Monday, August 10, 2009

Nancy Pelosi and Steny Hoyer Say Citizens Exercising Their First Amendment Rights Are “Un-American”… The Desperation is Showing!

This morning’s column in USAToday quotes Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi and House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer as saying, “Un-American’ attacks detail health care debate” and go on to say, “Now — with Americans strongly supporting health insurance reform, with Congress reaching consensus on a plan, and with a president who ran and won on this specific promise of change — America is closer than ever to this century-deferred goal.” This comes after Speaker Pelosi’s comments last week, that people are bringing Swastikas and the like to Town Halls, another fabricated Pelosism like saying she was lied to by the CIA under Bush, that she has no proof for. (You can bet if there were Swastikas at meetings, there would be photos!!).

Both these statements just highlight how far out of touch the House leadership is. There are Americans who are rightfully afraid exercising their First Amendment Right that the Speaker and Hoyer are calling “Un-American” for doing so and both the Healthcare Bill itself and President Obama’s along with Nancy Pelosi’s personal and job performance polls on this issue are at an all-time low and still dropping. The drop in the polls and the continues desperate comments by Speaker Pelosi prove that Obamacare is a bust and

Boehner Statement on Speaker Pelosi & Majority Leader Hoyer’s “Un-American” Comments

Washington, Aug 10 - House Republican Leader John Boehner (R-OH) issued the following statement on comments by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) and Majority Leader Steny Hoyer (D-MD) in this morning’s USA Today calling Americans who express vocal opposition to the Democrats’ health care plan “un-American”:
“For months, House Democratic leaders have worked to silence any opposing views in this health care debate, both here in Washington and around the country where millions of Americans are struggling in this economy. Every poll taken in the last month shows that a majority of Americans are concerned about, if not outright opposed to, the Democrats’ plan because of the cost and consequences it would mean for their own health care. Each public forum should give every participant the opportunity to express their views, but to label Americans who are expressing vocal opposition to the Democrats’ plan “un-American” is outrageous and reprehensible.
“The American people deserve answers to basic questions about whether the Democrats’ plan will increase health care costs, add to the deficit, increase taxes on middle-class families and small businesses, put government between doctors and patients, force anyone to lose their current health coverage, kill jobs, promote taxpayer-funded abortion, or cut Medicare. The fact is Democrats have not been able to address the very real concerns the American people have.

“It’s time for Democrats to start listening. When we return to Washington in September, Democrats should scrap their costly plan and finally work on bipartisan reforms that give Americans what they are seeking: better access to affordable care.”

Former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin says President Obama's plan to overhaul healthcare is evil

The former Republican vice presidential candidate posted her thoughts Friday on Facebook.

Palin says in the America she knows, people won't have to "stand in front of Obama's 'death panel" so his bureaucrats can decide, based on a subjective judgment of their 'level of productivity in society,' whether they are worthy of healthcare."

She says such a system is "downright evil."

An e-mail sent to Palin's spokeswoman confirming authorship was not immediately returned.

Palin resigned as Alaska governor July 26. She promised to speak out on issues but has largely been silent on both Facebook and Twitter since resigning.

© 2009 Associated Press

There are plenty of Republicans and others who have alternative and better ideas than HR3200 and/or experience in improving healthcare. And almost everyone that falls into that group says… Obamacare and the Dem’s proposals will bankrupt the Country unless taxes go up and rationing for grandma and grandpa (which will eventually be all of us), people with special needs and even babies with problems are enacted. And it is a proven fact that socialized medicine (which this is) takes away choice, creates a shortage of medical personnel, creates waiting to receive care and even a primary care physician, and involves Government in personal decisions. So even if government having real time access to your bank accounts, government paying for abortions, and government breaking the law by forcing ‘legal ‘aliens and people with permanent resident status here in the U.S. into Nationalized Healthcare, while covering all the illegals in this Country doesn’t bother you, maybe thought of a bureaucrat telling you that your 69 year old parent or your handicapped baby can’t have a life and death procedure because they aren’t worth it, will?!?

Please read the bill… or at least some analyzes of it!

There are articles and breakdowns of this bill available (below are a few) to anyone who is looking for the truth and the full bill - HR-3200 - full report I would advise everyone to read it for themselves and unless you are in favor of Big Brother running your life… speak up! And not just once!!

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