Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Senators David Vitter & Richard Shelby introduced a bill preventing recipients of bailout funds from providing financial assistance to the ACORN

(Washington, D.C.) – U.S. Sens. David Vitter and Richard Shelby today introduced a bill that would prevent recipients of bailout funds under the Troubled Assets Relief Program from providing financial assistance to the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now. The bill does not prevent organizations who have repaid any financial assistance received under TARP from providing funding to ACORN.

“When we talk about national problems and causes for concern, ACORN and the bailouts certainly come to mind,” said Vitter. “This month the Senate wisely voted to preclude further taxpayer dollars from going to this troubled organization. But billions of dollars in bailout funds are already out the door, and we need to ensure that they are being spent responsibly. If we are serious about spending this money in a responsible manner, we need to apply it where it is most likely to help spur economic recovery, and ACORN simply doesn’t fall in that area.”

“Both chambers of Congress have united in voicing strong, bipartisan disapproval of ACORN receiving federal funds going forward. It is imperative that we also look back to ensure this message applies to taxpayer funds already spent through TARP,” said Shelby.

Over the past year, ACORN has been the subject of several criminal investigations relating to voter fraud and other alleged offenses. Last week, the U.S. Senate passed an amendment to the Transportation, Housing and Urban Development Appropriations bill that would preclude funding from being awarded to ACORN.

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Harry Reid Blocks ACORN Investigation Despite Evidence… WHY?

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