Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Tea Party Movement… Misunderstood, Under Exposed or Feared??

The Tea Party Movement is a grassroots movement that has swept the nation and slowed down the Progressive Dream of fundamentally transforming the United States into a country that nobody wants or will recognize, in one presidential term… before anyone noticed.  That really was the Progressive goal.  But nobody counted on a counter-revolution or awakening of any kind.  Yet it is amazing how many people do not know what the tea party movement is, stands for, or what they have accomplished.  But the Progressives on both sides of the aisle know and are fighting them in every way they can.

Do yourself a favor and check out the Tea Party and what they stand for before writing them off or worse yet considering them the enemy based on misinformation.  You owe it to yourself, future generations and to hope and the concept freedom!

The Progressive left has lied about the Tea Party and its members and the mainstream media controlled by the liberal left has painted them to be exactly the opposite of what they are!  Now some of the professional politicians on the right are attacking them as well.

Here is a conversation about the April 15th Tax Day Tea Party in Yuma AZ:

Comment by Sue H. in Yuma via AsAMom

Arizona Tea PartyI missed our rally to stay home out of the wind, not as young as I used to be, so this is 2nd hand information. The tea party group had leased space at a local park right off the river where we had our first rally. When the chairman got to the park he found a large group of young marine families having a cook-out while the kids played in the river. Instead of getting huffy, he asked them to just move over and we would share the space. We set up as planned, then Russ started talking to us. One of the Marines drug his chair over and listened for about 5 minutes, then stood up next to Russ and asked "Just what is the tea party all about?" As so many of our members are retired military, it never entered my mind that young active duty military would not know. How many of these families can afford to have cable TV and watch Fox News?  Or have time to watch TV at all? What if your only source of info was what the main stream media told you? Ladies and Gentlemen, we need to find a way of letting the general public, especially our military, what the different tea party/912'er groups are doing… how and why we started and what we want to do. The only suggestion I can come up with now is to have some of the youth attend our meetings to see for themselves. You may have heard Glenn Beck say that part of his new movement is to reach out to the youth of the country.  Maybe we should do the same. And yes, be prepared to answer the questions of the youth who have only been taught the liberal point of view. Try to get yourself invited onto college and high school campuses. Don't get mad, laugh then remind them that all the name calling is the action of a 3-year-old who can't get their way, what are you a spoiled child or an adult.  Too many of our youth don’t even know American History, nor have they been taught independent thinking.

Response by Stacy F. via AsAMom

Sue... Wow this is interesting to me. I consider myself young at 29 and my husband is 32 and we are very involved and concerned. We watch and listen to Beck daily. BUT is does seem like others our age are oblivious to what’s going on. I had the book "Broke" sitting out and my brother in-law says "Who's Glenn Beck?" What!? Seriously!!?  I heard Beck talking about reaching the youth as well and I'm interested to know what he has in store. It is also worth mentioning that even though this brother did not know who Beck is, he (and our other family members) are getting very concerned about food storage. All our lives we've been taught "Get some food storage" and it's gone in one ear and out the other, but recently the family members have been getting together and actually doing something about it; sacrificing trips to the Valley and Disneyland in order to save cash, and put food away! I think the message is reaching all of us one way or another. I think high schools, and colleges are a good idea... as well as reaching out to young married couples somehow. I will admit that we as young couples feel that our parents or someone will always be there to help us out!!! My father in-law laughed when I told him that and he admitted that they will be there but we need to try and help ourselves AND OTHERS if we can. I think young people still have the feeling that their parents or the government will help them and they'll be OK. This may need to be part of our message when we talk to younger people!

*Remember the Progressive Movement started along before the Tea Party!  Their goal for generations has been to dumb down America, distract us through  the media and to destroy America’s educational system, the family unit and our churches.  How many generations of Americans don’t even know what they don’t know and need to be reached??  And many others know there is something wrong, but have no idea where to start or who to connect with.  Be that connection!!*

The Work of the Tea Party Is Now … TO WORK

This is a concept that has rattled around in the back of my head for a while, a bit formless but I knew it was there and eventually I could share it with you … and then BAM! Bill Hennessey wrote it all out in his blog for me! Thanks Bill, for allowing me to be lazy and draft on your thoughts.

We’ve heard in the past few weeks here in Upstate South Carolina radio host Russ Cassell lament on WORD a few mornings “Where are the tea party rallies? We had huge tea party rallies in 2009 and 2010? Why aren’t there any tea party rallies this year?” and he went on and on about whether the tea party was “over” or “dead”. I called one morning to explain to him that the time for rallies and protests was over, that those events accomplished their purpose of waking up patriots, letting them know they were not alone, and giving them a passion and a purpose but that the work of the tea party now was … TO WORK! The rallies never accomplished the purpose of changing the minds of politicians as evidenced by the health care passage in the face of stunning numbers of rallies; the rallies were successful in what they accomplished in empowering the first wave of tea party patriots. Then THOSE PATRIOTS took on the task of changing the politicians, either their minds or their occupations! I gave him some specifics of what the tea parties had been doing for the past year … electing historic numbers of conservatives to office at local, state, and federal level … and quite recently how the South Carolina tea parties worked together to convince 13 GOP Reps in Columbia to take their name off of a Health Exchange Bill that would have served to help implement Obamacare. But Russ just couldn’t wrap his head around those facts, and his parting words to me as he went to break were along the lines of “Well, I guess the Union protesters in Wisconsin have more passion then the tea party does.”

Many of you have heard me express this before, but Hennessey does it really well! Here are a few excerpts from his article … but PLEASE go read the entire thing.

It’s time to start growing again.

In 2009, the first year of the movement, we did two things: we rallied and we demonstrated. These public events attracted the people who a) believe what we believe, and b) know it. They told me at Tea Party after Tea Party, “I’m so glad to know I’m not alone.”

So 2009 was the big coming together. It was all one, long recruitment drive.

Then in 2010, we went into campaign mode. We took the people had and put candidates into offices. All tolled, we elected about 800 Tea Party candidates nationwide. That ain’t bad.

Since the election, we haven’t added to our rosters. In fact, we might have even lost a few.  (This is debatable depending on the area and the particular tea party group… some have continued to grow!)

It’s time to broaden. (And that should be hard because more people are scared and finally starting to wake up!)

and …

See, we might have attracted everyone who believes what we believe and knows it; we’ve barely made a dent in the millions upon millions of Americans who believe what we believe but don’t know it yet.

This second group–Unknowing Believers–is the largest political group in the country. They love liberty, they hate debt, and they like (real) transparency. They just don’t realize how much they have in common with people of the Tea Party movement.

This I believe. Those who were open to being impacted by rallies and protests have already joined us. There are many people all around us who did not “wake up” in 2008 and 2009 in the same way/at the same time many of us did, but the alarm clock has begun buzzing incessantly in their ear and we need to make sure that when their eyes open … we are there. Hennessey urges us to make this happen by being positive and focused, having great conversations with anyone around which, because of the times we live in, will naturally evolve to issues of jobs, education, finances, security, and that we can share our enthusiasm for constitutional values and free market solutions as we find things in common with the next wave of the newly awakened patriots. Be ready. Know what you believe and why you believe it. Don’t overwhelm; suggest solutions and give them hope … and a task! Watch them get excited the way you and I got excited when we realized that there WAS something we could do!

Look for the Unknowing Believers, and take every opportunity to find common ground and encourage them.

Cross post from Spartanburg Tea Party – h/t to RS RedState

**  Make yourself recognizable in your neighborhood and community through acts of kindness, volunteering and the sharing of solid information.  **

Video:  What Liberals Really Think about the Tea Party

Video:  Why they really hate the Tea Party

Nobody wants to admit the real reason why they hate the Tea Partiers: It's because they're insisting on an adult, constitutional, responsible government that lives within its means and a despite what they say, a lot of people just don't want that.  They want to be taken care of, even though the government local, state and federal cannot afford it.

GOP Kingmakers Wipe Tea Party Seats Off Map

By Charles J. Little  -  Saturday, 23 Apr 2011 11:52 AM 

Tea party lawmakers are being targeted for elimination by their own party, as old-guard Republicans use the Census-mandated redistricting process to erase seats won by last year’s upstarts, the National Journal reports.

Tea Party,redistricting,House freshmen,endangered seats,Republican establishment,National JournalHouse freshmen from several GOP-majority states are in danger oflosing out in a political realignment that rewards more connected veteran representatives. It may be cold comfort to tea partyers that the hostile redistricting process proves their point: They really don’t belong to the political establishment.

“They did not have ties with incumbents and weren’t afforded a seat at the table,” said political journalist Ed Feigenbaum.

Rep. Jeffrey Landry, a tea party-backed winner last November in Louisiana, saw his seat vaporized under redistricting. Louisiana’s GOP power brokers also scattered Landry’s base of support across multiple congressional districts so that four-term Rep. Charles Boutsany can survive any potential 2012 primary challenge from Landry.

Louisiana has to give up one congressional seat because of sluggish population growth over the ten-year period counted by the latest Census. But even in faster-growing states that will hold all their seats, or gain seats, Republicans are eating their young and moving to protect well-connected incumbents over tea partyers.

What this means is that the tea party members and supporters and their candidates will have to keep fighting even harder and keep educating people!

© Newsmax. All rights reserved:   GOP Kingmakers Wipe Tea Party Seats Off Map

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The Tea Party Goes to Washington

Give Us Liberty: A Tea Party Manifesto

The Tea Party Manifesto

Rules for Radical Conservatives

A New American Tea Party: The Counterrevolution Against Bailouts, Handouts, Reckless Spending, and More Taxes

The Conservative Hand: A Manifesto to Achieve Conservative Political Goals

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