Sunday, November 1, 2009

The elderly Seniors need to realize what the Obama Health Care Plan is really all about.

Obama's Health Care Plan is much, much more than just a different way of dealing with who pays for the medical treatments of patients. Obama's Health Care Plan is a amalgamation of different Obama and other leftist objectives residing under the banner of Obama Health care Plan. This Health Care plan is just a handy method and means of leftists to further their agenda of "Changing" America into their leftist visions of what America should be.

The Obama Health Care Plan was never about a fair and better health care Plan for all American citizens as the leftist democrats so often proclaimed but a well thought out and executed ploy ending up putting more control in their hands and allowing them to grab more control of peoples lives. The Obama, Leftist democratic Health care Plan is about government control allowing them to establish and place an official government value on peoples lives,who's lives in their opinion, merited spending money on to save according to a scale set by government elitists in Washington.

This isn't a very comforting thought if your one of the elderly citizens who's life would now be in their hands if they succeed in getting Obama's Health Care Plan passed. (And everyone should remember that with any luck, we all will someday be elderly and the program and laws will only get worse, not better, for those young people who think… “Who cares, its only old people.?”)

What is another of the other objectives the leftist democrats under the guise of Obama's Health Care Plan. The Democrats have used Minorities in the service of the party to promote and secure their elections to government office, The democrats have advanced and paid attention to the immigrants welfare and well being over the American citizens, especially the elderly citizens. The democrats view the elderly as a fading citizenry who are of little significance or importance any longer and so can dismiss them out of hand and they obviously feel they can disregard and shove them aside, and slight them without any consequence to themselves. The elderly’s opinions and day in the sun is gone, they believe, time for the democrats to snuff Grandpa and grandma if it suits their purpose, time is of the essence. Immigrants now have the democrats undivided attention, let them, the elderly, eat cake, pound sand, or whatever… just get out of the way the democrats proclaim, there's the minorities vote to get and we don't care if we have to throw grandma under the bus to get it!

Health Insurance for the immigrants, end of life coinciding for the elderly, and of course, a green or yellow pill for grandma and grandpa.

... adiĆ³s, hasta la vista

..grandma and grandpa...the elderly, and eventually the handicapped and mentally challenge… and???

Source: On Americas thoughts

Tea Party With Rep Michele Bachmann

Time: November 5, 2009 from 12pm to 1pm
Location: US Capitol
Street: 1st and Constitution Ave NW
City/Town: Washington DC
Website or Map:
Event Type: tea, party, protest
Organized By: Lisa Miller

And just what is in this bill? Well, having had it for less than 24 hours, I can't tell you everything. But here are a few facts you may find interesting:

  • It is 1990 pages long.
  • It has about 400,000 words.
  • It contains a government-run "option,” which will effectively not be optional over the next 5-8 years.
  • It spends over $1 trillion. That amounts to over $2.2 million per word. (Some estimate the cost at $1.75 trillion during the first 10-years of the plan… it goes up later).
  • It uses the word "shall" 3,429 times. So, 3,429 times it ‘compels’ someone to do or not do something.
  • But one place where it uses the word "may" is in reference to whether Members of Congress "may" join the government run system. So, much of the public will be forced onto the government-run system but we in Congress will not. (Do what I say, not what I do)
  • It increases taxes on small business, wealthy individuals, all medical devices (including wheelchairs, bandages, and such), people who save for their own health care costs through health savings accounts, payroll taxes and anyone who does not buy health insurance.
  • It authorizes government funding of abortions, which is not allowed under current federal law.
  • Any state that has a limit on attorney's fees or punitive damage awards in malpractice cases (like California) must change that law to remove all limits or the state loses federal money under the bill. (blatant trial lawyer provision)
  • Your medical procedures will be taxed. (If you are a senior and are lucky enough to get the allowance for a pace maker, from the head of the death panel (no matter what they call them, you will pay taxes on the full gov’t estimated cost, whether the procedure is covered by Medicare or your Health Insurance
  • It creates 111 New Federal Bureaucracies... that the American People will pay for.

And that's just the beginning…

Update: Call to Action – Come to Washington DC for: Story Time for Congress, Meet-Up With Rep Michelle Bachmann and an anti-ObamaCare Tea Party (Nov 4th and 5th)

John Boehner: “Let America Read the HC Bill… – Boehner Encourages All Americans to Stand Up Against This Bill!!

Source: AARP Blog

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