Tuesday, December 6, 2011

A Case against Ron Paul’s Foreign Policy and a Rebuttal

A Case against Ron Paul’s Foreign Policy.

Propagator of liberal pseudo-reality

A keen observation of academia reveals that the largest, most active constituency of Ron Paul supporters roughly parallels that of President Obama. Ron Paul’s largest base is an amalgamation of liberal anti-war activists, liberal university professors, and liberal college students. And like the President, Ron Paul and his fervent constituency promote liberal pseudo-realities.

Why Do They Hate Us?

Immediately, after the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, the liberal Main Stream Media took up the propagandist campaign, “Why Do They Hate Us?” This campaign was one of the most successful “Blame America First” campaigns since the Vietnam War. Liberals eagerly accepted the erroneous premises and conclusions of this campaign, as it reinforced their animus for America. Unfortunately, Paul and supporters also embraced the false reality proposed by this campaign.

In their rush to blame America, liberals failed to ask an essential question: Who are “They” that hate us?

“They” are terrorists: who hate for no reason at all, who hate for the sake of hating, and who justify terrorism with any available delusion. American military bases are just a convenient excuse for terrorists to hate us. Even if we isolated ourselves on the North American continent, as Paulists propose; the terrorists would still hate us and still try to destroy us.

And yet, liberals, in absolutely schizophrenic logic, conclude, on the one-hand, that all Muslims hate us because we have military bases on Muslim land. And then, simultaneously, on the other hand, liberals self-righteously lecture us about “moderate Muslims” and that we are not to assume that all Muslims hate us. One thing was made absolutely clear for liberals: the terrorist attacks of 9/11 were America’s fault.

So for logical observers, it is astounding that during debates Ron Paul parrots the excuses and rationalizations of the irrational, hate-mongering terrorist, Osama bin Laden. There is little doubt that Osama bin Laden would be still alive, if it were up to a President Paul. Paul’s allegiance to international law (see policy on interrogation techniques), as well as pandering to his anti-war base, would have precluded military action into another sovereign country.

(For the record, like conservatives that happen to be African American, there are moderate Muslims that reject the imposition of radicalism; as is evidenced by Indonesia and Jordan.)

Bases on Muslim Land

Ron Paul’s rationale for his isolationist policies is his liberal-based insistence of Muslim anger over United States military bases on Muslim land. Paul’s erroneous talking point is that:

The United States would not like it if Muslims put military bases in the United States.

This argument not only ignores facts, but also promotes an anti-American pseudo-reality:

Bully America, with aggressive malice and greed attacked Saudi Arabia (and other countries) and took their land for military bases.

The reality is that Saudi Arabia (and other countries) welcomes these US military bases as protectorates against the historic aggression of Saddam Hussein’s Iraq, and the looming future Iranian aggression. The placement of US bases around the world has been legally authorized through international agreements and treaties between the USA and cooperating nations. The pseudo-reality of “America the Aggressor”, promoted by terrorists, liberals, Ron Paul and his supporters, is central to their anti-American policy for isolationism.

Does America need a President Paul, who believes that Status of Forces Agreements between the US and her allies are equivalent to an act of war by an enemy force invading the United States?

December 20, 1983

In the pseudo-reality of liberals, there are only 3 events that define their view of history: the Vietnam War, the second Iraq War, and December 20, 1983. This last event was when President Reagan’s envoy Donald Rumsfeld met with Saddam Hussein. This has solidified the liberal assertion that:

America is no better than our enemies, because we just replace one dictator with our own dictator.

They fail to recognize that we were in the middle of the Cold War, as well as dealing with a very belligerent Iran. So our choices were: 1) Work with Hussein against Iran and the Soviets; 2) Depose the dictator Hussein, nation-build, impose democracy; while simultaneously holding the USSR & Iran at bay; or 3) the liberal and Paulist preference --- retreat to North America and surrender the Middle East and its petroleum resources to the USSR.

No matter historic, current, or future conflicts; the third choice of appeasement and surrender is a central foreign policy tenet of liberals and Paulists; the descendants of Lindbergh’s “America First” isolationists.

American Empire

Liberals and Ron Paul falsely propagandize that America is imperialistic. What evidence do they have of that? After World War II we rebuilt and left Europe and Japan. America, after purchasing the Philippines from Spain via the Spanish-American war, granted them independence in 1946. America left Kuwait after we liberated it from Saddam’s Iraq. To label America imperialistic is to fundamentally misunderstand: American exceptionalism, American societal values, and America’s fundamental devotion to freedom for all. Americans, as a whole, would stand against any attempt at national imperialism.


Non-intervention; the Feint of Isolationists.

Just as Obamacare (regulations that eliminate private health insurance companies) is the liberal ruse to gain single-payer (government) health care; Ron Paul’s non-intervention policy is a bid for isolationism.

There are two important fundamental foreign policy principles that Paulists choose to ignore.

Strategic Proximity

The strategic proximity of our internationally hosted military bases is an important protectorate for our allies and deterrents for our enemies -- Peace through Strength. If there was another world war, the isolationists would have us waste lives and treasure, “on the beaches and battlegrounds of Europe” and “on island-hopping across the Pacific” to regain our former bases from an entrenched enemy. This liberal utopian/isolationist ignorance would also waste all the past lives (World War II, the Korean War, etc.) sacrificed to gain these strategic bases.

Power Vacuum

A fundamental principle of all human history (past, present, and future) is the absence of power vacuums. Whether local, state, national, or geopolitical; whenever a power vacuum occurs it is quickly, often violently, filled. The isolationist, embarrassed by our sole superpower status, would have the United States retreat to the North American continent; effectively surrendering our allies, our interests, our economy and the entire globe to Communist China and/or a reconstituted USSR; as these nations would quickly and easily fill the vacuum we left. We already see this in the Gulf of Mexico and South America, as China & Russia are filling the energy and foreign policy vacuums left by the Obama administration’s lack of engagement.

The “anti-war” movement is actually pro-war. Without the stabilizing effect of a freedom-loving American superpower on the world stage, the resulting power vacuum would result in convulsive turmoil, war, and suffering. Local, regional, and global powers would violently struggle to fill the vacuum.

Unlike Reagan and conservatives, who see America as a “Shining City on the Hill”; Paulists and liberals do not believe America is a force for good in the world. On the contrary, they view America as the central problem in the world; a bully that needs to be cut down to size.

“Non-interventionist” Gambit

The “non-interventionist” gambit retorts that Ron Paul would have America retreat from international militarism, but not international trade. How does one trade, when Communist China or a reconstituted Soviet Union confiscates the international assets of US businesses, controls the natural resources and trade of the whole eastern hemisphere (along with their current efforts in South America)? The resulting forced isolation would be the surrender of our international trade and ultimately our national liberty.

Do the “non-interventionists” reject America, preferring Communist China as the sole world power? Do they support a policy in which America’s national liberty is forfeit to the mercy of a global Communist China? It would seem that liberals and Paulists, in their utopian fervor, place more faith in Communist China than a sound American government? Are we the global leader or the global pacifist?

We can’t afford Strategic International Military Bases.

On National Defense, Ron Paul’s website states: “Ron Paul believes national defense is the single most important responsibility the Constitution entrusts to the federal government.” And yet, Ron Paul insists that America cannot afford our strategic military bases around the world.

Paradoxically, the contradictory remedy to this fiscal argument is in Ron Paul’s own “Plan to Restore America”, in which he proposes the elimination of 5 national departments (Education, Energy, HUD, Commerce, and Interior), the transformation of entitlement programs; as well as other governmental austerity measures, including eliminating defense department waste and corruption. Ironically, such measures would preclude the fiscal necessity to dismantle strategic bases.

If Paul truly believes in the primacy of National Security, then why does he promise that a primary objective of his administration will be the unnecessarily abandonment of America’s strategic bases?

It leaves the logical observer to conclude that Ron Paul’s national defense policy is “Isolationism through Weakness.”


Other Notes

Ron Paul: American President or Iranian Advocate?

‘nough said.

The Score Card

Obama: Promised to close Gitmo; has not.

Paul: Promises to close Gitmo and our strategic bases.

Obama: Promised to afford terrorists constitutional rights

Paul: Violating their liberty to reject America’s constitutional rights and values; Paul promises to impose his values and America’s constitutional rights on terrorists. (What part of “to ordain and establish this Constitution OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA.” does Ron Paul not understand?)

Obama: Promised to be friends with Iran; recently applied sanctions.

Paul: Promises to be friends with Iran and opposes sanctions.

Obama: Constantly insults our ally Israel.

Paul: Promises to abandon our ally Israel.

Obama: Uses drone strikes to kill terrorists.

Paul: Condemns the killing of terrorists.

Obama: Killed Osama bin Laden.

Paul: Would not have committed “such a criminal act of war”, across the borders of a sovereign country providing terrorist havens.

How is it that Ron Paul is considered conservative and yet is more naïve about national security than Obama? To nominate someone that is weaker on national security than Obama would be a strategically colossal political blunder.


From Ron Paul’s advocacy for Iran’s anti-American regime, to being an apologist for terrorists, to his indignation of America’s global superpower status; one wonders if a President Paul will indulge, like his predecessor, in another international apology tour for what Paul perceives to be American indiscretions.

Source:  TPN By: James Flowers


It is a duty to know the truth about a Presidential Candidate

By Edna Mattos


It’s impossible to understand politics unless you understand liberty – that we should all be free, and that all of our inalienable rights come from our creator and not government.  Once you understand this, it is easy to differentiate good government from bad.

I became a Ron Paul supporter when I fully understood what inalienable rights meant to me personally.  We’ve all heard that inalienable rights are granted by our creator and that government exits to protect them.  But do we live it, breath it, and really believe it?  Many of us take this for granted, and many more of us, simply do not care. What follows is informational only and not to be construed as trying to dissuade anyone from continuing to support whichever candidate they prefer.  My candidate is better than your candidate is not the intent that I wish to convey in this article.  I only want to correct some misinformation.  I will start with those issues that some consider impediments when considering Dr. Ron Paul as a viable presidential candidate.

Ron Paul does not support Israel: This is completely false.  But, before I tell you why, let me first say that the U.S. does not, and has not, supported Israel for years.  The U.S. Government told Israel to cede the Gaza Strip to the Palestinians from which attacks are launched against Israel.  We called them racists when they built their wall to protect themselves.  Our government made Israel deny Jews property rights in Jerusalem, Judea and Samaria as a precondition for peace talks with the Palestinians.  Our government has accepted Hamas as a legitimate actor in Palestinian politics.  Our government made our support for Israel at the UN conditional on Israeli concessions to the Palestinians.   The U.S. encouraged Israel to give back the Sinai Peninsula to Egypt for the sake of peace and nothing changed.  The U.S. told the world that Israel must revert back to the 67 borders and split Jerusalem in half leaving them completely and totally unprotected for peace.  Between 2006 and 2010, we allowed the United Nations’ Human Rights Commission to condemned Israel in 20 of its 25 resolutions.  The U.S. is now demanding that Israel go back ‘to the damned table’ and negotiate peace.  Israel has always conceded their land for peace, and there is no more to give.  Has our government implemented any recent policies that would send a message to the world that they need to lay off Israel?  The answer is no, our U.S. foreign policy is restricting and weakening Israel’s defenses.  The foreign aid that the U.S. sends to this region helps Israel’s enemies to further their attacks and hostilities against them.  Ron Paul believes that by stopping all foreign aid to this region, Israel will be in a much stronger position militarily.  He believes the U.S. needs to get out of Israel’s way and allow them to protect their national sovereignty anyway they see fit.  Make no mistake, there will be war in this region and the U.S. will be in no position to help Israel.  America is broke, we cannot afford any more wars.  We cannot continue to borrow money to give away to foreign governments that hate America or, to anyone else for that matter, without it negatively impacting our own defenses.

"[W]hen all government, domestic and foreign, in little as in great things, shall be drawn to Washington as the center of all power, it will render powerless the checks provided of one government on another." --Thomas Jefferson, letter to Charles Hammond, 1821

Ron Paul is an isolationist.  This is also completely false.  Dr. Ron Paul believes in a ‘non-interventionist’ foreign policy as did our founding fathers.  Jefferson summed up the noninterventionist foreign policy position perfectly in his 1801 inaugural address: "Peace, commerce, and honest friendship with all nations — entangling alliances with none." George Washington similarly urged that the US must "Act for ourselves and not for others," by forming an "American character wholly free of foreign attachments.”  Many refer to war as propaganda and a racket

(you may want to listen to this video: http://citruscountycitizens.ning.com/video/war-is-a-racket-libya-the-real-story). 

Ron Paul believes that we should take care of our own problems first. His creed is millions or billions for defense, and not one cent for empire building.   Ron Paul is in favor of a strong national defense, but we will not be in any position to help anyone, if we cannot first help ourselves.  Our government is fallible when it comes to foreign policy.  Our annual national security budget is now $1.2 trillion dollars and growing.  Our young men and women need not be risking their lives to protect foreign empires.  Our government lies and exaggerates issues that happen in the home front, so it is conceivable that they are also lying about their reasons for foreign intervention  in the middle east.  The globalist and the elitists do have a foreign policy agenda, and it may not necessarily be to spread democracy around the world.   (Listen carefully to this video http://citruscountycitizens.ning.com/video/war-is-a-racket-libya-the-real-story.)

Please understand, that this is all food for thought.  You always have the right to believe whatever it is you want.  But, then again, we need to question our leader’s motives and, we need to rethink some of our positions that are based on what neocon and progressive war mongers in our government spread for their own reasons.  Ron Paul supports the true position of freedom and conservatism which is nonintervention and peace, without nation building.  He does not accept, irrefutably, what our government peddles, and this is how it should be.  We need to move away from the foreign policy disasters we’ve had under Clinton, The Bushes, and the Obama administrations, otherwise, the world will detonate from war because that is where they are taking this.

Dr. Paul would let Iran get the nuclear bomb:  This is false and misleading also.  Dr. Paul does not believe that the way to stop Iran is by continuing to issue threats and/or sanctions because they haven’t worked so far.  If Iran wants to go nuclear, there is very little that the U.S. can do other than to declare another war.  Russia, China, Germany and France would have something to say if the US invaded Iran, or engaged in any form of military action.  In fact, many believe that they may be already preparing for this.  Dr. Paul respects all governments and all religions, and as President his policies would defuse some of the tensions that are currently taking place in this region.  Under Ron Paul's leadership and for the sake of world peace, we may get a short reprieve to defuse this escalating issue.  The middle east conflicts are going to be hard to resolve, especially since the U.S. is forcing Israel to accept the negotiations offered by the Palestinians which will resolve nothing, and then you have the Egypt, Turkey, Syria, Iraq, Libya, Afghanistan conflicts on the sidelines.  And, the situation is now escalating in Pakistan.  The current actions by our government will never solve the hostilities that are taking place in this region because they hate our interference, and because we are inflaming an already dangerous situation with our interventionist foreign policy.  It’s time to try something different, because nothing else has worked.  We need to remember that America is broke, we do not have the funding to engage in any more wars.

One of the most important enumerated powers of the Federal government is to protect our national sovereignty against any foreign invasion.  It’s important to stress that Dr. Paul is a true constitutionalist that follows the Constitution to the letter.  Dr. Paul will diligently, and unfalteringly respond to any form of attack against the U.S. 

Dr. Paul wants to legalize drugs.  This is also false.   Dr. Paul wants to get the Federal government out of the drug business by turning this over to the States to control.  If any drug is considered illegal at the Federal level, it will most likely continue to be illegal at the State level, unless the State and its people decide differently. 

Dr. Paul is authentic, what you see is what you get.  He is principled, trustworthy, consistent, honorable, noble, truthful, sincere, plainspoken, wise, ethical, honest, educated and smart.  In all the years of public office, he has never voted to raise taxes, or voted for an unbalanced budget, or voted for any kind of federal restriction on gun ownership, or voted to raise congressional pay.  He has never voted to increase the power of the executive branch or has taken a government-paid junket.  He voted against the Patriot Act, voted against the Sarbanes-Oxley which was created as a result of the Enron scandal and it’s costing taxpayers millions; he voted against regulating the Internet, voted against the Iraq war, does not participate in the lucrative congressional pension program,  returns portions of his annual congressional office budget back to the U.S. Treasury every year. Dr. Paul is also against a National ID, and he is against all bailouts.  Lobbyists avoid knocking on his door.  It has been said that even under great pressure from the Texas branch of the American Medical Association and the Texas Medical board, Dr. Paul refused to accept Medicare and Medicaid payments even as he served many of the poorest residents in his county.  Unquestionably, he has set the bar for standards for politicians higher than anyone else. 

Did I mention that he is called the Champion of the Constitution? Or, that he tried to warn legislators about the housing bubble with Fanny and Freddie a decade before it occurred, but no one listened?  He also has been warning about the Student Loan bubble, and the possible collapse of the U.S. dollar, and the dealings in Wall Street, and many are still not listening.  Or, that because of his persistance for the first time in 100 years the Federal Reserve was audited, and it was not even a complete audit by any means.  It was discovered that they gave themselves, their crony bankers in the US and abroad, and their favorite corporations, $16 trillion dollars over three years without congressional approval!  Why wasn't more made of this raid on our Treasury by the media and on Capitol Hill?  Because they are all somehow benefiting from this theft.  Why is Dr. Paul’s forecasts so accurate, and powerful?  He understands the monetary cycles and is a disciple of the Austrian school of economics.  He knows what the problems are, and he has the solutions to fix them.  He also believes that we must return to the gold standard, stop the Federal Reserve from raiding our treasury of trillions of taxpayers dollars, and stop them from printing fiat currency before we reach the point of no return.  One of the reasons is that it will prevent overall inflation as it did for over 100 years before the Federal Reserve was established, because gold cannot be created like paper money or computer generated money. The cruelest tax of all is inflation caused by the Federal Reserve printing and borrowing that lowers the purchasing power of the U.S. dollar, and that it is at the root of why the U.S. dollar is now at the point of collapsing.

As President, Dr.Paul will cut spending, end the Income Tax, bring our troops home, end foreign wars, stop foreign aid, secure our borders, fix health care, repeal the unconstitutional Patriot Act, return power to the States (as in the 9th and 10th Amendments), balance the budget in the first year, abolish corporate subsidies, return spending to 2006 level, abolish all unconstitutional Executive Orders, abolish the Department of Energy, cut back EPA funding, get us out of the United Nations, get rid of the Federal Department of Education giving more power to the States and local boards, abolish the Department of Energy, audit the Federal Reserve with the initial intention of reducing their powers.  He endorses free trade but rejects membership in NAFTA.  To stand with the American people, Dr. Paul will take a salary of only $39,336 annually, equal to the average pay of U.S. workers, instead of the $400,000 current presidential salary.  Now which other candidate do you think is principled and determined enough to accomplish this?   None!

Ron Paul will serve the American People, not the special interests, not the military industrial complex, not big corporate Wall Street, and certainly not the political establishment.  He doesn’t hedge his bets, he says what he feels, and does what is right by the American people and for the preservation of our U.S. Constitution!  And, please believe that it needs preserving!
Other Ron Paul Information: 

He is the most searched candidate on Youtube, Facebook and Google.

He has delivered 4,000 babies.

He is the only veteran running for office.

He has received more donations from active military that all candidates combined.

The overwhelming majority of donations come from folks like you and me.

He is a man of consistent principled integrity and a Christian leader who does not use religion for political gains.

He is pro life.

His supporters are very loyal.

He is appealing more and more to a vast number of young Americans.

He is the author of eight books.

He was a frat boy.

He is a pretty good baseball player and was a track star in college.

He is leading in the Independent polls against Obama.

Many Democrats disillusioned with Obama’s foreign policy in New Hampshire and other States are now supporting Ron Paul.

Many Herman Cain supporters are now supporting Ron Paul.

Ron Paul told the Trump ‘you’re fired’ and declined to be part of his reality TV debate circus to take place at the end of December because to do so would diminish the status of the office of the presidency.  And, Mr. Comb-over is seeing red.  I agree that this is a step-down-type of debate, and it should be boycotted by every American who takes presidential elections seriously. 

My personal opinion is that we need a president who will follow the Constitution and inspire other politicians to do the same.  Dr. Paul is the only politician who has reliably shown unwavering adherence to the Constitution.  The rest of the candidates will continue to drift away from our founding principles, perhaps even more.  And, very little will change.  Under Ron Paul’s plan he will create jobs and turn our economy around.  Many of us recognize that Ron Paul is not the best statesman, but many concerned citizens are hearing his message nevertheless, because he is honest, sincere and genuine.  The only one with a consistent constitutional message.  We either accept our U. S. Constitution in its entirety, or we might as well shred it.  No candidate is perfect, that is true, but why would anyone want to pick the most imperfect of them all, when you can vote for Ron Paul.  Ron Paul supporters are growing by the minute, a fact that many politicos and elitists are afraid of.  Ron Paul has a brilliant mind, read his books and see for yourself.  He is the only constitutional candidate running that will return our country to the founding principles of liberty and freedom even if it is for only a few short years.

This man is real folks.  Our country needs this principled American in the White House and it is up to us to make this happen.  Too much is at stake.  We cannot afford to settle for less.

If you agree with this article, please help spread this message to all. 

May God bless America and may HE help Americans continue to be loyal to our U.S. constitution to the end!

For Liberty,

Edna - http://citruscountycitizens.ning.com/profiles/blogs/misconceptions-...

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