Sunday, June 24, 2012

Egyptian Zombie Apocalypse

By: Terresa Monroe-Hamilton – The NoisyRoom


Chandler’s Watch


Drudge Report

Turns out that reports by the mainstream media of the Muslim Brotherhood being ‘mostly secular’ and basically harmless, were somewhat off the mark. They were only ‘mostly dead.’ The Muslim Brotherhood’s Mohammed Morsi was named the winner of the Egyptian election for President this morning.

Morsi received up to 13.2 million votes out of just over 26 million, giving him approximately 51% of the vote. The other candidate, Ahmed Shafiq, the final Prime Minister under Hosni Mubarak, received 12.3 million votes. More than 800,000 ballots were invalidated. 95% of Egyptian Muslims in the United States voted for the Muslim Brotherhood. This also leaves the fate of about 12 million Coptic Christians in serious doubt. By Islmaic law, they can convert, pay the Jizya tax or die.

Upon winning, Morsi claimed that very little would change, except of course for the better. So, I guess that explains why, he has claimed “Our Capital ‘Shall Be Jerusalem, Allah Willing’.” Sounds like a threat of war to me.

And from Allen West:

A year ago there were those of us who warned the Obama Administration of a Muslim Brotherhood takeover in Egypt. We were castigated as alarmists and loose cannons. Today our predictions have come to reality and the ominous specter reminding us of the Iranian revolution is evident. The Muslim Brotherhood claimed they would not run a presidential candidate. Clearly the Arab Spring is nothing more than a radical Islamic nightmare. Now we need to unequivocally reiterate our support to the Coptic Christians and Israel. What an incredible foreign policy faux pas by the second coming of President Jimmy Carter, the Obama Administration. I call upon President Barack Obama to cut off American foreign aid to Egypt, denounce the results of this election, repudiate the Muslim Brotherhood, and all radical Islamist political entities.

Sadly, West should not hold his breath on Obama and his administration’s support. After all, Obama’s administration was so ‘worried’ that they instructed Egypt’s military to cede power to The Muslim Brotherhood:

The Obama administration warned Egypt’s military leaders on Monday to speedily hand over power or risk losing billions of dollars in U.S. military and economic aid to the country.

As Egypt’s Islamist candidate claimed victory in a presidential run-off, Pentagon and State Department officials expressed concern with a last-minute decree by Egypt’s ruling military council giving itself sweeping authority to maintain its grip on power and subordinate the nominal head of state. The move followed last week’s dissolution of parliament by an Egyptian court.

So, keeping faith with his Muslim roots, Obama utilized coercion bordering on extortion to ensure the handover of Egypt’s reins to The Muslim Brotherhood, taking the next step in a transition to a worldwide Caliphate and further down the road to a new dark ages, forcing Dhimmis to their subjective knees. From 1389 Blog:

And with this win and the ensuing celebrations of Muslims in Egypt and worldwide, there will certainly be changes. The Islamic police will almost certainly crack down on ‘violations’ of their faith and the iron fist of Shariah will descend everywhere. Take for instance an Egyptian man, who brutally beat his pregnant wife to death for not voting for Morsi. Change to die for.

This is not an Arab Spring, this is an Islamic winter in hell. Don’t pooh-pooh this and say, well, it’s just Egypt. No my friends, you are witnessing the escalation of World War III and Israel is ground zero. Tens of thousands are joyously dancing in Egypt’s streets, shouting ‘God is great!’ But these are the same violent, radical Jihadists who also said that should they come to power, they would wipe Israel from the face of the earth. A dark and vengeful God demands they do so and the world is in deep denial. Morsi is not only part of the Muslim Brotherhood, he has connections to Hamas and al Qaeda. Our White House evidently now has a revolving account for the Brotherhood so they can stay and schmooze with Obama. Birds of an Islamic feather.

Morsi will institute full Islamic law. 84% believe that heretics should be put to death, 82% believe that adulterers should be stoned and 77% believe that thieves should have their hands cut off. The barbarians have stormed the gates of the Middle East and are now ushering in their dream of a risen worldwide brutal Caliphate in the bloody name of Allah. The only thing worse that could happen, is if Egypt aligns with Iran. Oh, wait, the new regime is already aligned with Iran. They love death, we love Pepsi… Death is winning and the Egyptian Zombie Apocalypse is begun.


Islamist candidate wins Egyptian presidential election

White House invites Egyptian lawmaker tied to terrorist group

Reinvigorated Islam

FLASHBACK: Obama in Cairo in ‘09: America Will Not Support An Egyptian Gov‘t ’Ruthless in Suppressing the Rights of Others’; Will Only Welcome New Gov‘t ’With Respect for All’

**EXCLUSIVE** Some may remember that Walid broke the story last year about Anthony Weiner's wife, Huma Abedin, having close familial ties to the Muslim Brotherhood; her mother is a member. We have new information that there is a strong connection between Huma's mother and the wife of the man whom Egyptians just elected as their new president. 

Hillary Clinton's friends-alies:

How is Huma Abedin connected to Egypt’s new President?

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Anthony Weiner rears his head (don’t be frightened)

Related: Report: Tell-All Book Says Weiner Wanted Sexual Encounter With Another Man


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