Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Generational Racism is Old and Tired

Reverend Al Sharpton arrives at the "Get Schooled" conference and premiere hosted by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and Viacom on Tuesday Sept. 8, 2009, in Los Angeles. (AP Photo/Matt Sayles)

Jimmy Carter is 85 years old. Dave Letterman is 62, Nancy Pelosi is 69, Maureen Dowd is 57, and Al Sharpton is 54.

These are the people – and theirs is the generation – who are teaching America’s youth how to be racist in 2009. They are very good instructors.

Whether it’s Carter’s insistence that “an overwhelming portion” of the opposition to Obama is racist, or it’s Dowd declaring “Some people just can’t believe a black man is president,” or it’s Pelosi’s feigned crocodile tears over the “language being used,” or it’s Letterman baiting the president into a race discussion, each one of them is telling my generation and the ones that follow that race is merely a political weapon of expedience, to be used haphazardly and crudely simply to get what you want. As long as there is a convenient victim to prop up, some kind of imagined target of the hood-donning right, it doesn’t matter if the racism is real or perceived. It just matters that it’s effective.

And it used to be. Race was always a hot-button topic in this country, and it still is. But the sharpness of that threat has been dulled a bit. Thanks to the inarguable success of the civil rights movement, my generation, the 20- and 30-somethings, didn’t grow up encumbered by the aggressive identity politics of the 60s and 70s, or the kind of rhetoric that made white people scared to talk about race, and men scared to talk about gender.

So my generation isn’t so easily intimidated by discussions of race, because we were raised in a climate that was much less hostile toward them. And that should be a good thing, the unmitigated result of equality and justice, the mark of progress. We talk about race in blunt and unthreatening terms when race is an issue. And when it isn’t an issue, well, we don’t pretend it is.

Not so with the aging liberal cognoscenti, which, as of late, would be better labeled the “ignoscenti” for some of the baffling oddities they’ve uttered. For them, race is simply everywhere. It is hanging from the trees and falling from the sky. It’s in the air, in the water, it is both viscous and fluid, and permeates every willing orifice of every fertile sponge. The Sharptons and Dowds and Carters and Lettermans have decided that they’re not quite ready to live in the post-race America they effervesced about so dreamily and giddily during the presidential campaign. And why not? Because, as it turns out, living in a “racist America” is much more useful to them

Instead of discussing Obama’s plans for health care reform, immigration, foreign policy or the economy on their merits (or demerits, as it were), graying liberal finger-pointers have discovered it’s so much easier to simply play the race card. So any opposition to the president’s initiatives – which are frightening enough without projecting an imagined veil of racism onto them – quickly elicits throaty screams of “racism!” with the hope that all their enemies will scurry back into their caves, shamed into hiding by the tenured, holier-than-thou professors of race politics who are still clinging to their 1965 textbooks.

And some of them do scurry back into their caves, chastised and ridiculed. But I'd bet every time they weren't from my generation. We don’t take the scurrilous accusations levied at a Joe Wilson, or a tea partier or a town hall seriously – because they’re not. They are quite simply preposterous. And so, as we are wont to do, we point and laugh instead, throwing our heads back in bemusement at the old establishment fogies who’ve yet to enter the 21st century.

Race-baiting is so five minutes ago, we tell them – but it falls on deaf (or at least hearing-impaired) ears. No matter, they’re hoping that the old-school racializing of everything and anything (did Joe Wilson say “boy,” like Maureen Dowd said?! Gasp!) will come back into fashion. It won’t. Because my generation is the first that isn’t willing to go gentle into that good night, intimidated and threatened by Al Sharpton’s erratic dry-heaving or Maureen Dowd’s shrill lectures, or Jimmy Carter’s see-through sanctimony. I know they really, really want us to take them and their lunatic accusations of racism seriously, but we're rebelling instead. Better get used to it. It's all just part of the aging process.

The unfortunate thing is that racism is real. Racism does still exist here in America. I've seen it with my own eyes. And every time Nancy Pelosi or David Paterson or David Letterman pretends it lives somewhere it doesn’t, it makes it all the more difficult to find out where it actually does. So thanks, baby boomer liberals, for coming so far and trying to bring us with you. I think we’ll get off this train though. No one my age wants to go where you’re going: Back in time.

S. E. Cupp :: Columnist


by S. E. Cupp


I’m with you!  Good article!!

As the Obama presidency continues to be a complete disaster and in freefall and without any real defense for their failure, the main talking point for the left has become playing the race card. As the Obama administration and many their supporters have been proven wrong on healthcare, the economy, the war on terror, GITMO, unemployment and most recently ACORN they have begun to ratchet up their below the belt attacks typical of the left wing playbook who are not mentally capable of reality.

The recent racist column by Maureen Dowd shows their desperation, the same desperation we have seen escalating on this forum for a few weeks now as they see their socialist agenda coming to an abrupt end. So that is how I am judging the failures of the left from here on, when Franken votes down ACORN funding the left will call us racists, when the unemployment numbers come in we will be called racists for posting them, when Obamascare finally dies we will be called died in the wool crackers. So keep up the racial attacks, the more I hear it the better we are doing

A positive affect of all this recent race bating from the left is the death of the fear of being called a racist and whole crazy political correctness agenda by those baby-boomers who were never were racists but have been bullied into a corner where they have had to worry about any comment or joke or action that someone… anyone, however unstable or agenda focused, might misinterpret.  They are seeing that they have been played for years and after electing a black president, even after his associations with like of Weatherman Bill Ayers and Reverend Jeremiah Right, they are done feeling guilty!

Plus the more times you use the same ploy, like a dirty word, it stops having an affect.

There is still some racism in this country and from what we see a lot of it is coming from the left, and not necessarily from White people.  So far the racist remarks and race games have come primarily from the left, including the White House, and not too many people are listening or even care anymore.  A sad thing for true racist events.

Source: Knowledge Creates Power & the Daily Thought Pad – Please come visit often and share the wealth of knowledge with others.

Related Resources:

Will ‘ObamaCare’ Suffer a Carter Race Card Backlash?

Dems and Liberals – Stop With the Race Card and Political Correctness Game

Some Blacks Now Have Doubts About Obama

Obama Perhaps Too Conflicted to be a Post Racial Person

Prejudice in Paradise – Hawaii Has a Racism Problem

Every Critic A Racist

Op-Ed:  Obama’s Census Castrates Caucasians

Michelle Obama As Our First Lady???

We’ve Figured Him Out

Reparations By Way of Health Care Reform

White Guilt

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