Wednesday, May 15, 2013

You Cannot Love and Honor What You Don’t Know or Miss

By Marion AlgierAsk Marion

The American system is broken and the Great American Experiment is almost lost.  But what is even more frightening is that (for far too many) the American people’s connection to their culture, traditions, religion and history are broken while in large part the American people have lost their common sense, ability for critical thinking which is needed to connect the dots and their willingness to work and fight like past generations did and would have to get them back for themselves and for their children before they are gone forever.

Whatever you want to call them, the liberal left, Progressives, Socialists, Communists, Marxists, global elites, etc., which include most of our politicians, media corps, Hollywood types and those who control our educational system, they have been on a mission for decades, while average and generally more traditional Americans, the Sheeple as they have been dubbed by Russia’s Pravda, ‘just lived’ allowing  themselves to be  manipulated, dumbed down and programmed.  The Progressives used political correctness; multiculturalism; White Guilt; division; attacks on societal and cultural norms; racism, diversion; the creation of a permanent underclass that they can theoretically control and manipulate out of dependence; and the infiltration of public schools, churches and both traditional and social media, especially to reach the young, to bring us to this moment in time in American history, when there are more low and under-informed citizens and voters than those engaged and involved.

Tom Brokaw’s ‘Greatest Generation’ was the lynch pin that was purposely broken between tradition and what America was and the rebellious baby-boomers and what America ‘could be molded into’ using the left’s plan.  The Greatest Generation fought in one or both World Wars or Korea and were “Great Depression” babies or children of survivors of the “Great Depression and the Great War(s) and in their attempt to spare them the hardships they grew up with, they produced the most rebellious, self-centered, self-indulgent and spoiled generation of all time.

Those in power today from the Clintons to the Obamas and the members of their administrations are and were products of the ‘could be’ generations that followed the so-called The Greatest Generation

Remember Hillary Clinton’s famous debate comment in 2007: “I prefer to think of myself as a Progressive!” (Video), after being asked if she was a liberal) by Barack Obama. Progressives… the Clintons are and were having been part of the George Soros, Saul Alinsky and Cloward and Piven team; The Shadow Party.

Whereas the Obama’s are part of the generation inspired and spawned by Soros, Alinsky, Cloward, Piven , the Clintons and their ideas.  Both President Obama’s mother and grandparents were Communists, who attended the Little Red Church in Washington as well as his mentor Frank Marshall Davis. They  were part of the ‘anti-traditional America’ movement.

The members of the Greatest Generation generally grew up poor and gave their all (their youth, their health and their lives) for America and freedom, or definitely knew many who did,  and deserve our gratitude and respect for all they gave and their sacrifices.  But, where I differ with Tom Brokaw, who like Katie Couric and many other anchors and reporters is a member of the elitist CFR, the Greatest Generation didn’t follow through on their sacrifices and commitment to America after the war years. Instead, wanting to spare their kids the strife and hardships they went through, the Greatest Generation raised spoiled self-indulgent children, the baby-boomers, who in turn raised spoiled self-indulgent children, the Millennials, with even less structure than they had and generally without moms at home after school and who, like our president, often grew up without stable fathers in the picture. They were rife for manipulation, indoctrination and experimentation!

American born and immigrant children learned American history and a pride in this amazing country. History was as important as reading, writing and arithmetic. Most people went to church so they had roots and were grounded and a support group from both home and church. And traditions, beliefs and culture were passed down from generation to generation by parents, grandparents, and communities.

America used to be a melting pot.  Immigrants came legally, in an orderly fashion in numbers that America could assimilate..  They brought with them their backgrounds, their traditions, their religion and their talents that would eventually help flavor the pot, but initially they came here hungry, grateful and with sponsors knowing it would be tough and that there would be no handouts. So they were ready to work, ready to blend in, ready to learn English and ready to become Americans… not expecting America to change for them.  They retained their personal cultures and honored them at home or in their communities.  They blended their traditions with American traditions but strived first and foremost to blend in. Immigrant children quickly learned to speak English, 2 sometimes 3 languages, and knew both their own history and American history as well often better than anyone born here.

When you know where you came from, your history, which includes a pride and knowledge in America’s history and traditions as well as your own family history, traditions, and values as well as your cultural background and your religious background you develop a natural love, respect and honor for all those things, even during the rebellious years, and most people find their back to that core.  Those who have worked for generations to lay the groundwork to fundamentally change America understood that and have slowly, quietly and methodically chipped away at that core.

A little diversity, room for growth and positive change are good things, but what we have in common, not division or diversity, is the glue that makes any society, culture and country strong.

Several generations of Americans have now been dumbed down, have lost their religion, have abandoned their traditions, have decided to live by their own rules and have even abandoned the integrity of the family unit.  And the grandparents and great-grandparents who should have cemented the generations decided to play golf, go on cruises and indulge themselves instead of passing along the traditions, the stories and the history.  They left their grandchildren at the mercy of the Progressives, as they did their children, telling themselves that they had done enough, that they wanted their children to have it easier than they did (less rules, structure and sacrifice) and opting for being the nice and fun grandparents instead of the involved examples who passed the torch.

We have allowed ourselves to be dumbed down and our time to be filled with distractions and in turn have allowed our children to be dumbed down, manipulated and indoctrinated by electronic baby-sitters, an educational system with an agenda  and their peers that have the same of even less guidance.  Fewer and fewer families eat dinner together or they eat dinner in front of the television or allow cell phones at the table.  Less and less people are attending church; after all it is easier to sleep in or more fun to go to a ball game.  And more and more people’s holidays revolve around sales at the mall and how many gifts they receive instead of traditions and celebrating and discussing the real meaning behind them.  And when was the last time you discussed politics, religion, current events or history with your kids, grandkids, friends or co-workers? How about family history?  Our children are being programmed by people like Bill Ayers, mindless or worse television shows and video games full of sex and violence.  And most Americans no longer read the newspaper or watch the news and if they do, the majority mindlessly read and watch the mainstream media outlets without question or research, that have become propaganda arms for our ever left-leaning government.  And then we vote without knowing the issues, anything about the candidates or for a repeat and wonder why our lives keep getting worse.

Obama is presently fighting off a long list of scandals – Benghazi-gate, IRS-gate, Press-gate and now Sebelius-gate and EPA-gate plus he should be answering for  those scandals like Fast and Furious that his team buried.  And the leading Democrat Progressive choice for 2016, Hillary Clinton, is equally involved in many of those and others, yet the average American, is either completely unaware that they even exist, or if they have heard of them, really don’t understand what the scandals are about because of the bias liberal media spin and blackouts (Many people have not even heard about the murder trial of Dr. Kermit Gosnell).   If this were almost any other president in American history, he would already be writing his resignation letter.  Yet now we hear that the administration has become so paranoid and controlling that they are even spying on the friendly media.

Reader’s Digest took a ‘Trust’ Poll: The 100 Most Trusted People in America. They survived 1,009 people between January 24th and January 29th. "Who is the most trusted man in America?" Want to take a stab at it? Wanna take a wild guess? I'll give you a little hint. Clarence Thomas is number 88… Tom Hanks is number 1.  What happened to the days where astronauts, reporters like Walter Cronkite, Mother Teresa or presidents like Ronald Reagan or John F. Kennedy headed up the list? We can kid ourselves all we want, but you only have to watch a segment of Jay-Walking with Jay Leno or Watter’s World with Jesse Watters or callers to talk radio shows like Howard Stern to realize how lost we really are.

“Sandra Bullock, the 2nd most trusted person in America?  I wouldn’t even trust her to tell me she was in a good movie.” –Glenn Beck


The Reader's Digest Poll of the 100 Most Trusted People in Low-Information America

There is only one way to save America and to prove the goal of the Great American Experiment, that people can rule themselves.  But it won’t be easy and will take returning to a world with rules; enforcement of the law; respect for parents, grand-parents and authority… including a higher authority; a house-cleaning of the broken system and a concerted effort to replace facebook, twitter, texting, sexting, 24-hour electronic stimulation and even our obsession with the 24-hour sports cycle with family time, reading, going back and learning the real America history as well as our family and cultural histories, delving into current events and the news and sharing the truth with everyone you know.  And then it will take our involvement in our schools,  in elections at all levels, boycotting TV and other media that lie to us and harm our children, values and culture and demanding honest media and honest politicians. How about running a kid’s patriot camp in your area or taking a summer trip to a presidential library, Gettysburg, Williamsburg or Washington, D.C. for a start? And leave the electronics at home.

You cannot love or honor what you don’t know or miss, let alone be expected to fight for it.  We have done our children and the future generations of Americans, if America survives at all, a great dis-service by allowing them to sail through life like ships without rudders. We are teetering on the edge as a nation, a society and a culture and the only way for us to keep from going over the edge is for those, mostly 50 and over, who were raised before common sense and critical thinking died and were educated in pre-rewritten America history, religion and with family and cultural traditions, to step-up and fill-in the gaps for those who are younger and those who are lost and floundering and become the leaders for change… a change back to what worked and mattered, no matter how tough or how unpopular… and to do it quickly.

"If a nation expects to be ignorant and free, in a state of civilization, it expects what never was and never will be.  . . . whenever the people are well-informed, they can be trusted with their own government; that, whenever things get so far wrong as to attract their notice, they may be relied on to set them right." –these are the cornerstones of Jefferson's interest in education and the franchise. He placed education as the foundation of democracy and a prerequisite to vote.


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