Sunday, April 24, 2011

Press For Truth: Into the Fire – Full Length Film

Video:  Into The Fire 2:03:47

Press For Truth Presents Into The Fire
World leaders and activists from around the world gathered for the G20 Summit. With over 19,000 police officers and security personnel on hand, the results lead to over 1100 arrests, martial law in downtown Toronto, and the most massive violation of civil liberties in Canadian history.


80,000 Soldiers On AMERICAN SOIL.......Being Trained And Stationed At Fort Stewart, Georgia

Many scientists believe that the big Solar Storm is about to erupt, sending EMPs at earth (something that the government has tried to keep under wraps). If the electrical grid and communications, computers, etc are disrupted, chaos would supervene. This could also be the beginning of the "tribulation." The cities would be without light, heat, sanitation, food and other necessities in less than a week.

There would be mass evacuations and the gangs would try to take over. It would be a probable time for attacks from the enemies of America and the onset of world wide panic, famine, plagues. I would strongly suggest getting out of the cities now and heading for safer areas.

Dr. Byron Weeks, , COL. USAF, Ret.

I thought the following news article would interest you, by Jan Lamprecht


A MUST READ: 80,000 Soldiers On AMERICAN SOIL.......Being Trained And Stationed At Fort Stewart, Georgia....Military Police State Coming?

Date Posted: Wednesday 14-Apr-2010

This does not sound pretty at all for us. IMO, this is a tactic to set Martial Law in place, they are just pushing for it.  (The existence of these  troops and their training have been verified)

Remember there will be plants in the crowds slowing moving towards the front to provoke 'civil unrest'. They are paid to do this, they will do anything to push it to a blood bath for Americans. If anyone living in the Fort Stewart, Georgia area could please contact us with any information regarding the activities occurring at this time...


Military Police State Coming?  Police State; noun, also known as Military Police State

(1) A state in which the government exercises rigid and repressive controls over the social, economic, and! political life of the people.

(2) A nation whose rulers maintain order and obedience by the threat of police or military force; one with a brutal, arbitrary government.

I don't care which side of the political aisle you are on.

You could be a die-hard Obama supporter, or you can hate everything he and his policies stand for, or think they stand for.

But according to the Army Times Magazine, Prez Obama has done another first, never before in the history of this Nation; and I personally cannot help but wonder exactly WHY?

Prez Obama has ordered the full time and permanent Military Response to ANY upcoming social CIVILIAN chaos event here in the United States.

So what exactly does Prez Obama know, or suspect, that the rest of us do not know, yet some people do suspect?

And exactly what kind of "Military Response" to a civilian threat is Obama preparing?

Well apparently the mere threat of civilian chaos is so large ! that a domestic law-enforcement arm of the U.S. military (refe! rred to by The Army Times as the "Consequence Management Response Force") has been created to deal with what U.S. officials believe to be a coming, unprecedented wave of massive civilian social chaos.

A recent report by the Army War College's Strategic Studies Institute states flatly the U.S. military must prepare for "a violent, strategic dislocation inside the United States" that could be provoked by "unforeseen economic collapse" or "loss of functioning political and legal order."

The Army Times has reported that the domestic emergency army unit has been increased 80,000 COMBAT trained troops.

Many of these are combat veterans returning from Iraq and who are currently, and will be in the future, being trained and stationed at Fort Stewart, Georgia.

The 3rd Infantry Division’s 1st Brigade Combat Team has spent 35 of the last 60 months in Iraq patrolling in full battle rattle, helping restore essential services and escorting supply convoys.

Now ! they’re preparing for the same mission here at home.


It is not the first time an active-duty unit has been tapped to help at home.

In August 2005, for example, when Hurricane Katrina unleashed hell in Mississippi and Louisiana, several active-duty units were pulled from various posts and mobilized to those areas to HELP care for civilians.

But this new mission marks the first time an active unit has ever been given a permanent dedicated assignment within the United States.


NorthCom, the joint command that was established in 2002 to provide command and control for federal homeland defense efforts in case of TERRORIST ATTACKS, is now being prepared to be used in support of CIVILIAN AUTHORITIES in case the civilian population gets 'out of hand'.

The brigade will not change its name, but the force will be known for the next year as a CBRNE Consequence Management Response Force, or CCMRF (pronounced "se! a-smurf").

The Army states that the Combat Troops used ! to ‘maintain civilian order here in the United States’ will use some of the tactics and skills they acquired in the Iraq War Zone, but apparently do not feel they will have to deal with being shot at by American Civilians while using those tactics and skills.

Training for homeland 'scenarios' has already begun at Fort Stewart and includes specialty tasks such as extra medical training for a CBRNE incident.

"It’s a new modular package of capabilities that they’re fielding. They’ve been using pieces of it in Iraq, but this is the first time that these modules were consolidated and this package fielded, and because of this mission (war on American Civilians??) we’re undertaking we were the first to get it." Said one Unit Commander.

The package includes equipment to stand up a hasty road block; spike strips for slowing, stopping or controlling traffic; shields and batons; etc.

And some of the brigade elements will also be on call around the clock, during which! time they’ll do their regular marksmanship, gunnery and other deployment training.

Now American Civilians need to be prepared to deal with Combat Troops that are training to use this war-zone tactics on American Soil, on American Civilians.

Now I don't know about anyone else, but I can read pretty damn well.

I see SEVERAL issues with all of this, and they all concern me greatly.

Why would Obama need an 80,000 COMBAT force of armed soldiers, to support 'civilian authority' (his authority?) here in CONUS, ie: the Continental United States?

What makes Obama so concerned about any 'uprising or chaos' from the American Civilian Population? What does he know that no one else knows, or accepts?

WHY would the civilian population get 'out of hand' or create 'violent chaos' that would require the intervention of 80,000 armed military combat soldiers?

Why is it these Combat Troops have NO FEAR of being shot at by the American Civilian Population they are attempting to 'control'?

Does Obama use these guys to take our firearms first?

Look, I could care less if you are a Koolaid drinking Obama worshiper or not.

THIS PERMANENT Military Combat Brigade of 80,000 soldiers on AMERICAN SOIL for the express purpose of 'controlling the American Civilian Population' if and when needed, is one hell of a scary thought.

This is the FIRST time in American history any President, or anyone else for that matter, has set up a full time, permanent Military Unit for this purpose, on American Soil.

In any other country, like Russia, China, Cuba, it would be called a Military Police State when you use the military to control the civilian population.

I wonder what this freaking Messiah plans on calling it;

"Hope Ya Liked Your Liberty, Cause It's Gone Now, For your Own Good Of Course."

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America's Police Brutality Pandemic  - Archive from 2007


by Paul Craig Roberts

Bush's "war on terror" quickly became Bush's war on Iraqi civilians. So far over one million Iraqi civilians have lost their lives because of Bush's invasion, and four million have been displaced. Iraq's infrastructure is in ruins. Disease is rampart. Normal life has disappeared.

Self-righteous Americans justify these monstrous crimes as necessary to ensure their own safety from terrorist attack. Yet, Americans are in far greater danger from their own police forces than they are from foreign terrorists. Ironically, Bush's "war on terror" has made Americans less safe at home by diminishing US civil liberty and turning an epidemic of US police brutality into a pandemic.

The only terrorist most Americans will ever encounter is a policeman with a badge, nightstick, mace and Taser. A Google search for "police brutality videos" turns up 2,210,000 entries. Some entries are foreign and some are probably duplications, but the number is so large that a person could do nothing but watch police brutality videos for the rest of his life. A search on "You Tube" alone turned up 2,280 police brutality videos. PrisonPlanet has a selection of the most outrageous recent cases.

Police brutality has crossed the line from using excessive force against a resisting Rodney King to unprovoked gratuitous violence against persons offering no resistance, such as the elderly, women, students, and elected officials. Americans are not safe anywhere from police.Police attack Americans in university libraries, in public meetings, and in their own homes.

Last week we had the case of the University of Florida student who was repeatedly Tasered without cause for asking Senator Kerry some good questions in the question and answer period following Kerry's speech. Two days after the Florida student was gratuitously brutalized, Senate Republicans defeated Vermont Democrat Patrick Leahy's bill to restore habeas corpus protection.

A UCLA student was Tasered by police without cause for studying in the university library without having his student ID on his person. Following police orders to leave, the student was walking toward the door when police grabbed him and repeatedly Tasered him.

On September 19, 2007 a young woman was repeatedly Tasered without cause by a large brutal cop in a parking lot outside a night club in Warren Ohio.

On September 14, 2007, Roseland, Indiana, city council member David Snyder was ejected from a council meeting by dictatorial council chairman Charlie Shields. Snyder had protested being limited to one minute to speak. Police goon Jack Tiller escorted Snyder out, and as Snyder exited the building, Tiller, following behind, pushed Snyder to the ground and without cause began beating Snyder in the head with a nightstick. Snyder was hospitalized.

Local TV news stations throughout the US offer an endless stream of police brutality videos, which are then posted on the stations' web sites, often with an opportunity for citizens to express their opinion of the incidents.

There are many disturbing aspects to police brutality cases.

One disturbing aspect is that the police always arrest the people that they have gratuitously brutalized. There was no justification whatsoever to arrest councilman Snyder, or the UCLA student, or the University of Florida student. The cops committed assault against innocent citizens. The cops should have been arrested for their criminal acts. Instead, the cops cover up their own crimes by arresting their victims on false charges that are invented to justify the unprovoked police violence against citizens.

Another disturbing aspect is that no one tells the police to stop the brutality. "Free" Americans are so intimidated by police that on February 19 of this year male customers in a Chicago bar stood aside while a drunk cop weighing 251 pounds beat a 115 pound barmaid, knocking her to the floor with his fists and repeatedly kicking her, for obeying the bar rules and not serving him more drinks.

Yet another disturbing aspect is that a minority of citizens will justify each act of police brutality no matter how brutal and how unprovoked. For example,'s poll of its viewers found that 64.2% agreed that Snyder was a victim of police brutality, but 27.8% thought that Snyder got what was coming to him. "Law and order conservatives" and other authoritarian personalities invariably defend acts of police brutality. Perhaps the police brutality pandemic will bring the day when we will be able to say that a civil libertarian is a law and order conservative who has been brutalized by police.

The most disturbing aspect is that the police usually get away with it.

I remember decades ago when civil libertarians in New York City tried to stop police brutality by establishing civilian review boards to introduce some accountability into the police's interaction with civilians. Law and order conservatives at William F. Buckley's National Review went berserk. Accountability was "second-guessing" the police. The result would be a crime wave. And so on.

Police forces have always attracted bullies with authoritative personalities who desire to beat senseless anyone who does not quake in their presence. In the past police could get away with brutalizing blacks but not whites. Today white citizens are as likely as racial minorities to be victims of police brutality.

The police are supreme. The militarization of the police, armed now with military weapons and trained to view the general public as the enemy, against whom "pain compliance" must be used, has placed every American at risk of personal injury and false arrest from our "public protectors."

In "free and democratic America," citizens are in such great danger from police that there are websites devoted to police brutality with online forms to report the brutality.

Nine years ago Human Rights Watch published a report entitled, "Shielded from Justice: Police Brutality and Accountability in the United States." The report stated:

"Police abuse remains one of the most serious and divisive human rights violations in the United States. The excessive use of force by police officers, including unjustified shootings, severe beatings, fatal chokings, and rough treatment, persists because overwhelming barriers to accountability make it possible for officers who commit human rights violations to escape due punishment and often to repeat their offenses. Police or public officials greet each new report of brutality with denials or explain that the act was an aberration, while the administrative and criminal systems that should deter these abuses by holding officers accountable instead virtually guarantee them impunity.

"This report examines common obstacles to accountability for police abuse in fourteen large cities representing most regions of the nation. The cities examined are: Atlanta, Boston, Chicago, Detroit, Indianapolis, Los Angeles, Minneapolis, New Orleans, New York, Philadelphia, Portland, Providence, San Francisco, and Washington, D.C. Research for this report was conducted over two and a half years, from late 1995 through early 1998.

"The brutality cases examined, which are set out in detail in chapters on each city, are similar to cases that continue to emerge in headlines and in survivors' complaints. It is important to note, however, that because it is difficult to obtain case information except where there is public scandal and/or prosecution, this report relies heavily on cases that have reached public attention; disciplinary action and criminal prosecution are even less common than the cases set out below would suggest.

There is no way to hold police accountable when the president and vice president of the United States, the attorney general, and the Republican Party maintain that the civil liberties and the separation of powers mandated by the US Constitution must be abandoned in order that the executive branch can keep Americans safe from terrorists.

Even before the "war on terror," federal police murdered 100 people in the Branch Davidian compound at Waco, and no one was held accountable.

Who is a terrorist? If the police and the US government have the mentality of airport security, they cannot tell a terrorist from an 86-year old Marine general on his way to give a speech at West Point. Retired Marine Corps General Joseph J. Foss was delayed and nearly had his Medal of Honor confiscated. Airport security regarded the pin on the metal as a weapon that the 86-year old Marine general and former governor of South Dakota could use to hijack an airliner and commit a terrorist deed.

In America today, every citizen is a potential terrorist in the eyes of the authorities. Airport security makes this clear every minute of every day, as do the FBI and NSA with warrantless spying on our emails, postal mail, telephone calls, and every possible invasion of our privacy. We are all recipients of abuse of our constitutional rights whether or not we suffer beatings, Taserings, and false arrests.

The law makes it impossible for Americans to defend themselves from police brutality. Law and order conservatives have made it a felony with a long prison sentence to "assault a police officer." Assaulting a police officer means that if a police thug intends to beat your brains out with his nightstick and you disarm your assailant, you have "assaulted a police officer." If you are not shot on the spot by his backup, you will be convicted by a "law and order" jury and sent to prison.

No matter how gratuitous and violent the police brutality, a "free" American citizen can defend himself only at the expense, if not of his life, of a long stay in prison. Osama bin Laden must wish that he had such power over Americans.

September 26, 2007

Paul Craig Roberts [send him mail] wrote the Kemp-Roth bill and was Assistant Secretary of the Treasury in the Reagan administration. He was Associate Editor of the Wall Street Journal editorial page and Contributing Editor of National Review. He is author or coauthor of eight books, including Supply-Side Revolution(Harvard University Press). He has held numerous academic appointments, including the William E. Simon Chair in Political Economy, Center for Strategic and International Studies, Georgetown University and Senior Research Fellow, Hoover Institution, Stanford University. He has contributed to numerous scholarly journals and testified before Congress on 30 occasions. He has been awarded the U.S. Treasury's Meritorious Service Award and the French Legion of Honor. He was a reviewer for the Journal of Political Economy under editor Robert Mundell. He is the co-author of The Tyranny of Good Intentions. He is also coauthor with Karen Araujo of Chile: Dos Visiones — La Era Allende-Pinochet (Santiago: Universidad Andres Bello, 2000).

Copyright © 2007 Creators Syndicate

Paul Craig Roberts Archives

Go Directly to Jail: The Criminalization of Almost Everything  Which has accelerated tremendously under the Obama Administration

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