Saturday, September 1, 2012

Vanished!… Islamic Jumah Disappears From Official DNC Schedule – But Maybe Not From the Event? - Updated

UPDATED: The only questions left now are: (1) Is the DNC and Team Obama lying to us again… and just took the official designation supporting Jumah off their site? (2) Are the Jumah events now moving forward in Charlotte on their own and without sanction, now that Team Obama decided it was a liability for President Obama’s reelection? (3) Or will the Jumah event move forward as planned at the DNC Convention (with unofficial sanction) but not be televised or discussed by the liberal bias media. See: Jumah prayer event prior to the 2012 DNC goes off without a hitch or disruption No one has been able to get a definite response from either the DNC, Team Obama or the White House about the status of this event since they removed it from the DNC Convention Website as an officially sanctioned event… But it was then noticed that it had not been removed from and is now being reported as having started and taking place as planned.

A good friend of mine said… “I almost wish that this had not been cancelled so people would see what is really going on.” Seems she might get her wish!! And that a Storm is headed for Charlotte thanks to 'Jumah at the DNC' Islam, especially radical Islam, is not a religion, at least not in the pure sense of the definition. It is a political philosophy disguised as a religion whose goal is to takeover the world… and the radicals in our government like Hillary Clinton and President Barack Obama are promoting their integration into our lives, laws and way of life.

Via: Congressman Tom Tancredo and at Gateway Pundit

That’s weird?
Back on Monday the Obama Campaign listed an “Islamic Jumah at the DNC” as an “official function” at the DNC convention in Charlotte next week.

But now it’s gone. **But the event is still listed at

Gerard Direct has more on the disappearing Jumah:

Earlier this week, we posted an article about the DNC sponsoring, as an “official event” JUMAH at the DNC (watch the promotional video here).

Florida Family Association sent out an email alert on August 29, 2012 which reported the following two sub headlines:

“DNC approves Jumah for 20,000 Muslims.” “RNC adopts anti-Sharia plank at convention.”

The email alert and website provided a link to the DNC web site calendar of events which at that time and up until yesterday afternoon included the Juma event, which the original DNC website listed as an “official function.”

However, since then, the Jumah event was removed from the DNC web site calendar, and there is no reference at all to the event. A supporter noted in an e-mail, “It was still there 5.30 PM on 8/30/2012 and at 6.30 PM it was gone! I looked everywhere but it’s not listed anymore.”

But now it’s gone… Gone from the Democrat Convention site… but not from And now it has been reported in the Washington Time’s social journalism section that:

CHARLOTTE, August 31, 2012 — Isaac's winds have scattered. The Republicans are basking in the glow of their convention. The Democrats are headed to Charlotte. And the Jumah prayer at the 2012 DNC kicked off a series of hundreds of events that will spread throughout the city for a week… Jumah prayer event prior to the 2012 DNC goes off without a hitch or disruption

One of the major themes of the Democrat National Convention will be their ‘fake’ war on women developed as a weapon against conservatives that over the past 6 months, since they have no record that they can run on. Anyone that watched the Republican National Convention last week knows there is no conservative or GOP war on women. Unfortunately, there is a real war on woman and allowing Sharia Law to creep into our society and legal system is very much part of the real war and this event being officially sanctioned and included at the Convention by the Democrats and now after an outcry being removed from the DNC site, but seemingly not from Charlotte or the Convention is an example of their goals and tactics.

There are none so blind as those who will not see! Wake-up America!! Wake-up American Women… You are being played!!!

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