Thursday, August 11, 2011

‘U.S. Day of Rage’ Being Orchestrated for ‘Worldwide Democracy’ (think pseudo-anarchist, neo-Marxist, globalist)

Alert: Anyone Noticing the call for US Day of Rage on September 17th? (vanity)
8/10/11 | 30Moves

I just noticed on Twitter and Facebook that the Left is calling for a US Day of Rage on September 17th.

The Twitter #s are: #USDOR, #occupywallstreet, #revolution

Facebook: Occupy Wall St. or US Day of Rage

They invite people to occupy Wall Street and DC and State Capitals.

Publius is Very Unhappy! Bring your tents! Wall Street belongs to us! Demand the the top 2% pay their fair share!

Lots of tweets but the Facebook pages are low volume.

In addition, there is a group of Muslim activists that are pushing this and in England for the rioters to overthrow the government. -  UK: Islamists call on the Internet to support rioters

My question to them would be: then what?

Gulag Bound

European Revolution

We thought this would be happening, now didn’t we?!?

A movement is suddenly springing up from nowhere (ah-huh) to take on the free enterprise, “capitalist” system. In America, they are especially targeting Wall Street, a place still somewhat constitutionally sovereign to the U.S.A. and not thoroughly controlled yet by authoritarian global collectivism.

That is a Wall Street which has already been damaged by the Cloward-Piven orchestrated mortgage meltdown and stemming from that was assailed by the protorevolutionary Obama-Peloisi-Reid government, which brought boa constrictor regulation — by “reform” with loopholes wide enough to fit Brinks trucks for large and coordinated hedge fund manipulators, and which shielded a Securities & Exchange Commission gone dark from the kinds of Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) inquiries that uncovered Bernie Madoff. Cloward-Piven government, indeed.

A “U.S. Day of Rage” is scheduled to start an “Occupy Wall Street” camp-out on “17/9/2011″ (which would denote orchestration by those who use the British means of writing dates). And as with the “Arab Spring,” much of the organizing is being done through social media, especially super-popular Facebook and Twitter.

Immediately upon clicking links, one finds it to be the America-targeting element of a worldwide movement, especially popular by the looks of it, in Old Europe. Again, that is no surprise to those who have looked into the updated mode of Marxist revolution stemming from the Gramsci and Trotsky schools and historically, even the days before Marx and Engels. Revolutionary proponents likes to hide behind the non-American ideal of democracy(as in permanent rule of the proletariat majority, forget about a republic) along with nebulous and mysterious anarchistic labelling.

From the U.S. Day of Rage “About” page:

Our Partners

European Revolution

Take the Square


Occupy Wall Street

WL Central

We Support



The term “Day(s) of Rage” is the product of Chicago’s Weathermen, led by Obama workmate Bill Ayers and cohabitants.

This Day of Rage speaks of non-violence, yet plays up the violent terrorism of the current rioting proceeding in Great Britain.

This entry in will be updated, so we may bring you the news immediately and fill it out as we go.

h/t to Terresa The Noisy Room  and  h/t: CFHeather and Jean Stoner

Related: UK-Based Extremists’ Group Plot to Overthrow Pakistan Gov’t

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