Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Actor Jon Voight: Obama is a disaster

June 10, 2009 - 10:51 ET

Jon Voight

GLENN: From Radio City in Midtown Manhattan, this is the third most listened to show in all of America. Hello, you sick twisted freak. Welcome to the program. I've got a lot for you today. We're going to go right to Jon Voight who is, you know, the big Hollywood actor and friend of the program. Hi, John, how are you?

VOIGHT: Hey, Glenn.

GLENN: So what are you doing, man? What, are you crazy? Saying that Barack Obama is a false prophet?

VOIGHT: Yeah, well, somebody's got to say it, Glenn.

GLENN: It's good not to be alone. It's good not to be alone.

VOIGHT: Well, you know, very important. Very important that people speak out because we're already in real trouble.

GLENN: You said at this big Republican fundraiser that Barack Obama is going to cause the downfall of the country.

VOIGHT: Uh huh.

GLENN: What do you mean by that?

VOIGHT: Well, I mean, you can see the evidence already. I mean, take a look at the unemployment figures, you know. They said they were going to top out at 8, you know, 8% and it's already up to 9.4%. And then, of course, as I said in a speech when they send Joe Biden out who is one of the great double talkers of our time, I said, who gives you a report that everything's fine and the figures are going in the other direction. But the fact is we're in real trouble.

GLENN: Have you been following what the Supreme Court did yesterday, they let this Chrysler deal go through, where we have abandoned our free market principles. I mean, George Bush said I've got to save the country by abandoning the country or the free market system, but this really is. Now we have abandoned the rule of law and who is going to be first in line with the bondholders, et cetera, et cetera. And John, last night I was watching the news unfold and I thought, we are headed towards all of the things that we've been talking about, that people have been saying for two, three years: Oh, Glenn, you're crazy, this is nuts. We're headed there. John, what is it going to take for people to wake up and say, we've got to stop going down this road?

VOIGHT: Yeah. Well, one really worries when people are going to wake up, they are so wed, the media generally is so wed to this liberal agenda and to backing up, you know, the hysteria that they got into in supporting Obama and brick him to the presidency. So they are going to hold onto that. But really you worry, you fear that something very staggering is going to have to happen. But it's already happening, Glenn. You just have to look at the evidence. We're in real trouble. And the answer continuously for Obama is to make another speech, to appeal to his, you know, to find out what people want, put it all in a speech, put it out to as many people as possible and that's his idea of governing the country.

GLENN: Are you more concerned about the economy and spending or are you more concerned about, for instance, the Middle East and Israel?

VOIGHT: Well, I'm concerned about all of that but I really, I'm really concerned about Israel. His attitude toward Israel really reveals that he knows nothing but the history of Israel and its importance to the United States. He spoke at Cairo University in a speech on June 4th and then he said there will be no dictating to other countries, you know, only forging partnerships and yet he certainly dictates to Israel to freeze all settlement activity which, you know, means no natural growth and that means strangling these towns to death, these thriving towns close to the 1949 armistice line that everybody, every negotiation over the past decade has envisioned Israel retaining. So he's really destroying their ability to negotiate and to give and recommending that Israel gives more land away. Hasn't he understood that every time Israel has given land in order to secure peace that all of the response has only been violence? Hasn't he understood all of this? That Gaza has attacked Israel, they gave Gaza as a peace gesture and, you know, Hamas has used it to attack the south of Israel? It's one wonders where he gets his information from and what his point of view is.

GLENN: John, why you're awfully passionate about Israel. I am as well.

VOIGHT: I am indeed, yeah.



GLENN: Because there's a lot of people that will say, geez, these people having warring for 5,000 years, why should we even get involved? Why should we even care?
VOIGHT: Well, you know, certainly they are arguably our greatest ally in the world. We depend on their intelligence. We depend, we're very tied to them, and they are the only democracy in that part of the world. And there are other aspects as well. But when we look at, you know, what Hitler said, Hitler in Mein Kampf laid it all out, didn't he? There are some people who read Mein Kampf. Winston Churchill said, you know, they said, well, how did you know? He said, well, I read his book.

GLENN: Yeah.

VOIGHT: Well, we have heard Ahmadinejad and the Imam speak from Iran, wipe Israel from the geography of the land, from time. Israel is going to die they say. Aren't we listening? Are we taking them seriously or not?

You know, it's funny that you bring this up today because I was just meeting with the writers for television earlier this morning and I said this is where I'm headed today. And it's that very point. I was driving in this morning and I'm hearing all of the news and I keep seeing these signposts pass. Nobody has everybody is in denial on everything.


GLENN: They are, "Oh, well, we're going to be able to grow our way out of it. Well, we'll have to spend some money temporarily here. Well, we can just make friends with these people and we are denying everything that people are actually telling us. Somebody said it was Gretchen Carlson from Fox News who I adore. She is going to be on later. She was on yesterday's show and she said, you know, Obama never said he would do these things. I said, yes, he has. Yes, he has. Nobody wants to say that the man is a Marxist. Okay, so he's not a Marxist. He's a progressive! This is semantics.

VOIGHT: Yes, it is.

GLENN: If you go back and you read what they said. What they said they were going to do in the early 20th century which Hillary Clinton in her own campaign speech said, you know, "I'm an early 20th century American progressive." If you read what they said they were going to do, they're doing it right now, and I feel like I read Mein Kampf as well, and when I read Mein Kampf, I read it because I wanted to know, did the German people know. Yes! Yes, they knew. Unless they were like, "Oh, well, no, he doesn't mean that," which is exactly what we're doing now. Everybody's just saying, "Well, no, they don't... Ahmadinejad really doesn't mean that." Or, "He's really not going to actually destroy the free market system." Yes, he is. Yes, he is.

VOIGHT: Oh, yes.

GLENN: So how do you wake people up, John?

VOIGHT: I don't know. I'm doing my best and you're doing your best for sure, Glenn. It really is frightening. I mean, when Obama says you don't know if you're hearing properly when he says that Iran is perhaps entitled to nuclear power. And after all of these statements.

GLENN: Yet we're not.

VOIGHT: We're seeing him head down this road. And you say, well, wait, we'll check in December and see how far it's gotten. It's so alarming, it's quite it's almost unbelievable that we're witnessing this kind of behavior.

GLENN: John, what is your life like

VOIGHT: Pretty good.

GLENN: Because you are in you're in the hornet's nest. You might as well just be covered in the honey.

VOIGHT: Well, you know, as I said in my speech and by the way, you know, it took me time to make a statement. I watched everything. But it's really, things are disastrous. Right now they are disastrous. Every move he's made has failed, and we're headed down this socialist road while, of course, you look at Europe. They have dipped their toe in it and they are turning around saying this is a dead end, this is disaster. And they are turning around and coming back. All of the elections in Europe now are returning conservatives to the seats and saying we don't want to go down that road

SPEAKER: I talked to a couple of experts on the progressive movement. I'm, I'm strangely making geek friendships with all these historians because I'm fascinated by the progressive movement because it's the roadmap for tomorrow. You will see your future. If you read the past, you will see the future. And they both said to me, you want to see our future; you look at Europe. There's no birthrates the birthrates, they're breeding themselves into extinction over in Europe. There's no religion over there. It's all dead religion. The healthcare is an absolute mess, the government's a mess. It's a world of political correctness where you can't say anything anymore. That's our future

SPEAKER: Yeah. Well, that's the situation here, no matter what Obama does. He's protected. Everything he does, no matter what they do or say, they're totally protected. Look at the black panthers in Philadelphia standing by the polling booths with, you know, with sticks. And they get away with it. With ACORN what ACORN has done, they are under indictment in 12 states for fraud. That's how he came in, under the back of a fraudulent behavior. And he gets away with it. No one's saying anything here. Everyone's covering because of their, you know, fastened to this liberal agenda which has proven to be a failure.

GLENN: There's a few people that are speaking out, there are a few. There's people like you, there's people like me, there are a few on television and radio that I think get it. Many people are still playing politics. When you were in this, when you were at this Republican fundraiser, you think they get it yet, John? Really get it?
Well, from the people I've spoken to, I think people are getting clearer and clearer, and I think this goes to the independent people and even people on the Democratic side. And I certainly, when I'm speaking, I'm hoping people are listening across the country, every citizen. We have to abandon this political correctness and start telling the truth. You know, people try to paint people like myself and you as, you know, rightwing looneys or something, you know. Whereas we're really speaking, most of the stuff we talk about, Glenn, is really actually classical liberalism.
GLENN: I know it is.

VOIGHT: Represented by Thomas Jefferson.

GLENN: It's freedom.

VOIGHT: And if we really want the answers, they have already been written. There's a document called the Constitution that's pretty well written. And if we can just go back to that and we can go back to the philosophy of the founding fathers, we've got a pretty good compass.

GLENN: Let me take you back full circle then at the beginning of the conversation. We had the Supreme Court yesterday pass on a case. Now, I have not heard. I've got a couple of people that are checking for me to see if we can get any inside sources. Maybe it's because they said this isn't the right case to overturn all of this nonsense, but they passed on it. There's no way to read what our government is doing as anything but hostile to the Constitution. You can't do what they've done with the GM and Chrysler deal, taking people out of line and playing right directly to special interests, special interests. I mean, you know, forget about the bondholders even. America, you bailed these people out against your will. Your representatives bailed them out and then they put the unions and the special interests ahead of even you getting your money back. They got double they got, what is it, 50 something cents on the dollar? What did we get? 24 cents on the dollar? Excuse me. I busted my ass and I have nothing to do with those companies. How come I'm paying? How come the average person is paying for that right now? It doesn't make any sense.

VOIGHT: Of course. So that's why the tea parties erupted. Because people are starting to get it, Glenn. They understand that this is

GLENN: Are you seeing anybody in Hollywood? And you don't have to name names. Are you seeing people in Hollywood waking up or more people willing to come to the table? I had a

VOIGHT: Yes, I do think more and more are I think those people who have been paying attention to it and understand are more willing to step out and I think that people are, you know, the, you know, their eyes are starting to see finally little by little what's going on. And they end up being confronted with questions. So let's see what happens. And obviously we're trying to there are many people out there that are speaking very eloquently and I listed a whole bunch of them at the speech. I don't know if you saw the entire speech at the convention.

GLENN: I didn't.

VOIGHT: At the House Senate dinner. But I mentioned your name, by the way. And I went through a whole litany of all the guys who are really

GLENN: What, are you crazy? I mean, you don't want to

VOIGHT: I want to be aligned with you, Glenn. Glenn Beck, I want them to

GLENN: I'm telling you, there will be a knock on the door and you'll say, "I don't know him. I swear to you I don't know him." John, it is good to be with you and talking to you. Thank you for everything that you've done.

VOIGHT: Thanks, Glenn. Thank you, too.

GLENN: You bet. We'll talk again.

VOIGHT: God bless.

GLENN: Jon Voight who is I think one of the only normal people in Hollywood and that's saying something, isn't it?


Posted: Daily Thought Pad

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