Wednesday, June 20, 2012


Update:  President Obama and Eric Holder have decided to blame Bush and President Obama asserted Executive Privilege, but the AG Eric Holder has been held in Contempt by the Congressional oversight committee anyway.  Good job Representative Issa and Committee!  Next week it goes to a full vote of the House of Representatives.  Get involved.  Keep up the pressure and demand Holder be held in Contempt and a full investigation.  Shades of Watergate??


By: AJ

President Obama and Eric Holder have decided to blame Bush for their Fast & Furious gun program that sent thousands of US guns to Mexican drug cartels, gangs and murderers who used them to kill Mexicans and Americans. 

A live stream of the contempt proceedings against Eric Holder can be seen in real time HERE. ( )

Watch this 2009 video showing that Obama’s DOJ, run by Eric Holder, rolled out the new Fast & Furious gun program.

Video:  Smoking Gun: Obama Ordered Operation Fast and Furious - Project Gunrunner - 2009

The prelude to the Obama/Holder Fast & Furious gun program was the false narrative, perpetuated publicly by Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton, claiming that 90% of the foreign guns found in Mexico come from the US .  In actuality, the majority of weapons were from other countries – not the US .

Video: Trafficking Guns to Mexico from - FOXNews com

Obama’s “blame Bush” tactic is used on every front to make excuses for his failures.  In this case, however, Obama is using this tactic as cover because he was caught deliberately putting guns in the hands of Mexican criminals.

Why would Obama want to flood Mexico with US weapons?  To impose more restrictive US gun laws on Americans by making his narrative true – ‘90% of the foreign guns found in Mexico come from the US ’.

Rest assured that if Obama and Holder had not been caught, they would not be asserting Executive privilege on the eve of Holder’s contempt proceedings, and they would not be asserting the false “blame Bush” narrative.

Fast and Furious Committee Site and Coverage

Breaking… Fast and Furious Scandal Videos Go Viral Making Obama & Holder Panic!!

Obama Seeks US Congressional Ratification of UN Global Gun Control Treaty  -  Some connection links here


Nachumlist – Gunnrunnergate, Ethics, Leaks, Lies, etc.


Issa: Holder hasn’t complied and the contempt vote is still on

Issa-Holder Meeting Ends Without Resolution

Obama and Israel

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