Friday, October 28, 2011

Priceless: CAIR Attacks Adam Hasner and Allen West on same day Muslim Islamist attacks American Embassy

It gets no better than this. Today, October 28th, Tampa Bay Online posts a column by Hassan Shibly, J.D., a Muslim activist and the executive director of CAIR-Tampa, calling Adam Hasner and Allen West extremists. A few hours after this column is posted a Muslim gunman, in Sarajevo, Bosnia opens fire on the American embassy. Remember President Clinton went to war to protect the Bosnian Muslims from the Serbs.

How prophetic that an extremist attacks while his Muslim brother attacks, one with a gun the other with a pen. Both have the same objective - to destroy those who condemn the actions of shariah Islamists.

According to Reuters, "The gunman was wounded by a police sniper during the attack in Sarajevo's busy downtown, in which a police officer was seriously wounded and shop workers scrambled for cover. Bosnian television identified the man, bearded and carrying a Kalashnikov assault rifle, as 23-year-old Mevlid Jasarevic, a Serbian citizen from the mainly Muslim town of Novi Pazar."

Hassan Shibly states, "In April 2009 Hasner hosted Geert Wilders at a "Free Speech Summit" in Florida. There, Wilders stated: 'We need strong leaders … like Allen West and Adam Hasner. … We have to go on the offensive. We have to start fighting back. … We should stop pretending that Islam is a religion. It is not a religion, but a totalitarian ideology, and the right to religious freedom should not apply to Islam. We have to close down Islamic schools, for they are fascist institutions where young people are brought up with an ideology of violence. … There is no such thing as moderate Islam'. …"

Shibly is upset that Adam Hasner and Allen West did not denounce Wilders. Well, guess what, Wilders is right and he should know what it is like to be attacked for speaking out against Islam. Wilders was exonerated for producing the movie "Fitna", which quotes the Qur'an and gives graphic examples of its words implemented in blood and violence.

Islam is not the religion of peace. It has been at war with anyone and everyone who resists it since its inception.

According to Shibly, "Hasner never repudiated Wilders' call to limit freedom of religion, to persecute Muslims, and to destroy free speech by shutting down Muslim schools. In fact, Hasner openly said that 'The enemy … is Sharia-compliant Islam.' West has also publicly said that 'terrorism is not a perversion [of Islam]. [Terrorists] are doing exactly what this book [The Quran] says'."

All I can say is just read the daily headlines and you will see shariah Islam at work and it is not a pretty site.

Shibly is using an age old tactic, using the freedoms he enjoys to create Islamic opposition to patriotic Americans like Hasner and West. This tactic was used by the Communists to take power in the former Soviet Union. As Nikolai Bukarin, Communist Director of Industrial Development, U.S.S.R. stated, "We asked for freedom of the press, thought, and civil liberties in the past because we were in the opposition and needed these liberties to conquer. Now that we have conquered, there is no longer any need for such civil liberties."

Source:  Tea Party Nation

Wake-up America… they are making their move…

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