Monday, August 1, 2011

A Republic Destroyed… So This Is How Liberty Dies?

Video:  So This Is How Liberty Dies

Every day we allow them to take one more freedom, one more right one more tax dollar… expecting things to be different?!?

How about these:

Family Farms Are Under Attack  - Agenda 21 Update

House Committee passes bill requiring your ISP to spy on every click and keystroke you make online
Every Move You Make, Every Click You Take, I’ll Be Watching You
House panel approves broadened ISP snooping bill

C-SPAN Censors Audio During Protest in the House

Please Call You Congressman and tell them… “NO MORE”!

A republic destroyed!

A Republic sabotaged by 14th Amendment, the RED AMENDMET: Part 1.

Ever wonder why the nation is in the fix that it is? Is it the result of political ignorance, not remembering, not consulting the nations history, or is it by design and as a concept, given premier social engineering?

Take a look and view, the 14th Amendment and come to the realization of what the crux of the problem really is. For generations since the Civil War, we the people have been sabotaged by the government employees, ("as Senator McCain can be quoted as saying: [" I am a government employee"] )

What kind of government do we have?

As the fictional character Morpheus, the “Matrix” once stated-

“I’m trying to free your mind, Neo. But, I can only show you the door-You’re the one who has to walk through it.” (So true of all of us and because of that failing to walk through the door thus seeking further knowledge, we become enslaved through generational acceptance of lies and extortion.)

And so here we are, information is available and, be it right, wrong or indifferent, we have to be able to discern a given element of particulars in order to understand truth of fact, versus fiction or conspiracy theory. We must ask ourselves a very serious question: Has our awareness been lulled as to assume that we are secure within our government, or in fact, have we been given a “false” sense of security, living under a false flag?

As in our case, there are two types of government, 1. de facto and 2. de jure.

As in government, de facto, is not according to law while, de jure is according to law.

As per Black’s Law Dictionary: Sixth Edition Deluxe.

DE FACTO: In fact (should actually be of fact), is distinguished from “de jure,” by right.

De Jure: By right; by lawful right; rightfully ‘ complying with the law in all respects; valid in law (i.e. constitutional; in conformity with the law of nations)

P 1

We are often speaking in terms of, “think outside of the box”, in other words, we need to think differently, or from a different perspective, not as we are or have been programmed to think. We must be able to discern truth

from false programming as it is quite factual, we are programmed from day one of our lives, and as we mature and enter the stage of politics, we are programmed to digest every and any thing that the government, “De Facto” government, throws our way. Think of it as control.

Staying in the box of a programmed society causes, in many cases, severe abnormalities such as tunnel vision. In order to explore the other side of life, we need to reprogram ourselves by opening our minds and asking such question as-“what if?” What if things are actually not what we are led to believe them to be. We, in order to be a free people, have got to be able to think like a free people and therefore have the fortitude to question authority. There are always two sides to any issue when it comes to government, that is “they”, “them”, and “us”, we,

the people. It is always a case, just as it is with the police, as an example and used frequently as, “them and us”, which in that case, we are the them and the police are the us.

When it comes to living within the confines of a controlling government, we become enslaved and that enslavement all too often is malevolent and inflicted in a stealth like manner, much like the much touted but rebuked National Health Care bill. We are now witnessing the effects of social programming as administered in the don’t ask don’t tell mind set installed within our military and the programming of our young people within the education system. Government working in stealth is a government that burdens us with ramifications that comes a time, we have to deal with, like it or not. There are those who wish or do not understand why they should think outside of the box, and then there are those, hopefully those being us, as in “us and them”, who are willing to question and deal with the ramifications that are planned for us. There are many weapons used to gain and hold control over a people, one seldom given consideration and challenged is that of “Legal Language”. Legal Language is the tool that has been utilized to usurp your natural, unalienable, and constitutional rights.

We have to come to an understanding, and one that will be revealed if we think and start to live outside of the proverbial box that Legal Language has provided the vehicle through which we have not been living under the true Constitution that was established by the founding fathers. In exploring Legal Language, we can come to understand that we have not, and are not living under what we assume to be a free state as we have been conditioned or programmed to believe or told as being a free state. Hopefully, we can discover truth from fiction as to whether we have been misled or not. It is obvious that for the most part, Americans awareness has been lulled and therefore are incognizant of what has really happened within our learning and application thereof.

P 2

We as a people of this great nation are finding ourselves in a severe case of “Dire Straits” and it is necessary for us to find out what the new “Political Situation” really is. We must gain the necessary information that will assist in emancipating ourselves from an unwitting servitude. With out proper and understandable available information for our emancipation as free borne Americans, we will not gain our true freedom, or better yet, unalienable rights. This emancipation process comes from the pursuance of the Law of Nations; by which, such status is protected by what is to be referred to as the "organic" Constitution. To paraphrase Morpheus, “the Matrix”, with out knowing the path, we cannot walk the path.


In order to think out side off the box of political control and dominance, we have got to give consideration to a conspiracy, a conspiracy that is factual rather than theoretical. Of all the conspiracies that we have been faced with of recent, Obama’s “birth certificate/ineligibility…”, “Operation Fast and Furious”, “open borders” and not so recent, “The War on Drugs-on going”, “911”, “The Branch Davidian Massacre, Waco Texas”, “President Kennedy Assassination” and others too numerous to mention. There remains one conspiracy more evil than any other that we, the United States of America have ever seen. This conspiracy is the termination of the organic Constitution and since the Civil War, the “Reconstruction Era”, the incorporation of the United States of America and the nullification, so to say of states sovereignty.

Since 9 July 1868, one of the greatest conspiracies ever bestowed upon the United States has probably been more distasteful, stellar influences ever experienced upon our individual sovereignty and freedoms as natural born citizens to this “once great nation.” This conspiracy is in plain sight for all to see as all are living in it but few will have the courage to think outside of the box to explore and question with resolve the most evil conspiracy yet experienced. With the exception of a few two legged persons, once something is killed or dead, it is diminished forever. Let’s hope that is not the case if enough of us plant the seed to think outside of the box.

By exploring section 4 of the 14 Amendment to the Constitution of the United States and understanding the issue of public debt of the United States and slaves we should come away with a complete understanding of the conspiracy of this nations intended death. Exploring beyond section1 of the 14 Amendment is seldom if ever heard of by the common person, in the circles of law perhaps but even then, ignored. By going beyond the 1st section of 14, that is where the evil of the 14 Amendment lies and are those issues that are truly unconscionable and wicked.

P 3

There is dual reference to the 14th Amendment, which are:

It was / is a vehicle for the implementation of Communism in America. America being the biggest challenge to the Communist cabalists, the Cold War was just one phase of distraction for the public to focus on while Communism is much older and started its conquest many years before the cold war. Think, the “Great Depression” as one vehicle of destruction.

It was / is a vehicle to deliberately bring the United States into perpetual debt. (Does that sound familiar by today’s standards?)

The first item of this conspiracy was necessarily designed and implemented in order to bring about the 2nd part of the vehicle to hell.

This nation experienced two wars in its birthing, one was the ever famous Revolutionary War which put us on the road to freedom, and the second was the war of 1812 which again was a war with the British Empire which is most famous for the burning of our capitol, Washington D.C. It was after the war of 1812 when the sinister covert forces of the “World Elite” who will be referred as the “they” syndrome as afore mentioned, also inferred to as the “Order”. The Order can also be referred to mean the “New World Order” and as, if you will remember when President George Bush Sr. brought the title New World Order into play during “Desert Storm”. That proclamation brought me up off of the couch! None the less, this will prove to a minimum the evil, covert takeover of the United States of America.

Illuminati / Masonry

This could be offensive to some as it was to me, but study proves out and opinions change.

There is a great to do over secrete societies such as the Illuminati and Masonry, or the Skull and Bones, coupled with the Bilderberg Group and or the Council on Foreign Relations. We are witness of take over by secrete societies, otherwise referred to as “puppets”, and Mainly of the Masonic Order. Offensive to some? But of course, was to me as a Mason, until I took a step outside of the box and started to question authority. The harm instilled is that of the rank and file of these subversive fraternities or secrete confederacies if you will. Just as the rank and file feed on the bile spewed from the international heads.

As a result of homage and symbolism, their presence is well known and advertised as printed on the various denominations of the Federal Reserve Notes; Notes of Debt. There are such symbols that have to be taken into consideration and further study.

P 4

Consider: There are many theories, but consider one for example.

The pyramid with the eerie illuminated eye, and The Great seal of the “United States”

One should also consult a text on symbolism as well. *There is much speculation that Washington D.C. was laid out to be a giant clandestine Masonic play ground, where many other symbolisms can be found.

One of the most intriguing of these symbolisms is the Washington Monument. The monument that you see is 555 feet tall. The sub-structure of the Monument is 20 percent of 555; or 111 feet. Add the two together and you get 666; the Mark of the Beast as mentioned in the Bible. Coincidental: Perhaps…but highly doubtful. (Is this coincidental or by design?) This positions America as being Neo-Babylon: The New World Order, i.e. The Order. *(Taken directly from the text, The Red Amendment)

Patriotism Directed to Military

As the United States holds dominance in world power and enjoys the act of nation building by spreading “democracy” (watch that word-democracy) that power of dominance has to be initiated and advanced by some means of a force of mass. Thus enters the United States military in initiating world dominance of power. Yes, we do have the world’s best fighting force but in today’s language, much misapplied. War, not only from a Patriotic point of view but as viewed from that of a sporting event as in team competition. i.e. our special forces our do their special forces, and that not to take away from our special forces but only to demonstrate a similarity as in the Marines being better or worse than the Army sort of thing. Fact is, this condition is directly related to patriotism, and that in its self generates a mentality of self righteous superiority to aggress or to be misapplied as in the bombing of other sovereignties or nations such as Libya, and that is not to say that Libya is a problematic nation as far as the west is concerned, but it is commonly agreed that we do not have any business bombing Libya with out a reason for a declaration of war. Much the same of course can be made for other past and present incursion / invasions for the sake of spreading that most misused word, “democracy”.

These same demonstrations were used by many nefarious dictators, such as Hitler for example to promote a reason. Any excuse is a good excuse as long as it is sellable and gives the appearance of being “Patriotic”. There are two standards as associated with a war or conflict.

P 5


1) One who loves, supports, and defends one’s country.

2) One who serves or works merely for monetary gain; a hireling.
(a). A professional soldier hired for service in a foreign army.

There are also two types of Patriots, one who as a Patriot for duty and honor becomes a member of the nations military, and one, a civilian who either was a member of the nations military and becomes a civilian or the civilian who was never in the nations military but stands ready as a defender of the nation willing to meet all enemies foreign and domestic. All too often since WWII has the United States involved itself in police actions, some under the authority of the United Nations, and others at the behest of, perhaps nation building for future gain, but none which can definitely be classified as in defense of the United States; especially while allowing an invasion of criminally illegal and clandestine person’s to stampede across our southern border.

When it comes to the Constitution, Article 1 of the U.S. Constitution states that Congress has the power to raise and support Armies, but no appropriation of money that use shall be for a longer term than two years. Actually, there is no reason for the United States to sustain a standing Army, Navy, or Air Force. This of course has been common practice since the Civil War. In the involvement of on going foreign conflicts past and present since WWII, would not the United States be considered a foreign entity in these areas of conflict either initiated by the U.S. or other nations? Wouldn’t this then classify the United States as a mercenary force. Now, enters the financiers and the Military/Industrial complex. As is too often the case being, ”it takes money to make money.” From what can be considered covert theft and slave labor, we are able to make reason for the being of the 14th Amendment. There is a term known as the Quiet War on Americans. The “Blueprint” used to create this dominance was-and is-entitled: Communism.


Neo-Slavery, never heard of it until now and as engendered by the 14th Amendment. “Wars and rebellions are, the two most mortal diseases of society.

P 6

Alexander Hamilton

Debt; a virulent product of war, couple that with Social Programs and debt is the primary crippler of a nation, our nation, the United States of America. Just think about the "Cut, Cap, and Trade

debat that is going on today, a push me, pull me syndrome. There should be nothing to debate on this issue, debt is death and that is final. As a result of debt, loans are arranged and those arrangements have to be made through the interfacing of the World Banks, the World Elite, and that being a paid political doctrine otherwise known as Communism. Now, we come to learn and understand a, not in our normal language, but the new America, the term “State”, not as in Ohio, New Mexico, Oregon…. but as in the context of the United States as a nation. We end up with an “economic slave force” under the banner of “The State”.

The State, to state it as in a Communist form of meaning.

Ballentine’s Law Dictionary defines Communism as:

Communism: In the pristine sense, is the ownership of the means of production by the community, each member of the community participating in production according to his ability and sharing in the products according to his need.

In common usage of the present day suggestive, of the theories of Marx, Lenin, politics, and authoritarian rule.

There are numerous expressions of the title Communism/Communist as: Democracy, Socialism, Liberalism, Fascism, and of course Progressive. As Progressive is basically a new term and heavily used by conservative talk hosts and now having entered the mainstream of the public vocabulary, these terms are constantly altered or revised as a deviation from the original meaning, that being Communist. As in the case of Progressive, that was touted as being one who was thinking out of the box and perhaps using imagineering as a useful tool for the sake of good for all concerned. Regardless as to how the language is contrived in order to establish a new moniker for Communism, it will still fall under the contrivance of Carl Marx and Fredrick Engel’s as in the “Communist Manifesto”. The purpose of the Communist Manifesto as a blue print is to enslave and control nations with a perpetual debt while creating personal debt through materialism.

P 7

Materialism has been one source of social diversion from all issues of a political nature, which in turn will alter any semblance of a free life style while control is being implemented through stealth management. In reviewing the “Ten Planks of the Communist Manifesto”, one can easily see in parallel as to what has and is happening to the United States of America. Stealth management is the product applied for enslavement of the taxpayer in order to satisfy a none-satisfiable, national debt as well as being applied through out the world as a means of world dominance under Communism.

Ten Planks of the Communist Manifesto:

1. Abolition of property in land and the application of all rents of land to public purposes.

2. A heavy progressive or graduated income tax.

3. Abolition of all rights of inheritance.


5. Centralization of credit in the hands of the State.

6. Centralization of the means of communications and transportation in the hands of the State. (Think executive orders)

7. Extension of factories and instruments of production owned by the State. 8. Equal liability of all to labor. The establishment of industrial armies; especially for agriculture.

9. Combination of agriculture with manufacturing industries, gradual abolition of the distinction between town and country, by a more equitable distribution of population over the country. (Think-an executive order by pres. Nixon)

10. Free education for all children in public schools. Abolition of children's factory labor in its present form. Combination of education with industrial production.


In thinking about how far the Progressive footprint has made it thus fare, as in the political arena, is there a representation of anything that has occurred to date? Are there parallels that are relevant today? There are many questions that could be asked in order to confirm a parallel between the Ten Planks of the Communist Manifesto and our activities such as subsidies, either agricultural, or industrial, public transportation i.e. Amtrak, Interstate Highways, Aviation subsidies, Utilities, and above all others, the Federal Reserve Bank and debtor notes as printed by the Federal Reserve which have nothing tangible for backing other than the promise of the tax payer.

P 8

Education can not be dismissed as in the fact that as in public schools religion can not be expressed, with exception of Islam perhaps, and evolution can be taught while history, nationalism is debunked or rendered as a negative and in the states, many do not teach state history but opt for cultural studies of either Latin, or Islam.


Now, let's move into the realm of "Control". Control, the ultimate goal of any totalitarian unit in command, or assuming command by what ever means. Bottom line is to gain control and maintain control for the sake of dominance of one over another. We are quite well aware of the fact that the government, the state, has had and does have control over the schools. So, enters "Neo-Slavery". A simple question, "Neo-Slavery", what is it? Neo-Slavery in our time, a new slave type which is very real and applicable and would be that form of slavery that replaced the slavery of a given race, the black African race which was in effect prior to the end of the Civil War, where at the end of the war and through the establishment of the 14 th Amendment, the new, or "Neo-Slavery" came into being, and that slavery shifted the blacks from private ownership to federal ownership. Along with the "Neo- Slavery" transitioning the black slave from private ownership to federal ownership also included all other races, the whites, browns, reds and the yellow races, otherwise known as and classified as "citizens", all of those Americans who were brought into the Union state as mandated tax payers, and obligators of federal law. This was the beginning of the end for states of independent nations status, and the loss of their sovereignty and now under federal control, not the Republic as in terms of which we like to think ourselves as being under. More on that later.

Neo-Slavery can only be initiated through, the "dummying down", "conditioning" process that we are just now understanding as being a reality, and starting very early in our schools. Another term to apply to this gradual yielding to control would be the utilization of "mind control". As and if you do remember the sudden shift in the social structure of the 60's; once women started exercising their independence as in throwing away the bra, no make up, and most pronounced since WWII, entering the work force. Independence in personality, and desires, are not all bad for anybody, other than those reasons of and for the Controllers, but there was a more sinister reason for encouraging the woman to enter the work force as part of the wage earner status, and that is the added revenue to the federal government as in, increasing the tax base. The feds can't get a piece of the female population if they are home raising their children? Therefore, women must be working. To further the plot of this silent Neo-Slavery, get people hooked on materialism and overspending, thus creating and increasing personal debt.

P 9

   Who hasn't been in or are in debt? Debt, has been an institutional way of life in America. The media, as we know the media has not been at all honest with we the people, it is a programmed unit of information which has been an excellent vehicle for the promotion of free love and immorality. Thinking, is not out of line in terms of the subliminal control that the federal government has over religion, and that is through the granting of "501 c3 non profit status" from the Internal Revenue Service, chances are and to some extent, your beliefs are being covertly controlled through government laid "political speech". This is most prevalent in today's events. This scenario also plays into the applying for and acceptance of government grants. If the Mafia does you a favor, then you will be expected to repay that favor with a favor; no questions asked. This is a most dangerous element of our policing departments.

The greatest tool used by the Elite, are the people of the labor force. These people have been sucked into the plot of the Elite. This is where the ideology of a people being engaged in a battle against the "Capitalist". The labor movement has and is being used as a tool that is very subversive in design to harass the middle class owned businesses. How you say? Our most recent uprisings as demonstrated in Wisconsin, and Minnesota for example. This is nothing new, as the labor movement, not only in today's events but in the early 20th Century, has been captive of the Communist element as during the very early days of the 20th Century, the minority workers as well as the skilled trades has been severely influenced to have disregard for "Capitalism". That the capitalist mind set is totally against the middle class and is the thief and enemy of the working middle class. Any person(s) desirous of being in business for them selves becomes a Capitalist. Investing in stocks and bonds makes you a Capitalist. Capitalism causes growth and enhanced economics for all. Greed, and Communism destroys Capitalism.

In order for we the people to survive as a free republic, we must study, and learn about how engrained the Communist element is within our government and social structure. We must think outside the "Marxist box" that has been built around all of us either as individuals or groups. Most people in America are working full time jobs where we have middle class husband and wife. People should not be burdened to the point where life is all work. Accordingly, this gives little time to spend with family and other pleasures of life. An immediate cause of this epidemic is over taxation, and that is due to the "Neo-Slavery" conceived by the World Elite -"Communism".

Subversive Neo-Slavery via a Monetary Criminal enterprise:

Social Engineering through the monetary system as administered through a Cabal of political’s and bankers, thus enters the “THE GREAT DEPRESSION”, an example of what we are being faced with in today's unraveling of government corruption and collusion with the banking system as managed by the nefarious Federal Reserve and controlling bankers.

P 10

Meanwhile and on account of it, we ourselves are about to enter into the midst of the greatest depression we have ever known. From the Atlantic to the Pacific, our Country has been ravaged and laid waste by the evil practices of the Fed and the interests which control them. At no time in our history, has the general welfare of the people been at a lower level or the minds of the people so full of despair.

History is the best teacher but most often ignored:

"Recently in one of our States, 60,000 dwelling houses and farms were brought under the hammer in a single day. 71,000 houses and farms in Oakland County, Michigan, were sold and their erstwhile owners dispossessed. The people who have thus been driven out are the wastage of the Fed. They are the victims of the Fed. Their children are the new slaves of the auction blocks in the revival of the institution of human slavery.
Constitutional Union:

In order to better understand the function of our present demise as in government control and to break through the Marxist lies of which we are fed, we have got to become cognizant of legal and historical information in order to set a solid foundation for understanding the problems we face and how we got into this quagmire of Neo-Slavery. First off, it must be understood that the position as originally relegated to the federal government is that it was not, is not to do business with the people of the several republics, those republics are, or as intended, the states as in the now 50 states of the United States of America. This is where states sovereignty comes in or the meaning there of. By reviewing Article 1, section 8 of the original (organic) Constitution. It is also imperative that you understand the Ninth and Tenth Articles in Amendments as in the organic Constitution. Understand the term "organic" is in reference to the original Constitution. These Amendments were to protest the peoples (the several states) of America from the Union government.

True Country and Nation of Americans:

Strange as it may seem, most American s are unaware that their true country and nation is that of the following: 1. Native state, which is a natural national(your) domicile, or 2. Chosen state, which is considered an acquired national domicile (home of residence). Should you consider confirmation as representative of this fact, you would do well to read what Bouvier's Law Dictionary, 1856 has to say about it. You can Google up the dictionary as many other article's or definitions on line with out leaving the house.

P 11

Country: By country, is meant the state of which one is a member. Every man's country is in general, the state in which he happens to have been borne. Now, if you go to Black's Law Dictionary, looking under Country, you will find described as - The territory occupied by an independent nation of people, or the inhabitants of such territory. In the primary meaning "country" it denotes the population, the nation, the state, or the government, having possession and dominion over a territory. (Somewhat vague?)

It must be understood that the change of definition is not due to modernization. Further, it does get old hearing people say "Times have changed" or "the Constitution is old" or is "fluid" to meet the more modern times. It is evident they have been programmed by Communist dicta. This remindes me, of a time that I asked a deputy sheriff of his opinion, or thoughts on the Constitution. He was also previously a Marine prior to becoming a deputy. His remark was-"Oh that, the Constitution, was for those people way back then in the early years and doesn't fit our modern times. Our modern times? How about a hundred years from now in another modern time? A new constitution of today wouldn't be fitting then? This is a premium example of programming, brain washing, and the scary part of law enforcement as it is infiltrated with Marxist logic. You need to understand that your state is your true country and nation. You more than likely never gave that a bit of thought nor did you ever realize that at a matter of fact because you/we, have been lied to. This is the failure, failure by design of our public schools as they are tax supported thus government controlled. It must be further understood that de jure state nationals, not United States citizens, are the sovereign power of their countries.

Pursuant to the fact of disinformation, the Constitution does not give the several states a Democracy. How often in today's lingo do you hear the term Democracy? All too often and there is a reason for that dummying down. The Constitution guarantees a republic government. Such a government can be evidenced in Article IV, section 4, of the Constitution. Rome became a so-called Democracy, what you live in now. The Roman Empire collapsed due to its people over indulging in sporting events (distractions), dictatorships(executive orders), corruption, military aggression(nation building), etc. Does this sound familiar when looking at the events of the last century and this, the 21st century?
Local Control:

Local Control is Key to happiness just as Jean Jacques Rousseau wrote in 1762: "The Social Contract or principles of Political Right," In this particular writing he stated the following about the political rights of people: "...the political rights of people would be best guarded if they were kept very local, not broad."

P 12

    I would take that to mean, as in a political spectrum, local to mean within one's own community rather than out side of that community or within one's own state rather than not as a broad since of the word, the United States in total of all states as United States government, "the state."

The Republic political premise under the Constitution is based on the premise of local principles as noted by Jean Jacques Rousseau. These principles are fundamentally noted as:

1. The several states of America-which are American republics and /or nation, i.e. entitled 'the people, as a collective unit are but separated from each other as Oklahoma is separated from Louisiana who is separated from Texas and so forth.......

~ All people of a particular state were citizens (nationals) of the particular state in which they lived (American national, e. g. Ohio national, Iowa national, etc....) This means that "Legally", your state or country of birth is where your lawful (Constitutional) allegiance is! Se Title 8 USC~1101(a)(21). The term 'national' means a person owing permanent allegiance to a state. For further information on state nationalities, based on the Law of Nations, see 1984 U.S. Government Style Manual, chapter 5.22/5.23.

2. The United government is separate from peoples of the several republics.

Furthermore, to continue this political curriculum, Alexander Hamilton set forth this in Federalist Paper number 9 in reference to the proposed government of the federation; it was the premise of the United States, non-interference in the affairs of the several American republics otherwise known as the individual states as independent republics:

"As this government is composed of small republics, it

enjoys the internal happiness of each." (Alexander Hamilton)

Following the Republic, political reasoning found in the Federalist Papers, the Founding Fathers fully outlined what a Republic Form of Government was to consist of in the Papers.

Again, the Republican Form of Government is guaranteed to the states by the union, i.e. via the federal government, in Article IV, Section 4 of the Constitution. Such form of government is clearly noted by the following statement by James Madison in the Federalist Paper 10:

"The two great points of difference between a Democracy and a Republic are:

1. First, the delegation of the government, in the latter, to a

small number of citizens elected by the rest;

2. Secondly, the greater number of citizens, and greater sphere of

country, over which the latter may be extended."

P 13

In other words: The several republics make up the federal government; many local controlled governments extending outward from the counties of each republic; not inward as it is now. Currently, money is taken from each republic, then is distributed amongst the several States as the federal government sees fit. The federal government uses such power as leverage against the States to dictate "ITS" policies to them. These measures destroy the fundamental purpose of the Ninth and Tenth Articles in Amendment, which protected the states.

Moreover, a nation which does not contribute as much as another takes from one that is more productive, thus destroying the internal happiness of each republic as originally outlined by the founding fathers. The none-productive have to become more productive, and the productive have less incentive to remain productive to the benefit its society. ( So now, you have what can be termed as "Cooperative Federalism", thus entering the realm of Socialism within the United States Government.) This does not take any brains to figure out how states (independent nations) have been usurped and taken over by a socialist form of government, and a government with an out of control fiscal appetite. Just from this little bit of exposure of truth as intended, or fact, you can see as in our present debate of the national debt just how corrupt and uneducated the members of congress are, regardless of their degrees or political B.S. Because of the way the U.S. government has been allowed to usurp the Constitution and abridge the states of nations, (we are now entering a phase of "Economic Armageddon", a declared war on the American public. )

As noted by Major General Paul Vallely:

“ The U.S. government is the people residing within 50 states. If the Congressional Evangelist are not focused on the plan, it should be immediately identified and noted and constantly addressed by the state government and state watchdog groups and local media. (‘always keep score’)”…. So, you see, it is back to local control, the people of the free and independent states, nations within their own rights that should have and should control our out of control congress, the legislative branch of the federal government. The states have got to take charge and express their sovereignty thus emphasizing the power of local control.

Land Ownership and Suffrage:

Just what is "Land Ownership, and what is meant by Suffrage"? The objective of the people of America gaining and having control of the politics of the nation, state suffrage had originally come from the ownership of land. Each republic established its own dictates in regard.

P 15

These premises were established in the Federalist Paper, 35 by Alexander Hamilton. There is logic behind his premise:
"Nothing remains but the landed interest; and this, in a political view, and particularly in relation to taxes, it can be taken to be perfectly united, from the wealthiest landlord down to the poorest tenant. No tax can be laid on land that will not affect the proprietor of millions of acres as well as the proprietor of a single acre. Every landholder will therefore have a common interest to keep the taxes on land as low as possible; and common interest may always be reckoned upon as the surest bond of sympathy."....

Hamilton further stated in Federalist Paper 35:

"It is said to be necessary, that all classes of citizens should have some of their own number in the representative body, in order that their feelings and imam be the better understood and attended to. . . Will not the landholder know and feel whatever will promote or insure the interest of landed property? And will he not, from his own prejudice or incumbents? There is no part of the administration of government that requires extensive information and a thorough knowledge of the principals of political economy, so much as the business of taxation. The man who understands those principles best will be least likely to resort to oppressive expedients, or sacrifice any particular class of citizens to the procurement of revenue."

Socialism Promotes Irresponsibility:

How does one identify a corrupt state??

"Obviously, the more corrupt the State, the more numerous the laws." This theory of fact filters down to and through the state legislature as well. State Legislatures and the U.S. congress are in the business of control and for the self, make work legislation in order to collect a pay check. Think about it.

We are now experiencing the making, application, and institutionalizing of Socialism within the United States today, and there is no slowing it down as it is racing at break neck speed liken to that of a run a way train.

The current bastardized government - instituted just after the so-called Civil War; is based on Socialism / Communism. I have harped on the Communistic encroachment for many years only to be preaching to deaf ears; especially since the downing of the Berlin Wall, which brought an end to the "Cold War" and Communism. Not hardly an end to Communism as it is, it is alive and well and, "as you can see, if you open your eyes and mind Morpheous, again, I can only show you the door, you have to walk through it.

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Maybe you have heard the Marxist expression: "Pay Your Fair Share". A common sense consensus of paying your fair share is not that of taking from "haves" and "contributors" and giving it to "have-nots" and "non-contributors", hence, raising taxes for welfare to maintain shiftless people who care not to truly contribute to the peoples of a specific American republic. This tacit political formula is simply a ;lot to destroy---or bring down----people of the middle class, hence creating a nation of serfs. i.e. servitude. Accordingly, these measures transfer all land and wealth to the control of the World Elite for their benefit.

These matters are in parallel to what Thomas Jefferson once said:

"If we can prevent the government from wasting the labours of the people

under the pretense of caring for them, they will be happy."

Americans are being usbversively and intentionally over taxed. It can be stated with conviction that not too man American are happy aboutwhat has transpired. This secretly imposed adult baby-sitting service has cost American their freedom, and accordingly their true sovereignty.

Without question such losses are primarily caused by the Fourteenth Amendment.

Insurgent Democracy:

There are several cases on the Fourteenth Amendment ranging from such a case as the Dred Scott to the Slaughterhouse cases. As both cases are quite extensive, and convincing tht all such case law was orchestrated drivel to substantiate the necessity for the existence, and the passage of; the Fourteenth Amendment, which is fallout from the Civil War.

The so called Civil War is commonly said to be over the issue of slavery. Slavery as an issue of the

cause of the war can be construed in fact as a White Flag being raised as you will or have to come to the realization that the Slaves were transfered over to the control of the United States, the "State". Further understanding that under this transfere from private ownership to federal ownership does not, did not limit itself to the black slave as we know slavery, but to all person's regardless of race,creed, or color who were then classified as citizen's of the Union-the United States government.

So, in short, reference is being made to all American being tacitly enslaved by the purported government of the Union: again, the "United States." It get even better and with better meaning as to how the transfere was made.

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Hegelian Dialectic:

Now comes the excuse or the engineered need of reason for the Civil War.
In reality, the slavery issue was just a mechanism used to implement the Civil War; this was accomplished by using a thing called the Hegelian Dialectic. By being cognizant of today's fact of happening, you will see this theor applied many times over. Does Iraq, Afghanistan, and Libya sound familiar? There are many more such examples past and present but in this Century , these are the best examples. The Hegelian Dialectic is a technique named after the German philosopeher, Hegel. A perpetrator uses the heglian process to bring about a desired result by using mob psychology. the process is in three parts and is illustrated as follows:

1. Thesis: A problem is intentionally created: The immorality of slavery.

2. Antithesis: Opposition to the problem is created: The Civil War.

3. Synthesis: The desired result is the "solution": The Fourteenth Amendment, i.e. the "Reconstruction Amendments", the 13th, 14th, 15th.
This can be regarded as the Conversion of the Republic!

The Great Depression of the 1930's was an incident orchestrated according to the Hegelian Dialectic. But note that the Hegelian Dialectic is not just confined to America. The anti-terrorist legislation of Adolph Hitler in the 1930's Germany is a perfect example. Hitler wanted the capability to detain people without question and hold them in custody without a court hearing. "Could there be a re-occurrence of such an event in our day of combating terrorism?" The people of Germany desired no such thing; so Hitler's minions burned the Reichstag building to the ground. He blamed terrorists for the incident. The media portrayed the event to be a danger to society and the well being of the German people. The demanded that something be done, so Hitler introduced his anti-terrorist legislation and did so with the enthusiastic consent of the people. Does such an incident sound familiar to you? Are you ready for your ID chip? You do remember the "Patriot Act" ?? Was there a particular incident that brought about the Patriot Act legislation??

De Facto and De Jure:

My goodness, what are De Facto and De Jure?? Now that it has been established how a planned societal change is brought about, we can better address the issue of the unlawful government that are not present in the republics. First, you must understand the precise difference between de facto and de jure. Simply put: defacto is not according to law; and, dejure is according to law.

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Hence, the legal definitions:

De Facto: In fact (of fact); as distinguished from "de jure", by right.

De Jure: By right; by lawful right; rightfully; complying with the law in all respects; valid in law. (i.e. constitutional; in conformity with the law of nations.)

To apply the above definitions of defacto and de jure, you must first be aware that after the Civil War (co-called) the federal government gained dominion (it conquered and controlled) over all states in guise of the Union. A governmental system de facto was then created by the passage of the Fourteenth Amendment. The amendment stealthily and politically fabricates all several States i the Union to be quasi-political subdivisions of the "United States". It should be noted that the quasi-political subdivisions of the "United States" would or is best described as " The ultimate ownership of all peroperty is in the State; individual so-called "ownership" is only by virtue of Government, i.e. law, amounting to meere user; and use must be in accordance with law and subordinate to the necessities of the State-"the Union; the United States Government, the State". The fact that citizens, at a given time may prefer speci to currency, or vice versa. So, in reality, you do not own your property, you own it but only by virtue, perhaps as a "share cropper?" "A lessee?", what you think you own can be sold for taxes, or condemned for-what ever reason for another use, but not by you. Think in terms of the U.N. Agenda 21, or think in terms of your automobile; you do not own it, the state owns it and instead of you having a clear title, you are issued a "certificate of title" while the state keeps the real title. Sad but so true.

Simply put, all previous, is all dicta, which is established by the Communist Manifesto. "Review the Communist Manifesto."

De Facto government(s) will be discussed as this discovery of U.S. Government usurpation progresses.

1. The federal and state governments are not your "constitutional" governments.

2. As a matter of law, they are not governments "IN FACT".

3. They are, as a matter of law, INSURGENT. In other words: An Insurgent Democracy.

Actually, they are military style governments, which will be described in more detail later.

Insurgent Governments:

As defined by the United States Supreme Court, the legal description that is attached to the insurgents' governmental system under the Fourteenth Amendment is as follows:

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Government De Facto: A government of fact--Government "of fact" not "in fact" Definition source: Black's Law Dictionary, Sixth Edition Deluxe...

1. A government actually exercising power and control, as opposed to the true and lawful government; a government not established according to the Constitution of the nation, or not lawfully entitled to recognition or supremacy, but which has nevertheless supplanted or displaced the government de jure.

2. A government deemed unlawful, or deemed wrongful or unjust, which, nevertheless, receives presently habitual obedience from the bulk of the community.

3. There are several degrees of what is called "de facto government". Such a government, in its highest degree, assumes a character very closely resembling that of a lawful government.

(a) This is when the usurping government expels the regular authorities from their customary seats and function, and establishes itself in their place, and so becomes the actual government of a country.

( Not unlike an evil spirit that takes over the soul causing a person to become who they are not. (Injected lustration)

(b) The distinguishing characteristic of such a government is that adherents to it in war against the government de jure do not incur the penalties of treason; and, under certain limitation, obligations assumed by it in behalf of the country or otherwise will, in general, be respected by the government, dejure when restored.

4. Such a government might be more aptly denominated a "government of paramount force,” being maintained by active military power against the rightful authority of an establi9shed and lawful government; and obeyed in civil matters by private citizens.

5. They are usually administered directly by military authority, but civil authority, supported more or less by military force, may administer them, also.

The above is not just a general definition. In its dictum, the court silently described the current insurgent governmental system. It is recommended that you study the content of its dissertation and compare it with what will be put forth in explanatory fact in this treatise. Legal evidence will be set forth later on that supports that the Fourteenth Amendment actually creates "Quiet Wars" within the several republics (states, your state) of America; this having people act in treason to their countries, (their state of domicile).


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