Sunday, June 6, 2010

The Truth Behind the BP Oil Crisis in Videos

If the White House, the Congress and Obama did everything right from this point on concerning this crisis…  they could not fix the damage they have done through their incompetence… or perhaps worse:  Investigation Reveals Possible Criminal Activity Connecting Obama to BP Oil Spill


WSJ:  There Was ‘Nobody in Charge’ -  Andrea Fleytas, a 23-year old worker on the burning rig, who helped operate the rig's sophisticated navigation machinery, suddenly noticed a glaring oversight: No one had issued a distress signal to the outside world, she recalls in an interview. Ms. Fleytas grabbed the radio and began calling over a signal monitored by the Coast Guard and other vessels…


"Mayday, Mayday. This is Deepwater Horizon. We have an uncontrollable fire."

When Capt. Kuchta realized what she had done, he reprimanded her, she says.

"I didn't give you authority to do that," he said, according to Ms. Fleytas, who says she responded: "I'm sorry."

Does anybody else find this reaction by the Captain Kuchta more than strange??  What was he covering up?? Why wouldn’t he be giving that girl a medal??  Something is definitely wrong there!!

Huffington Post:  BP Oil Rig Survivor: ‘All the things they told us could never happen… happened.’

Video:  Taking Control of BP

Video:  Oil Executives Grilled During House Hearing

Video:  Rahm Emanuel:  You Never Want a Serious Crisis to Go to Waste…

Video:  Hillary:  Never Waste a Good Crisis

Video:  Surprise… Surprise… Surprise

Source:  Paul Revere’s Riders

Mike Huckabee, in an interview by Tucker Carlson who was sitting in for Sean Hannity, said that Obama sees every situation as political instead of a problem solving job or opportunity.  The WH has been an on-going example of too little too late in during this entire Oil Spill crisis. 

Instead of supporting the hands-on governors in the gulf states the Feds have fought them every step of the way.  Bobby Jindal, Hayley Barbor and the others have begged the White House for assistance, for the power and some funds to make decisions, and for permission on endless ideas and have been stopped at every turn.  They had asked to pour large quantities of sand onto the beaches to create barriers, as well as for additional skimmers.  The Feds said they would have to do an environmental impact study.  As Huckabee said, “Come on, there is no impact that any amount of sand could have that would be worse than the millions of gallons of crude oil!? They finally got permission  and authorization for BP to go ahead on Friday June 2nd with 5 more barriers… now that it is too late in many ways.

Too Little Too Late?

BP's latest strategy has successfully collected 252,000 gallons of crude, but it's only a fraction of the oil that is pouring into the Gulf of Mexico. | VIDEO

Lawmakers Decry Drilling Ban | LIVESHOT
Report: BP Helping 'Weekend Warriors,' Not Fishermen
SLIDESHOW: Oil Spills, Nature Suffers | HOW TO HELP

We can all only keep asking the questions; keep searching for the truth; keep volunteering ideas and help; and vote out everyone responsible for the incompetence and wrong doing.

Obama’s approval rate is at an all time low…  Gov Bobby Jindal’s approval rate is at an all time high.  Both related in many ways  to this spill and the handling thereof.  Go to:

Video:  Obama’s Oil Spill Timeline Days 1 – 41

The Deficit President said he's been fighting the spill from day one. You decide if he's telling the truth. Based on Kevin Kristy's photo essay at PolitiPage. Or go to:  Obama During Oil Spill – Golf, Parties, Photo-Ops… and More Golf!  (Photos)

New from Bloomberg:  BP Oil Leak May Last Until Christmas in Worst Case Scenario -

NO solutions?  There seem to be many suggestions. Why are the Feds ignoring them? - The Texas Land Office and Texas Water Commission successfully used 'oil eating' microbes to clean up large oil spills in just weeks. Microbes hunt down and eat the toxic oil and leave only a biodegradable waste that is non-toxic to humans and marine life. Marshland and beaches were pristine again in just weeks---not years like the Exxon Valdez spill. This is the answer to save the seafood industry and all the precious creatures we are about to kill. Video

 Gutsy Oil Spill Solution  -  Video of Environment Restoring Process


Why was there no May Day sent after the BP oil rig explosion?

Why was a young rig employee reprimanded after sending a (late) May Day… as people were dying and jumping from the rig?

What caused the explosion?  Who was involved?

Why did the WH wait 10-days to react to the BP oil spill?

Why when gulf governors asked for help to do basic prevention, were they blocked?

Why when gulf governors are asking for the lifting of the drilling moratorium is Obama and the WH refusing?

Was this all a plan to stop drilling and to pass Cap and Trade?

Was this an accident or is there more to this crisis?

Why does the story keep changing on all aspects of this emergency from the White House?

Why has Obama only visited the Gulf 3-time and twice over the week after major public pressure?

Why are the Feds more interested in prosecuting BP than working with them to solve the problem, first?

Are all these supposed BP solutions really not working?

Why would we not try the microbe solution above that has been successfully used before?

Why isn’t there an organized campaign to clean the beaches and save the wildlife 47 days into the disaster?

Why have BP and the Feds blocked media coverage and people from seeing the real damage?

Why hasn’t Obama organized a quick team of experts and given then the power to act?

Why… Why… Why…  Why… Why… Are there more questions than answers?

Why was the White House more concerned with getting help and aid over to the earthquake in Haiti then the floods in Tennessee and the Oil Spill in the Gulf?

Why isn’t the mainstream media all over this?

Why did those ‘in the know’ purchase huge amounts of stock (back in November 2009) in the company who makes the dispersant used by BP and the Feds instead of burning off the oil or using more environmentally friendly options?

Why did BP and the supposed “green focuse” White House decide to use the dispersant option instead of greener options??

Why is the insurance on the DeepWater Horizon held by BP worth more that the its value?

And the list goes on…

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