Wednesday, October 12, 2011

California: A Constitution Free Zone

Take a good hard look folks… if Obama is re-elected the California Nanny State will be the mirror America will be looking into… if things go well.  Greece and expansion of Sharia and International Law over the Constitution implemented through the United Nations is the other option!

Nanny-State Insanity

UPI - California Governor Jerry Brown signed two laws protecting the "privacy" of children and vetoed one protecting the privacy of adults.

More Nanny State Insanity…

Look up insanity in the dictionary and a photo of California and that State’s Governor, Jerry Brown, are probably next to the word. If not, they should be, for there is no other explanation for two recently passed laws in that State.

The youngest legal age for using a tanning bed has been raised from 14 to 18, and children 12 years or older can obtain a vaccination “treatment” for sexually transmitted diseases without parental consent. This is nanny-state insanity.

And while Brown preens over protecting the “privacy” of children, he vetoed away the right of privacy for adults who are arrested by police. He struck down legislation that would have required law enforcement to obtain a warrant before searching the cellphones of arrestees.


Gov. Brown just signed a bill to ban cities and counties from mandating E-Verify for their contractors and businesses.  Despite the Supreme Court ruling in August that state and local governments can mandate E-Verify to prevent taxpayer dollars from going to illegal aliens, this rogue, corrupt governor signed AB 1236 anyway.  He is officially working with organized crime to destroy the rule of law in California.

Time for a Congressional Investigation to determine just who Jerry Brown is working for.   Obviously with the 3 illegal alien bills he signed this weekend, he is beholden to foreign (Mexico) special interests.

Dozens of cities and counties in CA have been using E-Verify with no problems, except that illegal aliens are no longer being hired.  Gov. Brown decided to side with the criminals again.

A Constitution Free ZoneTea Party Nation

If you ever wonder why the framers of the Constitution and our founding fathers thought the Bill of Rights was so important to the Constitution, you need to look no further than the liberal politicians in the State of California.

California’s left wing government thinks there is a constitutional right for homosexuals to marry but you cannot have a gun in California.  In California, the authorities try to restrict speech based on the fact that they do not like it.

I have read the Constitution.  No matter where you fall on the issue of gay marriage, something can be said with absolute certainty.   The Constitution protects free speech.  The Constitution protects the right to keep and bear arms.  The Constitution is absolutely silent on the issue of gay marriage, not to mention marriage at all.

Another nail has been driven into the coffin containing Constitutional rights in California.  California has just enacted a law that bans the open carrying of unloaded handguns and registration of long guns.

California has banned the open carry of loaded handguns, except in a few exceptions and California has made it very difficult to obtain a concealed carry permit.  In fact, one of the requirements to get a concealed carry permit in California is that you must be a brain dead celebrity who rants about the horrifying fact that some people actually own guns.

Our founding fathers knew a couple of things.  First, an armed populace is a great deterrent against tyranny, invasion and bad behavior.  

Leftists scream about how dangerous guns are.  They scream that if we allow mere citizens to carry guns, there will be bloodbaths.  If we let mere citizens carry weapons, there will be shootouts in the streets.

However, as with all liberal hysteria, those tirades are long on silly emotional screaming and very short on facts.  A majority of states allow either open carry or as I like to call it, “Constitutional carry” or concealed carry.

Not only are the bodies not piling up in these states, these are also the states that have the lowest crime rates.  Criminals may be lazy but are not totally stupid.  They look for the easiest target and certainly do not want to mix it up with someone who is carrying a gun and probably knows how to use it.

While the left screams about the myth of how dangerous guns are, they are amazingly silent on something else.   Almost every week, we hear stories about people who legally own and carry firearms.  Not only are they not committing crimes, they are stopping crimes.

Interestingly enough in Chicago and DC, after handgun bans were struck down, crime dropped!

Compare that to what happened in Britain, Ireland and Australia.  When they banned guns, their crime rates went through the roof. 

As California works to further ban guns, look for crime to continue to rise in the land of fruits and nuts.  Hopefully, the Supreme Court will eventually reverse that decision and impose some sanity on California.

In the meanwhile, Jerry Brown and company are proving the truth of the statement that our country was designed by geniuses and run by morons.

California is guilty of breeching the Constitution.

California Bans Open Carry of Handguns  -  Mexican Mafia celebrates!!

He also signed two other anti-gun bills including regulating long gun sales (AB 800).  He also signed SB 819.

He vetoed one gun bill only because the issue is already tied up in the courts.

h/t  to Jeff Schwilk  -  San Diego Border & Immigration Intel  -  SoCal Patriot Coalition

Video: California at its Best (or Worst):  Cheech and Chong’s Magic Brownie Adventure

By Marion Algier an ex-Californian who remembers when California was the state everyone wanted to move to…

I think the best part of Bob Livingston’s blurb on Personal Liberty on California’s Nanny State Insanity are the comments that followed… Here are a few of them below:
101 Responses to “Nanny-State Insanity”

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  1. spxz says:

    October 12, 2011 at 7:22 am

    I guess Gloria Allred is proud. She was perhaps a singular figure in Brow’s win. We can’t call it a victory, as that implies it was desirable. His actions to remove citizens rights is incomprehensible, yet he showed his concern for all by upping the age for mirrored tanning. That tanning was such a social problem! Gloria, you can’t be so stupid as to believe this is what California needs as governor. Then again, attorney’s seldom care about things that affect others, unless it enriches them personally.


    • 2WarAbnVet says:

      October 12, 2011 at 9:12 am

      Well, tanning may have been a problem in California. Everything else seems to be.


    • ALL AMERICAN says:

      October 12, 2011 at 10:27 am

      …And I am stuck in California…
      This state BLOWS !!!


    • Jwe3142 says:

      October 12, 2011 at 12:38 pm

      I am amazed at how everyone blames Jerry Brown for the state of affairs in California…. It is not “jerry’s fault) it is the FAULT of the Left Media and the air heads of California (whose brains have been baked by the sun) that are at fault…. They hate to raise taxes but love freebies… they hate the unemployment but support illegals in their state ( that also begs for Federal Bail out… that is OUR tax money going to support those that are too lazy and stupid to take care of their own problems) The State of California is a cancer to the rest of the nation….. Maybe a frontal labotomy would really clear their heads….


  2. sean murrey ILLIniois says:

    October 12, 2011 at 7:26 am

    It reminds me of hitlers nazi Gremany.


  3. Susan says:

    October 12, 2011 at 7:33 am

    California needs to be it’s own country!


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