Sunday, October 26, 2008

Mr. Obama, Who Are You??? - Some Videos You Must See

Check Out:  Mr Obama, Who Are You???   - -you/

Libertybob - I’m Scared For This Country

"I was *Almost* ready to vote for McCain. Then the "crisis" hit. How many times has McCain tried to say that he will kill any pork spending, he will make the names of those who purport it famous, it is a symptom of greater spending, etc? Yet, just days after the debate where he made these claims central to his position, he voted for the bailout bill loaded with pork. But I try to remember that he might know things that I don' might have felt he didn't have a choice. But for awhile it was a deal breaker."

I was disappointed that McCain made a big deal of going back and signing on to that bailout bonanza. And even after it was originally defeated, it was reworked to include a couple hundred million of additional pork. And he voted for it! (But both major candidates supported its passing. He was gaining momentum at the time but he insisted on demonstrating what a 'bipartisan' insider he really was. Then he lost his momentum and may very well lose this election because of it). I even considered voting for an independent or alternate presidential candidate choice, but unfortunately, in reality that is throwing away your vote, and in this election every vote will count.

He was gaining momentum at the time but he insisted on demonstrating what a 'bipartisan' insider he really was. Then he lost his momentum and may very well lose this election because of it.

Admittedly, McCain is not perfect, but he is a patriot, and I have come back to realize that his opponent is exponentially worse.

We keep looking at Obama like we'd be electing a Carter - someone who would be bad but we could survive. But suppose something happened that would, with diminished majorities in both houses, allow him to declare a state of emergency and allow him to assume dictatorial powers.

According to an FBI informant, members of Ayers' organization has already coldly declared that opponents need not be dealt with but simply killed - by the millions.

They do not intend to preserve free institutions - they mean to do away with them - and gun confiscation will be the first item on their list.

I hope my fears are unfounded but I'm with the plumber - I'm scared for this country.

Subject: William - Your Research

Your research is quite comprehensive. It's too bad more people don't take the time to look into the issues and character of a candidate before they cast a vote.

I found the faith freedom profile of That One especially intriguing and quite credible as well. It tends to fill out picture of B. Hussein that is indeed frightening. See

In my mind, there's no question that B. Hussein is a stealth Muslim, which means in the orthodox case that he's a fascist.

Before he even emerged from the primaries, he should have been thoroughly vetted by the republicans, except they were too worried about being tagged as 'racist'. What we have now, nearly as president, is quite a monster with regard to the republican freedoms of a representative democracy.

I'm also repeating your research page since it doesn't stand out in your post and the links provided are very informative.

Thanks for your service and welcome back to the real fight.

A Vet Looks at Barack Obama

I'm a Vietnam veteran who after watching the DVD 'Obsession' about Islamic terrorism and reading Brigitte Gabriel's book 'Because They Hate' decided to find out what I could about Barack Obama. It has me truly concerned for this nation that I love. You can see the results of my research at 

For me the most important link I found was an article on understanding Barack Obama at

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