Friday, December 16, 2011

Happy 4th Birthday to the Modern Tea Party

December 4th, 2007 was the birth of the modern day Tea Party.


Ron Paul reminded watchers at the end of his interview with Sean Hannity in the Spin Room after yesterdays (12.15.11) Iowa Debate.

Ron Paul is considered the God Father of the Tea Party by many, as Sarah Palin is considered one of its leading inspirations.  Her absence from the 2012 Presidential Race leaves many Tea Party members in limbo. Others who were there from the inception, feel that many who weren’t there on the first day, including Sarah Palin, as imposters.

December 16, 2011

Happy Tea Party Day

Today marks the 238th anniversary of the Boston Tea Party and the 4th anniversary of the Austin Tea Party (I was lucky enough to participate), which marked the reawakening of the American spirit and hopefully the beginning of the end of overbearing, unaccountable, corporatist Federal government. Despite the top-down establishment hijacking/bastardization of the Tea Party redux, it hasn't hampered the spirit in which it was formed. In fact, I believe we're reaching a critical mass of those who hold those original core principles, and we still have a formidable torch bearer to foster further coalescence for years to come.

It's been sad to watch the post-inauguration Tea Party become an empty shell of its former self and be slowly filled with noxious neoconservative gas that chokes out all credibility. If a new neocon is installed in the White House, I anticipate a cooling contraction of the Tea Party and a long hibernation of the sunshine patriots that corrupted the movement into supporting goons like Rick Perry, Herman Cain, Sarah Palin, and yes, even Newt Gingrich. Read Full Article Here

By BSspotter in Paradigm Shifter – The Austin Tea Party

Video:  The Tea Party Started In 2007 And Ron Paul Is The Godfather

Many feel that Michele Bachmann, Rick Santorum and Ron Paul the real deal in the GOP field and that Perry and Gingrich are imposters.

The important fact is that the Tea Party is a grassroots movement that changed the conversation of America and was a factor the Progressives and Global Elites were not counting on.


Greg Gutfeld Calls Ron Paul ‘Original Tea Party Candidate’, Eric Bolling Cringes

 Bad Guy Globalist Elite Brzezinski: GOP, Post, Tea Party Are Ignorant

Sarah Palins Absence Sidelines Tea Party

Ron Paul Tea Party Day Money Bomb Ad

Newt’s Push for Bipartisanship at Tea Party Birthday Event

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