Friday, December 17, 2010


Students protesting tuition hikes in London this week and countless other radical leftists have a new hero for their movement to rally around: a smug 15-year-old who isn’t afraid to share his views of the world (and everything that’s wrong with it) and to berate those who stand in his way — in this case, police.

Video:  15-year-old Tells Establishment to Stick-it!!

Huffington Post reports that this young man’s “impassioned plea” was delivered at the Coalition of Resistance National Conference in Camden, U.K., at the end of November. Here’s a brief look at this friendly bunch of young radicals, including a cameo from Rev. Jesse Jackson:

Video:  Coalition of Resistance National Conference Nov 2010

Also a hero of this group is John Rees, a former member of the Socialist Workers Party who doesn’t hesitate to rile up students like the young man above. During this year’s conference Rees praised his progressive partners:

Video:  John Rees - Coalition Of Resistance National Organizing Conference 27.11.10, the sponsor of these YouTube videos notes that the current student protests spawn from a “neoliberal” incubator era, which they claim began in 1979:

Suddenly, as if from nowhere, a new movement bursts onto the stage of history. But it is not from nowhere. Beneath the gaze of the ruling class, the chattering classes, and their media echo-chambers, it has been forming and growing inside the incubator of the old order.

Repeatedly, in periods of relative calm, the official view is that society is harmonious and consensual. The current version of this is the oft-repeated government claim that most people ‘recognise that the cuts are unavoidable’.

But a class society based on exploitation and alienation, in which some are rich at the expense of many who are not, is never harmonious and consensual. If it is calm, it is not because the people at the bottom endorse the greed of the rich; it is because they think they are powerless to change it. But that does not alter the reality of exploitation and alienation. It does not abolish the contradictions of class society. It merely drives them underground. And there, unseen, they incubate.

Is the “coming insurrection” led by these “neoliberals” really coming, or is it already here?

Video:  'Who the Hell You Think You Are?' Nigel Farage throws egg in Eurocrat faces

The youth and the politicians in Britain…  in Europe are beginning to stand up.  Where are our young people who are standing up for freedom and the American Dream?  The Tea Party and the a few politicians are getting it… standing up for the Constitution?  What about the rest of us??

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