Wednesday, September 23, 2009

American Progressivism – Glenn Beck Said He’d Rather Have Obama Than McCain

Glenn Beck: "I Think John McCain Would Have Been Worse for the Country than Barack Obama"

I do not know what Glenn will say later today about why he said McCain Would Have Been Worse for the Country than Obama… but I think his explanation might be that they are both Progressives (Obama probably being more of a socialist or even Marxist if you go by his own words… ‘judge me by the company I keep’.), but once people started paying attention to the radical policies and radicals surrounding the President in the White House, they would figure it all out and stand-up for themselves and America… which they have and are. Whereas John McCain appears more middle of the road or moderate and is a closet progressive, so nobody would have noticed until we were far down the road…

In both the 2004 and 2008 elections, the American People had the choice of the lesser of two evils in many ways. George Bush was a globalist , John McCain is a progressive, and John Kerry and Barack Obama are pretty much cut from the same clothe with ties to the same scary radical groups (Tides Foundation,etc). The Clintons and George Bush Sr. are also globalists or transnationalists.

If we really want a president with traditional and constitutional values that will put our country first , we need to do our homework on the candidates and vote with our heads… There are options to the same old same old that we have had the choice of and elected for years now ; those who have taken us down the road that most Americans didn’t want to go.

It is time to look at the Mitt Romneys, Sarah Palins, Mike Huckabees, Tim Pawlentys and Newt Gingrichs to name a few, as well as fresh names and faces.

It is also time to pay attention to what our children and grandchildren are learning in school, watching on TV and the music they are listening to. All these things are part of the dumbing down of America, that has been methodically happening for years now and feeds into the grander scheme…

I guess we’ll find out if Glenn has additional of different thoughts on McCain vs. Obama when this spot airs later today…

Watch CBS Videos Online - The entire show can be seen on later today, Wednesday 9/23/09

In her new show @katiecouric, the CBS Evening News anchor sat down with Fox News host Glenn Beck. Beck, who has been one of Pres. Obama's fiercest and most vocal critics, says last year's GOP nominee, John McCain, "would have been worse."

Glenn is out on tour promoting his new book: Arguing with Idiots following quickly in the heals of his #1 Best Seller List book: Glenn Beck's Common Sense.

By Chris Ariens on Sep 21, 2009 06:51 PM

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