Saturday, August 15, 2009

Amazing USA Today/Gallup Poll Numbers

Americans for Prosperity

To Fellow Freedom Fighters Everywhere:

I'm writing to you from our Americans for Prosperity Foundation's RightOnline conference conference in Pittsburgh, where almost 600 free-market activists are training to win the battle for our freedoms online. (I guess this is what they mean by angry mobs).

New York Times bestselling author Michelle Malkin, Culture of Corruption, and blogger just spoke to the crowd. Since yesterday, these intrepid activists have been learning in panel discussions like "blogging 101" and "social networking communications".

One of the breakout sessions at RightOnline

Yesterday, hundreds upon hundreds of activists gathered for our AFP rally to send Sen. Arlen Specter a simple message -- vote NO on the health care takeover and NO on the job-killing cap-and-trade.We heard from an amazing 11-year-old Pennsylvania middle schooler named Quentin Cody who eloquently made the case for freedom and from Teri Adams who heads the Independence Hall Tea Party (Philadelphia).

The crowd roaring at the Send Specter a Message Rally

And here's some encouraging news from the USA Today/Gallup poll published Thursday. In a survey of 1,000 adults, 34% of Americans say demonstrators at town hall style meetings (that's you and me) have made them MORE SYMPATHETIC to the protesters' views, and only 21% said the protests made them less sympathetic.
Even more importantly, Independents by a 2 to 1 margin (35% to 16%) say they are MORE SYMPATHETIC to the protesters' (our) views.These Independents are the Holy Grail of politics, and they're agreeing with us that the health care takeover is a disaster for our families and our nation.

In the face of the Obama Administration, Pelosi, Reid and their liberal friends vilifying us as "un-American," "evil-mongers," "astroturf," "mobs" and worse -- the American people are taking our side against these political elites.

If you ever wondered, "Can I make a difference by getting involved?" here is your answer.Hundreds of thousands of Americans just like you and me are getting involved.They're attending rallies, calling and emailing their elected officials, talking to friends and family.And, it's working.It's making a difference.
You're making a difference.

But, we face enormous challenges.Right across town, the left-wing NetRoots Nation is meeting to plot how they are going to turn things around for their side.They heard from Bill Clinton Thursday who made an aggressive pitch for government-run health care.Sen. Arlen Specter spoke to the liberal crowd and bragged that he would help them pass Card
Check and other "Democrat priorities" by opposing filibusters.

We've still got a long way to go.To win, we must keep up the pressure. Keep winning over new supporters. Keep turning out at rallies and events.

Americans for Prosperity's Patients First 'Hands Off My Health Care' bus continues -- one's in Montana right now and the other heads to Indiana first thing Monday.Our anti-cap-and-trade "Cost of Hot Air" tour gets back on the road this Tuesday hitting Indiana, Ohio, West Virginia and Virginia. Please come to one of these great events.
And, make plans now to come to Washington, D.C. for a national "Town Hall" meeting on October 2nd, as well as Americans for Prosperity Foundation's 3rd Defending the American Dream Summit right at the final decisive moments in the health care and cap-and-trade battles and I want you there!

Tim Phillips Signature

Tim Phillips

For more information on our national "Town Hall" meeting on October 2nd
-- and Americans for Prosperity Foundation 3rd annual Defending the American Summit on October 2nd and 3rd, please click here. It has never been a more important time to get involved.

Every voice counts!! Call, write, email and fax ‘your’ Congressman and Senator and others like Arlen Specter, Senator Grassley, the Blue Dogs and any of those that are teetering, plus Senators McCain and Kyle of Arizona who are asking for input and then those that have been attacking the town hall protestors like Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid etc etc. Enlist your governor if he is a politician of reason.

Posted: Daily Thought Pad

Call the switchboard for Congress in Washington today... your Senator, Congressperson and Nancy Pelosi and tell them “NO” on Government-Run Healthcare Takeover, "NO on Cap and Trade" & NO on the Carbon Tax… and to pay back the unspent stimulus money!!!

1-202-224-3121- Switchboard - House

1-202-225-3121- Switchboard - Senate

(202) 225-0100 - Speaker of the House Pelosi

Speaker Nancy Pelosi or
If the web contact form doesn't work, use this email address:

Info on Senators from your State.

“Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction.” --Ronald Reagan

Join the Tea Party Express

Free Our Health Care Now - Petition

HR-3200 - full report

Breakdown Articles of HR-3200

Click Here To Find A Town Hall Near You!

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