Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Michelle Bachman--Dems will implement TRICK to pass healthcare Reform!!!


Democrats will Implement "Trick" to Pass Health Care Reform
Washington, Feb 10 - Well, so much for a bipartisan strategy session on health care. Despite calls from the White House about bringing Republicans to the table to get their ideas into the debate, it looks like Democrats have already decided on a plan to pass their original legislation. Legislation Americans have soundly rejected from coast to coast.

Speaking at the National Health Policy Conference hosted by Academy Health and Health Affairs, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's senior health care adviser Wendell Primus said that Democratic leaders in Congress will implement a legislative "trick" to pass their very unpopular version of health care reform.

Mark Tapscott with the Washington Examiner writes that Congress Daily, which originally published the story, is a subscription-only publication, but provided a link to LifeNews.com, which provided these details:

"In comments reported by Congress Daily, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s top health care aide Wendell Primus admitted top Democrats have already decided on the strategy to pass the Senate's pro-abortion, government-run health care bill.

"Primus explained that the Senate will use the controversial reconciliation strategy that will have the House approve the Senate bill and both the House and Senate okaying changes to the bill that the Senate will sign off on by preventing Republicans from filibustering.

“'The trick in all of this is that the president would have to sign the Senate bill first, then the reconciliation bill second, and the reconciliation bill would trump the Senate bill.

“'There's a certain skill, there's a trick, but I think we'll get it done,' Primus said."

Why propose a televised, bipartisan meeting on February 25th if the underlying plan has been to pass the Democrats' original health care proposal all along? Well, it's simple. President Obama wants to give the appearance of bipartisan cooperation without really caring at all. It's one PR stunt after another with this White House, and this latest action is a clear assault on the intelligence of the American people.

The Democratic leadership of this Congress and White House simply refuses to take no for an answer when it comes to a government takeover of your health care. They simply refuse to consider any idea being proposed by me or any of my Republican colleagues. Is this the leadership you want in Washington, or more importantly, the leadership you deserve?

Michelle Bachmann

As everyone suspected the entire ploy of having a bipartisan meeting on healthcare was just a ‘dirty trick’… a complete sham! The Dems have shut the GOP out of the entire process, bribed their own party and told both the GOP and the American Public that they will not start over and put together a simple bipartisan reform of healthcare, which is all we need. Why? Because this was never about healthcare or healthcare reform… it was always about a progressive government takeover of 1/6 of the economy and major information and decisions in all our lives.

Please contact your Senator and Congressman today, plus as many additional members of Congress as you can. Do not let this bill pass, especially not in this manner~

Senators from your State. or

1-202-224-3121- Switchboard

1-202-225-3121- Switchboard

(202) 225-0100 - Speaker of the House Pelosi

Senator Akaka Daniel D Hawaii 202-224-6361 202-224-2126
Senator Alexander Lamar R Tennessee 202-224-4944 202-228-3398
Senator Barrasso John R Wyoming 202-224-6441 202-224-1724
Senator Begich Mark D Alaska 202-224-3004 202-228-3205
Senator Bennet Michael D Colorado 202-224-5852 202-228-5036
Senator Bennett Robert R Utah 202-224-5444 202-228-1168
Senator Bingaman Jeff DNew Mexico 202-224-5521 202-224-2852
Senator Bond Kit R Missouri 202-224-5721 202-224-8149
Senator Boxer Barbara D California 202-224-3553 202-224-0454
Senator Brown Sherrod D Ohio 202-224-2315 202-228-6321
Senator Brownback Sam R Kentucky 202-224-4343 202-228-1373
Senator Burr Richard R North Carolin 202-224-3154 202-228-2981
Senator Burris Roland D Illinois 202-224-2854 202-228-3333
Senator Cardin Benjamin D Maryland 202-224-4524 202-224-1651
Senator Chambliss Saxby R Georgia 202-224-3521 202-224-0103
Senator Coburn Tom R Oklahoma 202-224-5754 202-224-6008
Senator Cochran Thad R Mississippi 202-224-5054 202-224-9450
Senator Collins Susan R Maine 202-224-2523 202-224-2693
Senator Corker Bob R Tennessee 202-224-3344 202-228-0566
Senator Cornyn John R Texas 202-224-2934 202-228-2856
Senator Crapo Mike R Idaho 202-224-6142 202-228-1375
Senator DeMint James R South Carolina 202-224-6121 202-228-5143
Senator Dodd Christopher D Connecticut 202-224-2823 202-224-1083
Senator Durbin Richard D Illinois 202-224-2152 202-228-0400
Senator Ensign John R Nevada 202-224-6244 202-228-2193
Senator Enzi Michael R Wyoming 202-224-3424 202-228-0359
Senator Feinstein Dianne D California 202-224-3841 202-228-3954
Senator Gillibrand Kirsten D New York 202-224-4451 202-228-0282
Senator Graham Lindsey R South Carolina202-224-5972 202-224-3808
Senator Grassley Charles R Iowa 202-224-3744 202-224-6020
Senator Gregg Judd R New Hampshire 202-224-3324 202-224-4952
Senator Hagan Kay D North Carolina 202-224-6342 202-228-2563
Senator Harkin Tom D Iowa 202-224-3254 202-224-9369
Senator Hatch Orrin R Utah 202-224-5251 202-224-6331
Senator Hutchison Kay R Texas 202-224-5922 202-224-0776
Senator Inhofe James R Oklahoma 202-224-4721 202-228-0380
Senator Inouye Daniel D Hawaii 202-224-3934 202-224-6747
Senator Isakson Johnny R Georgia 202-224-3643 202-228-0724
Senator Johanns Mike RNebraska 202-224-4224 202-228-0436
Senator Kaufman Ted D Delaware 202-224-5042 202-228-3075
Senator Kirk Jr. Paul D Massachusetts 202-224-4543 202-224-2417
Senator Kerry John D Massachusetts 202-224-2742 202-224-8525
Senator Kohl Herb D Wisconsin 202-224-5653 202-224-9787
Senator Kyl Jon R Arizona 202-224-4521 202-224-2207
Senator Lautenberg Frank D New Jersey 202-224-3224 202-228-4054
Senator Levin Carl D Michigan 202-224-6221 202-224-1388
Senator Lieberman Joseph ID Connecticut 202-224-4041 202-224-9750
Senator Lugar Richard R Indiana 202-224-4814 202-228-0360
Senator Martinez Mel R Florida 202-224-3041 202-228-5171
Senator McCain John R Arizona 202-224-2235 202-228-2862
Senator McConnell Mitch R Kentucky 202-224-2541 202-224-2499
Senator Menendez Robert D New Jersey 202-224-4744 202-228-2197
Senator Merkley Jeff D Oregon 202-224-3753 202-228-3997
Senator Mikulski Barbara D Maryland 202-224-4654 202-224-8858
Senator Murkowski Lisa R Alaska 202-224-6665 202-224-5301
Senator Nelson Bill D Florida 202-224-5274 202-228-2183
Senator Reed Jack D Rhode Island 202-224-4642 202-224-4680
Senator Risch Jim R Idaho 202-224-2752 202-224-2573
Senator Roberts Pat R Kansas 202-224-4774 202-224-3514
Senator Sanders Bernie I Vermont 202-224-5141 202-228-0776
Senator Schumer Charles D New York 202-224-6542 202-228-3027
Senator Sessions Jeff R Alabama 202-224-4124 202-224-3149
Senator Shaheen Jeanne D New Hampshire 202-224-2841 202-228-3194
Senator Shelby Richard R Alabama 202-224-5744 202-224-3416
Senator Snowe Olympia R Maine 202-224-5344 202-224-1946
Senator Specter Arlen R Pennsylvania 202-224-4254 202-228-1229
Senator Thune John R South Dakota 202-224-2321 202-228-5429
Senator Udall Mark D Colorado 202-224-5941 202-224-6471
Senator Udall Tom D New Mexico 202-224-6621 202-228-3261
Senator Vacant Vacant Minnesota 202-224-5641 202-224-1152
Senator Vitter David R Louisiana 202-224-4623 202-228-5061
Senator Voinovich George R Ohio 202-224-3353 202-228-1382
Senator Warner Mark D Virginia 202-224-2023 202-224-6295
Senator Whitehouse Sheldon Rhode Island 202-224-2921 202-228-6362
Senator Wicker Roger R Mississippi 202-224-6253 202-228-0378
Senator Wyden Ron D Oregon 202-224-5244 202-228-2717

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