Thursday, August 6, 2009

Don't Let Obama "Devour" Your Wealth!

Obama's Dangerous "Eating Problem." Don't Let it Gobble You Up...

Dear Concerned American,

Mike HuckabeePresident Obama keeps lecturing about our “obesity epidemic.” But he’s the one who can’t stop eating (or smoking)!

No, not food. It’s worse! Obama is devouring the entire free-enterprise system.

In his first 100 days as president, Obama gobbled up two major automakers, wolfed down nearly 600 banks, gorged on blue-chip companies, and scarfed down the U.S. credit industry. Now he wants dessert.

President “Obama the Hungry” makes King Henry VIII look like a compulsive dieter!
I know something about overeating. It can kill you. Back when I was governor of Arkansas, I was so overweight I developed Type II diabetes. Doctors told me to lay down the knife and fork -- or else. That scared me. I cut the calories and lost 110 pounds. Only then did I regain my health.

Does bloat scare Obama? Heck no. He’s hungry for more! Fresh from gulping down $800 billion of our money to load up his Washington smorgasbord, he’s planning yet another massive banquet. Obama wants to belly up to the table and swallow the best health care system in the world. And you and I will pay the tab for this gargantuan pig-out!

As sure as heartburn follows a chili-dog, this massive “Obama-binge” will trigger hyperinflation. There’s only one way for the President to pay for this feast and you know what it is. Yes, get those presses rolling and print trillions of inflated dollars.

I’ll bet you’re thinking -- well, what can I do about it? True enough, Obama can pretty much do what he wants -- at least until the 2010 mid-term elections come along and we Americans can send him a “slim-down or else” message.

But right now, you and I need to protect the money we’ve earned and invested over the years -- before Obama’s hyperinflation chews our buying power down by multiple percentage points. This is a serious concern, believe me. It’s so serious I won’t pretend, as a politician and talk-show host, to have the answers for you. But I know someone who does.

I urge you to consider the proven financial guidance of Doug Fabian -- the renowned investing advisor who saw the financial meltdown of 2008 coming and saved a whole lot of people a whole lot of money.

Subscribers to Successful Investing, Doug’s newsletter, knew the meaning of terms like “housing bubble” and “sub-prime” long before they became headline news and the source of financial misery for millions.

This is what Doug wrote in 2006, nearly two years before the crash:

“Pay little heed to the real estate industry’s PR campaign to play down the coming housing price slump. It’s happening. The bottom is falling out for many banks, investors, and homeowners right now.”

This is what Doug is writing today:

“Never mind the endless speculation about inflation and interest rates -- they’re going up.”

Doug ’s not just warning his readers about hyperinflation, he’s steering them to investments that make money during inflationary periods. He reminds us that many fortunes were made in the 1970s when America was ravaged by high inflation and brought to the brink of collapse by Jimmy Carter -- a president eerily similar to Barack Obama.

Look, I’m no investing wizard. But I invest. I have to. So do you. Counting on Social Security while Obama is in office is a little like saying, “The Light Brigade is about to charge? Sign me up!”

But having someone with the proven know-how and track record of Doug Fabian is a comfort. That’s some track record, by the way. Successful Investing has generated double-digit annual returns for ordinary investors for 32 years and counting. Best of all, Doug does all the work for you.

Don’t just take my word. Investor’s Business Daily called Doug “one of the best market timers in the business.” And The Hulbert Financial Digest -- the watchdog of investing newsletters -- rated Doug’s trading services in the Top 10 for 2008 -- out of 186 financial publications over all.

Count on it, the “Obama-binge” will result in hyperinflation. ($800 billion in government spending makes it all but inevitable). You can’t control that. But when the day of reckoning comes, you can be one of the few whose portfolio is already adapted to profit from it. Could you ask for anything better? Well, you can. But you’ll have to wait till 2012 before we elect a new president!

Mike Huckabee
Mike Huckabee

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