to send a message to Obama and Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel that the Black Caucus did not like being taken for granted.
The merits of the controversy are obvious. What possible reason would a Social Secretary, for goodness sakes, have for the assertion of executive privilege that is usually reserved for issues of national security? Obviously, none. But Thompson chose his target well. He struck at the social core of the Chicago Mafia that runs the White House, probably striking within the Obama family as well.
You don’t do that to a president of your own party, your own ideology, and even your own race unless you want to make a point.
The friction between the Black Caucus and Obama escalated when Waters berated the Administration for failing to rework a business loan from Goldman Sachs to the Inner City Broadcasting Corporation. Inner City is run by Pierre Sutton, son of Percy Sutton, the long time media giant in the African-American community. Two weeks after she raised the issue in a meeting with Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner and Emanuel, Goldman saw the light and restructured the loan.
Coming on top of liberal angst with the decision by the “peace” president to escalate the war in Afghanistan, this split with the black caucus comes at an awkward time.
But you pay a price when you mess with the African American Caucus and the Suttons. The Obama Administration is feeling it. It’s kind of fun to watch.
Source: Front Page
And Take Heart… Palin now as popular as Obama
Barack Obama has sunk to a new low in Gallup's job approval numbers. The polling firm reported Monday that Obama's approval rating had dropped to 47% in their rolling three day average.
Perhaps equally important, Gallup says 46% of the people they asked disapprove of the job Obama is doing as president.
Those numbers are almost identical to favorable/unfavorable numbers for Sarah Palin in a new CNN poll , which showed the former Alaska governor at 46% favorable and 46% unfavorable.
Given the Obamedia's unparalleled trashing of Palin and their sycophantic support of the One, these new numbers--even if temporary--bespeak two important points: the waning influence of the legacy media, and the appeal that Palin has to a substantial portion of the public.
By: William Tate – American Thinker
Page Printed from: (Shout Out to Babs from As.A.Mom) http://www.americanthinker.com/blog/2009/12/palin_now_as_popular_as... at December 08, 2009 - 04:48:50 PM EST
And the good thing is that Palin’s numbers are going up while Obama’s numbers are going down…
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