Sunday, November 8, 2009

From the Laptop of Rep John Campbell to Yours… On PelosiCare

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Quote of the day: “In 2009, we need to redefine freedom, and freedom, in America, in 2009, means being healthy and having access to a healthcare system that isn’t just for the elite, but it’s for everybody.”

- Congressman Tim Ryan (D-OH) while speaking about the Pelosi Health Care Bill on the floor yesterday

I find the quote above quite instructive about those who supported this monstrosity of a bill. Many people in prison are healthy and they certainly have access to a government-run health care system. So, I guess they are free, at least according to the modern Pelosi-driven Democratic ethos. Yet, Pelosi style Health Care is not for everybody, because the bill expressly says that Members of Congress may join the government plan but are not required to do so. So, there is an elite, and it is government.

This is really what this and many other current debates are about. Are we going to be free, I mean really free, to live our lives as we want in the future? Or will we only be "free" in this new liberal sense where we are to be taken care of as long as we do what we are told? Will the "elite" be people who earn that ability due to their own self-driven accomplishments or will they be only those who hold the power of government?

As it was made clear yesterday, the bill requires everyone to buy a health insurance plan as determined by the new "Health Choices Czar." And if you don't, you will be fined with a tax of 2.5% on your gross income. If you neither buy the insurance they tell you to, nor pay the fine they assess on you, you will committed a felony deemed punishable by up to 5 years in prison and up to a $250,000 fine. So, if you don't buy the health insurance the government's Health Choices Czar tells you too regardless of its cost, you may go to jail.

That's freedom?

It has been interesting to listen to Democrat after Democrat rise to speak in support of 2,042 pages of government control. Most of them will mention that they are for it because people will get some form of medical attention under this bill for free. No medical care is free. If someone doesn't pay for it, either the doctor donates his time or someone else pays the doctor instead of the person getting treated. So, every time someone gets something for free under this bill, the value of that service was taken by the compulsion of government from someone else, often with threat of jail time. That is not freedom. That is the tyranny of socialism. That is Pelosi's and Obama's legacy.

Unfortunately, late last night, the Pelosi Socialized Medicine Bill was passed by the House by a vote of 220-215. Here is the organization chart of the new Pelosi care bill with all 111 new departments, commissions or agencies:

Click here to view full size

It was a terrible night for freedom loving Americans. But it is far from the end of the road. This bill is not law yet. In order to get the bare minimum votes she needed (plus 2) Pelosi had to agree to ban abortion funding in the bill, which is existing law. But, the relevant committee chairmen all indicated that they plan to take that prohibition out of the bill later. If that happens, a number of Democrats who voted for the bill have said they will oppose it. There were reportedly lots of other deals made to secure this one vote, but those deals may not stick for a future vote. Socialized medicine will still have to pass the Senate and the narrowness of this vote along with the clear public opposition to this madness has got to be spooking many Senators. Senate Majority Leader Reid (D-NV) has indicated that the Senate will not take up any Health Care bill until after the first of the year and they are unlikely to take up anything like this.

We have lost a battle, but the war for freedom goes on. Keep fighting. You can be sure I will.

I remain respectfully,
Congressman John Campbell's signature
Congressman John Campbell
Member of Congress

Posted: Knowledge Creates Power – Cross-Posted: Daily Thought PadTrue Health Is True Wealth

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