Saturday, October 18, 2008

Two Huge Election 2008 Considerations

 A vote for Obama is a vote for a Socialistic democracy at best and taking large strides toward becoming a Socialistic Country at worst. A vote for McCain is a vote for restoring Democracy as we used to know it and as our Founding Father's tried to create for us.

Another huge consideration, since Obama is the most liberal Senator in the Senate, and you can check his voting record to verify that, is that if Obama is elected there will be no checks and balances to monitor the present ineffective liberal Congress, led by super liberal Nancy Pelosi. So again, a vote for Obama is a vote for unchecked liberalism or Socialism.

Also, this week one of Obama's regular lunch friends identified him as being as "closer to a full fledged Marxist than anyone who has ever attempted to run for President of the United States!"

Obama had a self admitted relationship with someone who was publicly identified as a member of the Communist Party USA, Frank Marshall Davis, a hostile racist reverend, and a Weatherman

Weatherman: Ayers
Communist: Frank Marshall Daves
Hate Monger: Reverend Wright
And the list goes on...

Can all these associations be coincidental, accidental or????

Checkout: Obama the Marxist And The Audacity of Socialism

"Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn't pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same." ...Ronald Reagan

This election is one of those moments where we choose... A vote for McCain is a vote of Democracy! A vote for Obama is a vote for Socialism!!

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