Thursday, October 16, 2008

McCain telling Truth on Obama's so called tax ‘cut’

Sen. Barack Obama may be his generation’s version of the Great Communicator, but no amount of happy talk is going to make this economy better. The key now is to not make it worse.

And that means not making it worse for those small businesses that are the real generator of jobs, of hopes and of dreams.

So good for Sen. John McCain for standing up for Joe Wurzelbacher, a Toledo plumber, who confronted Obama on a campaign rope-line Tuesday about the Democratic contender’s so-called tax cut plan.

“He looked at your plan and you were going to increase his taxes,” McCain said last night. “Joe was trying to buy a business” and hire other employees.

“Joe, I’ll not only help you buy that business . . . I’ll not stand for a tax increase on small business income,” McCain said.

Obama had told Wuzelbacher, “It’s not that I want to punish your success. I want to make sure that everybody who is behind you, that they’ve got a chance for success too. . . . I think when you spread the wealth around, it’s good for everybody.”

So there you have it. The ugly truth about Obama’s real economic plan, his real plan for this nation’s future.

“We’re going to take Joe’s money and give it to Sen. Obama so that he can spread the wealth around,” McCain explained, and called it what it truly is - “class warfare.”

Remember Robin Hood?

An analysis by the Heritage Foundation found that Obama’s proposal for “refundable tax credits” is little more than an enormous welfare program that would take from guys like Joe Wurzelbacher to provide checks from the IRS to an additional 10 million Americans by 2011.

Now that’s straight talk.  And this isn’t all that McCain is right about!!

By Boston Herald Editorial Staff

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