Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Another Corporate Bailout By The US Govt

Today... the U.S. Government bailed out AIG with a loan for $85 billion... yes billion with a "B".

Billions for AIG, Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, Ernst and Young...and the list goes on.  And then you hear that the people who ran these companies into the ground are getting severence packages for millions.

Hello... if Average Joe American screws up at work, they fire him, without a dime, and usually badmouth him as the door is hitting him in the fanny on his way out.

This is my idea... let all those companies fail.  Let the people who live in the houses or have car loans with these failed companies keep them for free instead and then take the money you would have loaned these companies and divy it out among all the Americans and legal residents who didn't get a house or car paid for.

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