A racially charged activist group called “Color of Change” founded by Van Jones, a special advisor to the Obama Administration, is trying to silence popular radio and Fox News personality Glenn Beck by calling for a boycott of Beck’s TV advertisers.
On July 28th, Beck made a comment on the Fox & Friends morning show about Obama’s reaction to the arrest of Dr. Henry Louis Gates Jr. During the discussion of “Professor-Gate,” Beck connected the President’s past association with Rev. Jeremiah Wright to Obama’s comment that Cambridge police officer, Sgt. James Crowley, acted stupidly. Though Beck acknowledged most of the Obama administration is in fact white, he concluded that the President’s world experience made him a “racist.”
Now “Color of Change” has bullied at least five of Beck’s big advertisers -- SC Johnson, Progressive Insurance, Geico, Procter & Gamble and Nexus Lexis -- to pull their ads from Beck’s national cable program. Jones, the founder of “Color of Change,” was named Special Advisor for Green Jobs at the White House Council on Environmental Quality -- a key administrative post -- this past March.
Putting tax-payer dollars to dubious use, the not-for-profit organization has hired well-heeled Hollywood publicist Ken Sunshine to further instigate the boycott.
by: Michelle Oddis - Human Events - 08/13/2009
Barack Obama's administration is seeking to track and suppress its political opponents.
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- CNN Bans Talk Radio Hosts… As Guests
- Culture of Corruption
- We Figured Him Out - Ben Stein
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- Liberty and Tyranny
- Nineteen Eighty-Four
- Liberal Fascism
Posted: Daily Thought Pad
America… This is another stealth attempt at the Fairness Doctrine; to control information and decent. This is not an issue of whether you agree with Glenn Beck or conservatives in general. This is a question of the Freedom of Speech, Freedom of Information and the Freedom of the Press.
Do not ever think that if someone that you disagree with is silenced that next time if won’t be you or someone you agree with.
I live in a senior community 55+, just moved here. (For those of you are between 55 and 65, like my husband and I, it is the greatest way to feel young. We are the “kids” on the block and the richness of information of the people around you if you take he time time to listen is amazing!!) We had a meeting here, a couple weeks ago, about healthcare reform (ObamaCare). With less than 2-full days notice we had over 300 people attend and most to them had at least begun to read HR 3200 if not finished it in its entirety… and so have I. The discussion was amazing… We had a combination of 10 still practicing or retired physicians and attorneys in the crowd; and everyone of them was pro reform but absolutely against the present bills. And more than a handful of people in the group volunteered that they had voted for Obama.
At the end of the meeting a little lady, 100-years old, who still drives to the local store, lives alone and had gotten up to read something to the group came up to me and a couple gals who were cleaning up and said, “Thank you for helping to put this together today! And please do not stop standing up. There is something very scary happening in our Country… I know!!” she added as she point to the faded concentration camp number on her arm.
Write and call Rupert Murdoch and Fox News and write to all the advertisers that are being threatened by Obama’s Green Czar to pull their advertisement from Glenn Beck’s show. You are not just fighting for Glenn Beck… you are fighting for freedom of speech, freedom information, freedom of the press… your Country and yourself and your family!!
Beware My Friends… First The Came~
When the Nazis came for the communists,
I remained silent;
I was not a communist.
Then they locked up the social democrats,
I remained silent;
I was not a social democrat.
Then they came for the trade unionists,
I did not protest;
I was not a trade unionist.
Then they came for the Catholics,
I did not protest;
I was a Protestant.
Then they came for the Jews,
I did not speak out;
I was not a Jew.
When they came for me, there was no one left to speak out for me.
Stand-up my friends… for Glenn Beck, for Freedom… for America!!
Tomorrow it could be you…
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