Thursday, September 10, 2009

Obama… “We Will Call You Out”

President Obama said yesterday in what should have been his bipartisan reconciliation healthcare reform speech, “If you misrepresent what is in this bill, we will call you out!”  Well perhaps that needs to go both ways.  When he and congressional Dems misrepresent what is in the bill(s) we need to call them out!

A very frustrated Rep Joe Wilson shouted out to the President, “You Lie”.  Certainly not behavior befitting of that setting, but probably a comment born out of frustration in hearing the same old rhetoric and certainly some untruths from the President.

There were quite a few topics including funding of abortions, healthcare coverage of illegals which prompted Rep Wilson’s outcry, death panels and how we were going to pay for this program that were misrepresented by President Obama and much opened ended rhetoric.

There was also no mention of empathy or understanding for all the people, average Americans, who have attended Town Halls and Tea Parties all summer, which pretty much sends the message that ‘I don’t understand or care how you feel, America’.  Not exactly the message you want to put forth if you are truly looking for support and pushing bipartisanship.

However when you examine the meat of the speech and realize that except for the tort reform fig leaf, with no details or thought behind it, and Obama’s McCain ploy, pretty much everything the Republicans, moderate Democrats and middle America does or doesn’t want was ignored.  Obama says a public option is in; intra-state insurance sales is out and the list of untruths above is being ignored.

The GOP has not been invited to the White House since April for input or discussion, nor have their bills or amendments been included in Congressional discussions.  Last night Obama said that if anyone had suggestions or a bill he was interested in hearing what they had to say.  Did anyone see the dozen or more Republicans waving bills??  Wonder if they will be invited to the White House today??

V.P.  Joe Biden, who is always out of step, said he felt that the President’s speech helped balance the healthcare issue.  Wonder which speech he was listening too?

At the moment of this writing, the White House has just announced another speech by President Obama on healthcare this morning (in about 15 minutes), about 12 hours after the last speech.   Could this really be true?  91% of people polled after the speech yesterday said it had no effect on them and the coverage on TV, radio, emails and the blogosphere is much more disappointed or negative than positive.  In fact they sound down right angry this morning!  People are frustrated and tired of Obama’s speeches, of which he has given more than the days he has spent in the Oval Office.

We can only hope that the President has slept on his comments and decided on a new more conciliatory approach.  But in reality, is seems more like an attempt to overwhelm us and the system, a major ploy of the left and outlined by Saul Alinsky in Rules for Radicals.  Publically ignoring your opponents is also a control technique.  They heard the town hallers and tea partiers, but are pretending to ignore them.  With the biggest Tea Party of his administration happening in Washington D.C. on 9/12, President Obama is ‘getting out of Dodge’ to attend a small staged event in Minnesota.

Keep standing up America and keep up the fight… it is one that America can’t lose!!  We will keep you updated on the GOP Governors’ teleconference this evening.

Ask Marion

Posted:  Daily Thought Pad – Cross Posted:  Knowledge Creates Power

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