Monday, May 16, 2011

Most Watched City in the World…

Which one… Chicago; the home of our President and now run by Rahm Emanuel whose coronation, ah swearing in, is today, May 16th, 2011…  1984 has arrived in Chicago and if we don’t stand up NOW… coming to your city next!

In what has been dubbed Operation Virtual Shield, thousands of public and privately owned security cameras have been put in place in Chicago and linked together, creating a capsule of surveillance over the entire city, more extensive than anywhere else in the United States. Chicago holds the record for number of surveillance cameras, estimated at up to 10,000. The network is said to have cost $60 million. Officials say it is worth the price, but privacy concerns are at a peak.

Video:  May 16, 2011 !!!1984!!! YOU NEED TO KNOW!!!

Your rights and freedoms are being consciously and deliberately stripped away. This is NOT about public safety!
It is about power and control by a self appointed few.

Red Squad Back Big Brother cameras zoom in on Chicago
RussiaToday | May 15, 2011 | 4,134 view

Benjamin Franklin, “He who gives up his liberty for security ends up with neither!!”

Culture of Corruption

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