Saturday, October 31, 2009

Update: STORY TIME FOR CONGRESS! NOV 4TH MOM’s 4 America Grp at 9AM EST – Then Bachmann at Noon Nov 5th at the Capital

Meet us in Washington, DC for "Story Time for Congress" as we read them the Healthcare Bill!

Wednesday, November 4th, 2009, beginning at 9 a.m. EST for Story Time for Congress 

Then meet-up with Rep Michele Bachmann on the 5th at Noon to Walk the Halls of Congress and a Tea Party

On Wednesday, November 4th, M.O.M.’s  4 America will be hosting "Story Time For Congress" to oppose the House Health Care Reform Bill. Beginning at 9:00 am all MOMs, who live within a reasonable distance to attend, are being called to report outside the Cannon Office Building at Independence Ave. & First Street, Washington, DC.  From there we will walk the halls and meet face to face with our Representatives. They think we have fallen asleep after our march on 9/12 and the town halls.  We must remind them that we are watching and we will not fall back to sleep.  WE still CAN stop this by numbers.

To help identify one another, I suggest we wear three ribbons on our lapels or wrist: red, white and blue.  Bring your knowledge of the bill so you can discuss your opposition to it with intelligence. That means we should all commit to reading a section of the bill and share that information with one another in our discussions and blog posts. I would even suggest you print a copy of the section you are committed to read and bring that to Capitol Hill with you. As we walk the halls we can take some time to read the bill out loud, as we would stories to our children. Hence the name of this gathering: "Story Time For Congress."  Remember to speak with boldness, not anger, and to hold to the truth.

For those who cannot get to Washington, go to your Representative’s local district offices and let the staff know you oppose this bill.  Use the same knowledge and boldness as those of us in D.C.

Finally, if you can do neither, then call like crazy!  Those of us in D.C. want to hear the phones in our Representatives office ringing off the hook.  We need face-to-face, or voice-to-voice opposition to be heard. This is too important for emails!

I look forward to meeting you on the HILL.  Please feel free to contact with any questions or comments anytime at  I have a blackberry and I can receive emails anywhere, anytime.

WE ask anyone who can to join us!!!!!!
Thank you for joining this fight!

After the monstrous HC bill was posted just in time for Halloween
Weekend Michele Bachman went on Sean Hannity to call Americans to stand-up against this bill.  Meet her in D.C if you can… and then join the Tea Party

Tea Party With Rep Michele Bachman

Time: November 5, 2009 from 12pm to 1pm
Location: US Capitol
Street: 1st and Constitution Ave NW
City/Town: Washington DC
Website or Map:
Event Type: tea, party, protest
Organized By: Lisa Miller


Minority Leader in the House John Boehner is also asking all Americans to stand up against ObamaCare!!

John Boehner:  “Let America Read the Healthcare Bill”

For those who want to read the bill and haven’t started, it may be found at:

Let Congress Hear You… Come Join Us or Call and Please Share This Information

Hope to see you on the Hill

United States Capitol switchboard at (202) 224-3121 or (202) 225-3121

(202) 225-0100 - Speaker of the House Pelosi - Elected Officials

Senators from your State.

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