Wednesday, January 11, 2012

New Hampshire Has Spoken… Romney Wins, Ron Paul 2nd, Almost a Democrat Huntsman 3rd and Tea Party Conservatives Killing Each Other and the Party?!?

Mitt Romney is the first Republican to win both Iowa and New Hampshire since 1976 and the only non-incumbent Republican to win both and with the second largest victory since Ronald Reagan.

Romney Wins New Hampshire Decisively and Wowed With Speech

As the first- and second-place finishers in Tuesday's New Hampshire primary, Mitt Romney and Ron Paul each made rousing victory speeches, though substantively and stylistically, the speeches couldn't have been more different.Mitt Romney, the clear victor in Tuesday night’s New Hampshire Primary, delivered a powerful victory speech to supporters, saying that America is “better than the misguided policies and broken promises of the last three years – and the failed leadership of one man.” Romney also stated that, unlike President Obama, he will “never apologize for the greatest nation in the history of the Earth.”

“Tonight we made history,” Romney began. “Tonight, we celebrate. Tomorrow, we go back to work.”

To the cheering crowd, the former Massachusetts governor reflected on several of Obama’s past “failed” promises, including “bringing people together” and delivering change to the “broken system in Washington.”

“He promised to improve our nation,” Romney said. “Those were the days of lofty promises made by a hopeful candidate. Today, we are faced with the disappointing record of a failed President.”

He added pointedly, “the last three years have held a lot of change, but they haven’t offered much hope.”

Fox News provides the video of Romney’s victory speech:

Watch the latest video at <a href=""></a>

Below are some of Romney’s more piquant criticisms of Obama, juxtaposed with what he would do differently if elected president:

This President puts his faith in government. We put our faith in the American people.

He is making the federal government bigger, burdensome, and bloated. I will make it simpler, smaller, and smarter.

He raised the national debt. I will cut, cap, and balance the budget.

He enacted job-killing regulations; I’ll eliminate them.

He lost our AAA credit rating; I’ll restore it.

He passed Obamacare; I’ll repeal it.

When it comes to the economy, my highest priority as President will be worrying about your job, not saving my own.

Internationally, President Obama has adopted an appeasement strategy. He believes America’s role as leader in the world is a thing of the past. I believe a strong America must – and will – lead the future.

He doesn’t see the need for overwhelming American military superiority. I will insist on a military so powerful no one would think of challenging it.

He chastises friends like Israel; I’ll stand with our friends.

He apologizes for America; I will never apologize for the greatest nation in the history of the Earth.

Our plans protect freedom and opportunity, and our blueprint is the Constitution of the United States

Ron Paul New Hampshire_20120110210451_JPGRon Paul says his campaign will be nibbling at Romney’s heels although he will not be participating in Florida.  Ron Paul also gave an inspiring speech to an excited crowd of his followers last night in New Hampshire.  Many feel that Ron Paul is really more focused on creating a movement and organization that he will ultimately hand over to his son Rand Paul, who is much more palatable of most conservatives and Republicans in general, to run in 2012.  Ron Paul is also defending Romney for his time spent at Bain Capital, agreeing with Mark Steyn, Frank Luntz and many others, that the Gingrich Perry attacks would expected from the left, not from Republicans.  He is now setting his eyes on Latinos in Nevada.

Jon Huntsman greets crowd at party on primary night in Manchester, New Hampshire.John Huntsman originally told people including Governor Huckabee that unless he came in first in New Hampshire, he would quit, but now at 3rd he is continuing on in South Carolina.

Huntsman’s response to Romney in Mandarin Chinese seems to have been more of a negative than positive.


President - GOP Primary Results  -  January 11, 2012 - 02:55PM ET

New Hampshire - 301 of 301 Precincts Reporting - 100%

Vote %

Romney , Mitt

Paul , Ron

Huntsman , Jon

Gingrich , Newt

Santorum , Rick

Perry , Rick

Roemer , Buddy

Total Write-ins

Bachmann , Michele

Karger , Fred

Johnson , Gary

Cain , Herman

Also: See the town-by-town breakdown

When you no longer have a horse in the race, the full field and finish line become much clearer.  You are no longer myopic focusing only on your candidate and your ideals when there is an obvious next step.  My girl Sarah didn’t run, so I find myself in this very place.

I was exceedingly happy to hear Mark Steyn, someone whose opinion I respect immensely along with pollster Frank Luntz on Hannity after the New Hampshire race was called, within an hour of the polls in New Hampshire closing, and the candidates were giving their speeches, echo my feelings.  Mark said with the economy being the biggest crisis in the upcoming election and no country in the history of world ever having this much debt that he was amazed that we have Newt Gingrich and Rick Perry attacking Mitt Romney on economic freedom.  He continued to say that it is amazing that both Gingrich and Perry, who claim to be true conservatives, are running and attacking Romney form the left on this issue.  “There is plenty for the candidates to talk about, plus the primaries are places to test the party’s arguments against Obama, but the candidates aren’t doing that.”, added Frank Luntz.

Tim Pawlenty was also a guest on Hannity saying that Speaker Gingrich, who has also worked for an equity firm, like Bain Capital, as well as other candidates are now attacking capitalism, like Democrats, rather than the plethora of legitimate issues that could and should be discussed.  He also said that in reality, if we are looking at the economy and jobs as the main issue in the upcoming election, Mitt Romney is the only candidate who has worked in the private sector, created jobs, saved jobs, saved the Olympics and held elected office, including President Obama.

Guest after guest on both Hannity and on On the Record questioned the types of attacks on frontrunner Romney, as did second place winner Ron Paul earlier in the day.  Perry, who was already in South Carolina was calling Bain Capital: Vulture Capitalism and Newt’s anger and flip seemed to make more people move toward Romney, Paul and even Huntsman and away from the conservatives Perry, Santorum and Gingrich himself.

Another question that was raised over and over again was where is the Tea Party?  And where is the anger of the American People… the unemployed at the polls, like in the 2010 election.  After all the only really true tea party candidate, Michele Bachmann got so little support, she had to drop out.  It is a question that those of us worried about the direction of our country and focused on the defeat of Barack Obama should be asking themselves.  Why did the tea party not come out in droves for Michele Bachmann and concerned patriots not support her financially?  You also have to ask yourself, how can Mitt continue to promote himself as a Reagan friend and republican and continue to break the Reagan commandment of never attacking another Republican, especially one who is running for president.

Mark Steyn closed with it is a difficult time for conservatives… A moderate just one the first two primaries, a candidate you can’t even label won second place, and an “almost” Democrat won 3rd place after the conservative right allowed Michele Bachmann to have to drop out of the race.

Most experts… anything can happen but in reality, it’s pretty much…. Game Over!  The tea party and conservative right didn’t pull together in time!  Brit Hume reported today that in the newest polls 59% of Republicans and 59% of Independents say that Mitt Romney is acceptable to them as President of the United States and more Dems say they would vote for him than anyone else in the GOP field.

The race is now in full force in South Carolina, with another debate hosted by Fox News Monday night, where Romney has been endorsed by popular tea party governor Nikki Hayley, but will be pelted with negative ads from all his GOP rivals.

Romney is leading in the polls in South Carolina and will spend at least one day in Florida before the SC vote. 


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Romney and Paul’s Dueling New Hampshire Speeches

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