Coming to you backyard if we all don’t wake-up and stand-up!
What was that again about Glenn Beck being off his rocker when warning of plans for a global Caliphate?
Bill Kristol? What was that? No comment?
It's way past time to get out of our comfort zones (if we haven't done this already) and to contact every single one of our friends, relatives, neighbors, co-workers, church congregation members, and other peers, and see which of them are willing to wake up and join us! Please invite all you identify who agree with at least 7 of the 9 Principles of The 9.12 Project (including your tea party or 9.12 project group email list) to JOIN US here on The 9.12 Project Network; we must do our utmost to identify, recruit, and train new members of our movement, so they can join us in being effective activists, to help restore America to our Founding Principles of 1791!
Our window of opportunity is on its way to closing shut, folks...we haven't a minute to lose!
But before the story from The Blaze, here's a video clip that's pretty relevant to the story
Video: THIS IS THE DAY OF YOUR DOOM: Farrakhan Says Mideast Uprisings Will Come to Americas Door
Posted on February 28, 2011 at 11:01am by Jonathon M. Seidl This coming Fourth of July, Muslims are planning a “Million Muslim March” in D.C. to “re-establish the feelings of brother and sisterhood among Muslim Americans“ and start the ”healing” process after 9/11. And while there is no indication that rally will dabble in Sharia law, a different D.C. march scheduled for Thursday boldly declares its goal of bringing Sharia law “directly to the doorsteps of the United States of America.”
The rally is being spearheaded by radical UK Muslim cleric Anjem Choudary, who recently told Sean Hannity Americans are “the biggest criminals in the world today,“ and in October announced ”the flag of Islam will one day fly over the White House.” His group, Islam4UK, has been outlawed in Britain.
“We hereby call upon the Muslims in the US, particularly in New York, Michigan, Chicago and Washington DC to take lessons from their Muslim brothers and sisters in North Africa and the Middle East and rise to implement the Shari’ah in America,” the group Shariah4America, seemingly modeled after Choudary’s UK organization, says on its website.
It goes on to advocate for a new U.S. constitution based on Sharia law:
On 3rd March 2011 From 1pm to 4pm (local time), at Pennsylvania Avenue, outside the White House, the Muslims will let the tyrant Barack Obama and the American people know that a new constitution beckons the US called the Shari’ah, and that this worldwide revolution will see it implemented inshaa’allah (God willing) very very soon.
In an interview with the Daily Mail, Choudary said the event will feature himself and two other radical Muslims:
Two other British extremists, Abu Izzadeen and Sayful Islam, have also been asked to speak at the demonstration.
Izzadeen is the hate preacher who caused fury last year when he called British soldiers ‘murderers’ the day he was released from jail after a three-and-a-half year sentence for inciting terrorism.
Still, it’s unclear if the three extremists will be allowed to enter the country, as even tourist visas require applicants to answer if they have ever supported terrorism. Fox News’s Gretchen Carlson asked Choudary about that possibility in an interview last week, and talked about his involvement in the rally:
Video: Interview: Muslim Cleric in Favor of Sharia Law Plans WH Protest
Choudary told the Daily Mail that the rally is also being organized by the Islamic Thinkers Society — an American Muslim group based in New York. While the group’s website does not have specific information about the event, it does feature a visual depiction of Sharia law in America (and seems to be based on Choudary’s previous statement):
It also includes a diagram of what an Islamic caliphate would look like: also has a picture of what the White House could look like should America come under Muslim control. The group is advocating it be turned into a Mosque:
So far, the Million Muslim March has not come out in support of Sharia. But it does have 9/11 “truther” undertones. It currently lists one of its rally goals as setting the record straight on 9/11, claiming Muslims were not responsible for the attacks:
Most of the success of the ill conceived scheme to demonize Islam resulted from the rush to judgment that took place following 9/11, and the failed 9/11 investigation which wrongly concluded that Muslims had carried out criminal terrorist attacks on the US on September 11, 2001.
“At the rally, we will also declare to the world that Muslims are innocent of the crimes committed on 9/11 and we demand a new independent investigation and an end to the illegal wars,” the group’s website says.
And while the significance of that march’s date (July 4) isn’t lost to Americans, the choice of March 3 for the Sharia rally isn’t as obvious. Sharia4America explains:
The 3rd of March is overlooked by many as an insignificant day of the year. However, this particular day should not be overlooked by the Muslims without serious contemplation.#On this day, in 1924, the Khilafah (Islamic State) was abolished by Mustafa Kamal Attaturk with the help of the British and European collaborators. It was a catastrophic day when the light of Islam was dimmed and its implementation removed from our lives, leaving the Ummah bare and defenceless against the onslaught of the Kuffar.
What’s the resolution to this action? The answer, the site says, is simple: “The Khilafah is the means to implement Islam with all of its values, outlook, culture and legislation. This is defined by Allah (swt), the Sovereign.”
“We call upon the Ummah to begin working for the re-establishment of the Khilafah so that our lands would be transformed into Dar-ul-Islam.“
Despite people like Van Jones and other progressives speaking with what sounds like noble intentions, in reality their real goal is to fundamentally change the western way of life. Tonight, Glenn starts out talking about the rallies that took place across the country over the weekend. He focuses on Van Jones’s “American Dream” movement, and points out how socialist groups played a major role in organizing the protests. Then, he moves on to talk about the rally in DC scheduled for this Thursday, which will feature radical Muslim clerics calling for Sharia law in America. Read more here.
Video: Changing the Western Way of Life
Hannity: The Face of Radicalism
Rep. Allen West Tells “Koran-Wielding’CAIR
Glenn Beck Show Video and Snow Notes (2.28.111) – Changing the Western Way of Life
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