Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Indoctrination Verses Education of Our Children

Whoever Controls the Schools Rules the World “Education can be used as a vehicle for social change, a concept and tool understood from Karl Marx and Adolf Hitler to secular humanism and radical Islam!”  Everyone understand this concept except those who are being manipulated and indoctrinated.  The Progressives here in America (and the Fabians in England) have been indoctrinating our kids (us) as well as dumbing us down as a society for decades, speeding up the pace since the 1960’s and are now focusing on the American Youth like never before.

Why the United States is Destroying Its Education System

Video:  GB Show – Kid’s Not Learning What They Need to in School

Indoctrination of our Children
Last Friday Rachel called into the radio program about an earth day rap that her six-year-old came home singing from school one day including the lyrics, ‘Boycott, petition, let the big business know that if we mess it up here, there’s nowhere else we can go.’ Rachel and her daughter appeared on today’s radio program – get their story and the plan to stop the indoctrination HERE.



Tennessee Bill to Take Power Away From Teacher Unions

Ethnic Studies Supporters Overtake TUSA Meeting  -  School Teaching Mexican-American Studies Over American History?

This is what we should be teaching our kids: entrepreneurship Little Susie’s Small Business Lemonade Stand (Video), independent thinking, the positives of free market capitalism, math, independence and leadership… plus American History from original sources!

Little Susie must live in a Republican State. If she lived in a Democratic Party controlled State, she would be arrested for selling her lemonade without a permit, arrested by the Obama Sugar Police for reckless endangerment, fined by the IRS for not providing Obamacare for her employees, her Federal Taxes would rise 66% as punishment for being a successful small business, and her teachers from school would go picket at her home, screaming "Boycott Susie" because she has non-union employees!

I have to say this is one of the funniest, cutest,and innocent commercials I've seen in a long time. Whoever came up with this one hit the proverbial home run.

It's funny how a dad leaves a smart phone to help his little girl with her lemonade stand and she creates a giant corporation in an afternoon.

In a world full of darkness, it's refreshing to see something entertaining in a wholesome kind of way!

Instead we are teaching them the negatives and supposed evils for Capitalism, group think, and social justice.

And in many states, instead of focusing on reading, writing, arithmetic, science and history we are allowing the schools to take the place of the parent in teaching their children social values and sex education on a level that no child should even know or think about, let alone have to deal with an learn about in explicit ways.

Students react to fetus

Photo of the Week Sex Ed Hits the Road  -  Look at these CA 5th Grader’s Faces and then ask yourself with a reaction like that to the basics…

Yet CA is talking about burdening and sexualizing Kindergartners with a “gay curriculum” including gay history and sex-ed?  Stop over-sexualizing our children!!

Chief Heather Fong (left), is the first SFPD female, lesbian chief of police.  Theresa Sparks (center), a former male, is president of the San Francisco Police Commission, CEO of a multimillion-dollar sex toy retailer, and a transgender woman. Sgt. Stephan Thorne (right), a former female, is the first transgender male SFPD police officer.

This is what they want to start explaining to your kids as young as Kindergarten… Really?  Is this why you send your innocent children to school?  Look at expression on those 5th grader’s faces above in a one hour special presentation on the sex organs. 

Union Teachers Discuss Indoctrinating Public Schoolchildren

UK:  Dr. Death Suicide Film Being Shown in Schools: How to Kill Yourself Educational Videos for 14-year-olds  -  Will this be the U.S. after Obamacare goes into affect?


Students Forced to Answer Intimate, Sexually Suggestive Surveys  -  Actual Survey

Safe Schools Czar Compares Anti-Gay Discrimination to Slavery and Racial Segregation

Flunking the Citizenship Test

The Dumbing Down of America Series

The Deliberate Dumbing Down of America
Deliberate Dumbing Down of America - E Book download is NOW FREE TO ALL!!!
Right click and "Save Link As"
Click here to begin download
File is 6.75 MB

Also check out:

One-Party Classroom  and Indoctrination U - Informative Reads, as well as: Whoever Controls the Schools Rules the World

Expelled – DVD with Ben Stein

But there is some hope…

The following video clips are from the National College Republicans. The CRs are overwhelmingly principled Constitutionalists. I have yet to meet one that isn't enthusiastic about the Tea Party movement. They do NOT agree with establishment Republicans and definitely know that the Progressive left is taking us down the wrong path!!  (h/t to Jared Law of the 9.12 Project) Enjoy:

Video:  CRNC – What’s Your Plan

Video:  CRNC – The “Break Up”

Video:  CRNC – I Am Debt

Video: CRNC Presents “Don’t Put it On Our Tab:  Not Too Big to Fail!

Obama, what happened?  During the election you were so cool.  Now we are broke and you want to control every aspect of our lives!  If we stay on the course set by the Obama administration, history will remember us as the generation of debt and our parents as the generation who put us there.  Our parents warned us.

www.crnc.org/petition  PLEASE SIGN NOW!!!

Beck’s Next Move

Church Awakens: New Campaign to Save the 5,000 Year Old Tradition of Marriage

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