Thursday, February 3, 2011

Hannity: The Face of Radicalism

The Face of Radicalism


Video:  Hannity on Choudary:  Evil SOB

This is a rush transcript from "Hannity," February 2, 2011. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

SEAN HANNITY, HOST: President Hosni Mubarak's 30 year reign appears to be coming to an abrupt and violent end in Egypt. Now, the turbulence witnessed on the streets of Cairo today shut much of the international community. And it has helped remind us all that the critical question now facing the rest of the world is who will fill the power vacuum when Mubarak officially steps down? Will democracy take shape or will a radical Islamic caliphate soon form?

Well, the man who will join me now live from London believes that this is the beginning of an Islamic uprising in the Middle East. And perhaps, even more alarming, he thinks the extremist group known as the Muslim brotherhood will likely rise to power in Cairo. Here to explain those predictions and much more is controversial Muslim cleric, Imam Anjem Choudary. Welcome to the program.

ANJEM CHOUDARY, RADICAL IMAM: Yes. Thank you very much.

HANNITY: You know, I actually read a transcript of an interview yesterday. And as I was reading this, it was interesting to me, because I found myself agreeing with you. And I probably agree with you on very little else. And you were making the case that in fact, this is, as you said, this is the Islamic revolution going on in Cairo. Can you explain that?

CHOUDARY: Yes, absolutely. I mean, one only has to look at the streets in Egypt, they are saying, you know, Mubarak the coward, the agent of the Americans. They are fed up of the torture, of the corruption of the lack of resources. They want to change. I mean, in Egypt today, you already have drugs and alcohol available, they have corruption, all of the fruits, if you like of Western civilization there. What they don't have in Egypt is the basic needs of food, clothing, and shelter, they don't have, you know --


HANNITY: It's a very poor country, we got that. And most of the people live in poverty on less than $2 a day, we've covered all that ground. I want people to know a little bit more about you and who you are. Let me give you for example the Muslim Brotherhood's motto which is their motto today, "Allah is our objective. The prophet is our leader. The Koran is our law. Jihad is our way. And dying in the way of Allah is our highest hope. Allahu Akbar." Do you agree with that motto?

CHOUDARY: Yes. I mean, which Muslim would not agree with that. We do believe as Muslims that sovereignty and supremacy belongs to God. In fact, in the world today, there are two camps, one which believes that sovereignty belongs to man at the head which, you know, is the moment probably Barack Obama and the other one which believes that sovereignty belongs to God. And the head of that whether we like it or not, Usama bin Laden.

HANNITY: All right. So, the Islamic brotherhood that was responsible for the killing on the assassination of the prime minister back in 1948 and also responsible for the -- and involved in the assassination of Anwar Sadat in 1981 and also these writings influence Ayman al-Zawahiri and Usama bin Laden, these are people you admire, these are people that you would want to rule Egypt in the Middle East?

CHOUDARY: No, I believe that the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt have gone through various stages. I mean, we've seen the removal of the British Empire there. We've seen the removal of dictators like Anwar Sadat and obviously now Hosni Mubarak, you know, inshAllah soon.

HANNITY: I got that. I got all that. That's not the question.

CHOUDARY: We've seen them going through -- I'm addressing your question, you have to allow me to finish...

HANNITY: No, no, no, but I just read to you their motto, sir.


HANNITY: And their motto is, Jihad is our way and the -- wait a minute -- and the Koran is our law. You want the Koran to be the law. You want an Islamic caliphate. And how do we interpret Sharia from your view? For example, can women drive in Saudi Arabia under Sharia they can't. If women are raped they need four male eye witnesses. Women in Iran under Sharia are stoned to death. Is that the Islamic law you support, sir?

CHOUDARY: OK. I'm going to answer this question. Let me talk about the Sharia. Obviously, the Sharia is misunderstood, there's no doubt about it. Under the Sharia, you know, we don't have women stoned because, you know, they are raped or because they committed adultery and the man is not, if you like, punished, this is complete false, totally false. Under the Sharia in fact, what we find is the basic needs of food, clothing and shelter are met. The life, the wealth, the honor, the dignity of all citizens are protected. In fact, the Sharia was implemented in Egypt for over a millennium. You know, in Egypt.

HANNITY: You are distorting the issue.

CHOUDARY: Well, allow me to answer.

HANNITY: I'm allowing you to answer.


HANNITY: But sir, sir, I have example after example, women are stoned to death in Egypt. Women can't drive. Under Sharia in Saudi Arabia, you yourself -- hang on -- you yourself sir, let me finish my question. You yourself, people who commit adultery, should be stoned to death. You said that. You said that Egypt and America one day will be under Sharia law. You said every woman Muslim or non-Muslim would have to wear a burqa. Did you not say that, sir?

CHOUDARY: What I said was in fact and what I continue to repeat is that I do believe that the whole world will one day be governed by the Sharia. That is the promise of the best man who walks the message of Muhammad Salalahu (ph). Let me say something, look, you know, there are many misconceptions about the Sharia. You know, at the moment, we have about 55 so-called Muslim countries, none of them implement the Sharia. We have some examples where people are trying to implement the Sharia as in Somalia, you know, parts of Iran and Afghanistan. This is a project, you know, and if you look at those places, you know the --

HANNITY: All right. I got the 55 countries.


CHOUDAR: All me just to finish my -- I think you are listening --

HANNITY: Sir, I'm quoting you. Answer my question, did you or did you not say people who commit adultery should be stoned to death? Did you say that?

CHOUDARY: That is not my statement, but I believe that, certainly, I do believe that when the Sharia is implemented --

HANNITY: Thank you.

CHOUDARY: -- and you have the education system of Islam and you have the social and economic justice, certainly the penal code to be implemented.

HANNITY: OK. And you also said.

CHOUDARY: It is not just about, well, allow me to finish.

HANNITY: You're answering the question.

CHOUDARY: It is not about stoning people to death. Well, look, you know, Mr. Hannity, I believe your name is Hannity, you know, if you just going to kind of hound me with questions and not allow me to answer your questions, I think your listeners of your viewers are going to be very upset. Allow me to at least finish a sentence, I mean, I'm supposed to be a guest on your show.

HANNITY: This is not a monopoly, I'm not a guest on your show.


HANNITY: We have limited time.

CHOUDARY: It is not a monopoly, but all you are doing is just shouting at me. And I don't think, you know, that's not a very decent way --


Read more:

Coincidence: MSNBC host mocks Glenn Beck’s “Caliphate Map” while CNN shows similar image

By Joe Brooks

In a segment called “Right-Wing Freak Out” MSNBC host Chris Matthews, Media Matter’s blogger Eric Boehlert, and Washington Post columnist Eugene Robinson mocked Glenn Beck’s “Caliphate Map” while simultaneously on another network another television host was speaking about a similar map.

For viewers who may have been switching between MSNBC and CNN’s John King  at the same exact moment they would’ve seen this:

Of course, to this keen viewer there was a slight difference between Glenn and John King’s maps:

While King was taking a journalistic approach and reporting on the facts of what has been happening in the middle east, uprising in Tunisia and Egypt leading to similar uprisings in neighboring countries, ect. – Glenn was using those facts and speculating what an outcome of this uprising might lead to, an Islamic Caliphate. Yes, you heard me right Glenn was giving his opinion based on facts – fulfilling his role as a Fox News opinion commentator.

I guess we can look forward to John King being featured on both MSNBC and Media Matters tomorrow then? Probably not.

Former Al Qaeda-Linked Associates Warn of Future Attacks

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