Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Oprah Winfrey... Prejudicially Chooses Not To Have First Female Republican VP Candidate On Her Show...

Although Oprah is not a journalist nor hosts a news show... she does have a responsibility to fairness...

It is known that Oprah is an Obama supporter... but what happened to her crusade of empowering women??

Sign this Petition to get Sarah Palin on the Oprah Winfrey Show!

Oprah Winfrey is an example of someone who overcame hardship and stereotypes to build the life she wanted. Join us in respectfully asking her to reconsider a public interview with Vice Presidential candidate, Sarah Palin. Like Oprah, Ms. Palin has carved out her own path in life-- from pursuing a career in a field and political party dominated by men, to her difficult choice to raise a child with Down Syndrome. In the interest of empowering women and providing them with examples of strong female leadership, we request that Oprah Winfrey arrange an interview with Sarah Palin.

Join thousands who have signed this petition and let Oprah know what YOU THINK!
A service of the Patriot Depot & The Political Fish


Larry Elder :: Columnist Per Larry Elder, author, radio personality and TV host, "Although white people get the media rap for being prejudice and not being willing to vote for a black president... per the polls and self-admittedly only 8% (still too many) of white people say they wouldn't vote for Barak Obama because of race.  Yet 20% of Afro-Americans say they are voting for the Barak Obama because of race... no matter what".

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