Wednesday, September 9, 2009

ObamaCare Speech: A Bust!

Speech Filled With Rhetoric, Untruths, and the usual Obama Smoke and Mirrors; sprinkled with partisanship and disregard for the will of the American people.

President Obama had the chance of his presidency to win the Healthcare Reform battle tonight and be a Uniter. He failed miserably. He was partisan, talked out of both sides of his mouth, attacked and ignored Average America (Town Hallers and Tea Party Attendees) and was both evasive and less than truthful about what was in the bills, all and part of his and the Dems agenda!!!! Not one peep about understanding the feelings of all the people who have poured their hearts out at Congressional TownHall Meetings all summer other than they have been scared by right-wing fear mongers, as if they were all too stupid to think for themselves. (And no peep about the left-wing organized fear mongering by Nancy Pelosi, SEIU and ACORN).

Governor Tim Pawlenty said, “Tonight’s speech was more like “Rhetoric Collides with Reality” than an attempt at bipartisan reconciliation or anything but a move to more government control, which is Obama and liberal Dems (the Progressives) goal. Nobody but people who have ‘not’ read the bill or any reviews and only listen to Obamaganda from the White House through the controlled media outlets (especially NBC, ABC, CBS, the New York Times & the Huffington Post) felt tonight’s speech was a success or an attempt at real reform for the good of the American People.

Bottom-line, you cannot insure an additional 30 to 47 million people, depending on the day and the speech, maintain the level of healthcare and reduce or even maintain the cost(s).

Republican Rebuttal: GOP to Obama: “It’s Time to Start Over”

TRANSCRIPT: GOP Response to Obama's Health Care Address

Related Resources:

It’s Still Government-Run Health Care If ... Public Option or Trigger is Still Government-Run HealthCare… Or Will Be!!!! And Obama Definitely Left the Public Option or some version on the Table Tonight

Remember: Co-Op or Trigger = Public Option = Government-Run HealthCare (which will equal rationing!) Ask any Canadian or Brit!

And then the Cheap Trick for the night was not only placing Ted Kennedy’s widow Vicki next to Michelle Obama during the speech but then quoting “Teddy” while panning between Vicki and Ted’s Congressman son…

Obama Uses Kennedy's Death to Push Public Plan

So far Obama has invoked the God Card, the Race Card, “What Would Jesus Do” and now the Ted Card. With this much desperation you’d think there would be a little bipartisanship and acknowledgement of the wants of the American people if helping them were really goal… wouldn’t ya?

Text of Obama’s Speech to Joint Session as given to the Press

President Barack Obama's first address to a joint session of Congress, on February 24, 2009.

Josh Haner/The New York Times President Obama’s first address to a joint session of Congress, on Feb. 24, 2009. Tonight, in his second address, he unsuccessfully pressed his case for major health care legislation

"Healthcare Petition Presented to Lawmakers – Video

We will be breaking down Obama’s speech and posting his stretches and untruths from the speech, with references Please check back.

Posted: Knowledge Creates Power – Cross Posted: Daily Thought Pad

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