Sunday, May 22, 2011

20 MILLION illegals (including criminals) Getting American citizenship… If We Don’t Stand Up!

 20 MILLION illegals (including criminals) Getting American citizenship!

Are you prepared for Obama to grant over 20 MILLION illegals (including dangerous criminals) American citizenship? You better be -- or you better be prepared to ACT NOW to stop it. Because TODAY, Obama is holding meetings that could determine if each and every illegal alien will be granted amnesty!

Right now, Washington is buzzing with the rumors that Obama is planning to circumvent Congress enacting stroke-of-the-pen AMNESTY for ALL illegal aliens in the United States via Executive Orders and Administrative Directives! Obama will once more defy the majority of Americans and DICTATE his narcissistic brand of tyrannical "democratic socialism" that I like to call OBAMALISM -- doing the exact opposite of what the people demand. This is an overt violation of the Constitution!

I urge you today to fill out the electronic AMNESTY INJUNCTION FORM -- right away!

Please, do it now. This is extremely urgent.

Your AMNESTY INJUNCTION FORM will DEMAND that Congress stop Barack Obama from sneaking his amnesty plans past Congress.

Obama WILL issue his plan via "Executive Orders" to bypass Congress! You see, despite what he claims, Obama hates being "transparent." He loves to weasel his fanatical ideas right past everybody -- before people like you and me have the chance to stop him.

BUT NOT THIS TIME! THIS IS OUR CHANCE AND WE WILL STOP HIM! We will not let Obama get away with putting our safety in jeopardy while he turns a blind eye to the real problems in our country.

So far, Congress has blocked Obama's freedom crushing plans. But, by abusing the "Executive Order" loop-hole, he can get away with giving illegal aliens a free pass into our country without even going to the Congress first.

That is -- unless the Congress stops him dead in his tracks!

And without your help now, along with the help of thousands of other vigilant and informed citizen voters, Congress won't act to defend the integrity of American citizenship. Contrary to what they might believe, the truth is this: Congress works for us. And we won't rest until they're WORKING HARD to stop Obama's assault on our Constitution.

Your AMNESTY INJUNCTION FORM will urge Congress to:

1. EXPOSE Obama's planned use of his Executive powers to give Amnesty to over 20 million illegals.

2. PUBLICLY DENOUNCE Obama's back door immigration plans that threaten our Constitution, our Bill of Rights, and our institutions of ordered liberty.

3. LEAD A BATTLE in Congress to void each and every pro-illegal immigration Executive Order and Directive that Barack Obama issues.

At this very moment, the White House staffs, along with radical pro-immigration groups, are working overtime on scores of Amnesty proposals that Obama could enact by Executive Order -- at any minute!

According to a well-placed Homeland Security Administrator (who obviously prefers to remain anonymous), "The plan is to incrementally remove all obstacles for immigration reform without a public debate." The confidential source said, "Amnesty is a 100% done deal already."

Obama and the Democrats have already put the Amnesty wheels in motion as orders are out to scuttle ICE raids of companies hiring illegal workers, removing key elements of 287G policies that give local law enforcement the ability to arrest illegal aliens. And that's not all. The liberals have already set the stage for the intake processing of the illegal alien population in order to grant mass AMNESTY TO MILLIONS OF NEW ILLEGAL "CITIZENS" IN TIME FOR THE 2012 GENERAL ELECTION.

Obama has directed the Department of Homeland Security to enact an AMNESTY program. U. S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) has circulated a shocking Memorandum defining the details of the DHS plan to circumvent Congressional Authorization.

In summary it says, "In the absence of Comprehensive Immigration Reform [AKA AMNESTY], USCIS can extend benefits and/or protections to... applicants who entered the United States without inspection... and would allow thousands [likely millions] to become lawful residents... individual applicants deemed inadmissible under the Immigration and Nationality Act having entered without inspection [AKA ILLEGALLY]... the USCIS could grant 'parole-in-place' [AKA AMNESTY]."

The message is clear: unless you and I compel Congress to act TODAY, Amnesty for illegals will soon be Executive Ordered by Barack Obama.

But, Congress can pull the plug on Obama's ANTI-CONSTITUTIONAL scheme and stop him.

So again, please sign your AMNESTY INJUNCTION FORM today.

You MUST tell Congress to be FORCEFUL in furiously rejecting this strategy by the Obama and his rogue Administration. Congress MUST do everything within their power to stop the President from ignoring the laws of the land. And they MUST hold him accountable to Americans -- not illegals.

Obama is testing the waters right now. But you only have to ask yourself one question. Is this President, and is this government capable of doing something so profoundly in violation of the spirit and letter of the U.S. Constitution?

The answer is a resounding YES! Obama will do anything to bypass the Senate, just like he did when he had Pelosi and Reid cut DEALS to railroad OBAMACARE through bypassing a final Senate vote.

Executive Orders have been abused in the past to create laws, even though law-making is CONSTITUTIONALLY reserved through the power of the people's representatives: Congress.

Nowhere in the Constitution does it grant this power to the president under Executive Orders. Executive Orders are a favorite tactic of presidents who care little for the Constitution, and willfully abuse and exploit their power over the American people.

Believe me, Obama fits that profile, and has and will use an Executive Order to deliberately and purposefully abuse and exploit his power.

FDR used an unconstitutional Executive Order during World War II to put Japanese Americans into detention camps! Don't let Obama abuse an administrative instrument to destroy this country today!

Help us mobilize common sense, patriotic Americans against this travesty! The Obama Administration's plan for mass Amnesty MUST BE STOPPED!!

I urge you today to fill out the electronic AMNESTY INJUNCTION FORM -- right away!

Thanks to Americans like you, who care about the safety and future of our country, there is mounting pressure to stop Obama. But it will take the lead of an emboldened Senate to turn up the pressure. THEY MUST HEAR LOUDLY FROM PATRIOTS LIKE YOU!

Please do not assume that the deceitful Obama Administration and their radical allies in the media will report any of what you are reading right now. They want to keep Americans ignorant and in the dark -- while they work behind the scenes to give over 20 million illegals, including dangerous and violent criminals, American citizenships.

Unless Congress steps in, the White House will ruthlessly advance their plan to hand out American citizenships to everyone who breaks the law and crosses our borders illegally.

And unless you and I act today, Barack Obama with the stroke of his presidential pen, could get away with opening our borders to a GREATER tidal wave of illegal aliens than we are already struggling to contain.

You and I can stop Obama's treacherous and dangerous Amnesty scheme by signing your AMNESTY INJUNCTION FORM.

We must DEMAND Congress fight tooth and nail to stop Obama's Executive Order game plan. Then we must create a grassroots uprising of Americans willing to back our stand.

That's why I'm counting on you to sign your AMNESTY INJUNCTION FORM...

...And if you can afford it, please generously give a contribution of $20, $30, $50, $100 or more to Minuteman Civil Defense Corps Project to get this word out to your fellow Americans!

In fact, my staff has estimated it could take a minimum of 1 to 2 MILLION Injunctions to have a real impact on Capitol Hill.

And, at roughly 36 cents apiece, it will cost us more than $355,000 to distribute and deliver this minimum amount.

What's more, we will need funds above and beyond this amount to help make our case on radio, TV, in newspapers and on the Internet.

But the threat is very real, and we MUST ACT.

So please sign your AMNESTY INJUNCTION FORM today!

But remember, your AMNESTY INJUNCTION FORM alone will be invaluable. ACT NOW!

Sincerely Yours For America,

Carmen Mercer
Minuteman Civil Defense Corps Project

P.S. Please, remember what is at stake -- the security, the safety, the sovereignty, the prosperity -- very possibly the very survival of not just Americans along our increasingly embattled border, but America herself.

For more information go to

To donate by check, please send to:
Minuteman Civil Defense Corps Project
P.O. Box 1310
Herndon, VA 20172

Minuteman Civil Defense Corps Project is a project of the Declaration Alliance -- a public policy and issues advocacy organization that aggressively addresses the intensifying assaults that the American Republic continues to endure -- at home, and abroad.
Declaration Alliance is a 501(c)(4) not-for-profit, tax exempt organization

Obama’s Latest Stealth Amnesty

by Ben Johnson =  Floyd Reports  - Archive from Aug 2010, the plan has not changed… it just evolves

Although a large majority of Americans support enforcing immigration law, the Obama administration has undertaken a series of steps to impose amnesty upon the country by fiat. Administration officials are largely ignoring the law, forbidding local officers from keeping their communities safe, and preparing a federally imposed plan of amnesty without a single representative voting on it – all to secure a loyal Democratic voting bloc.

Part of Barack Obama’s plan to “fundamentally transform” the American electorate is to admit as many illegal aliens as possible, and then grant them amnesty. Since Arizona passed S.B. 1070 to enforce federal immigration law against the president’s targeted demographic, the Obama administration has sued the state and legally harassed Sheriff Joe Arpaio for “racially profiling” illegal aliens on the Mexican border. The bill requires the illegals be stopped for some other violation, such as a traffic violation.

Not surprisingly, a new draft memo has appeared instructing all law enforcement – including any “state, local, or tribal officer” – that no one “should not issue detainers against an alien charged only with a traffic-related misdemeanor.” These stops often net one or more illegal immigrants. Now, the policeman can only arrest a suspect if he commits some other crime – like, perhaps, killing him. That’s what happened to Deputy Frank Fabiano Jr. of Kenosha County, Wisconsin, during a routine traffic stop in 2007. His murderer, Ezeiquel Lopez-Quintero, was an illegal with four prior arrests. The federal statute would gut the popular Arizona law and any similar bill passed by another state.

If such cases make it to court, Obama simply drops them. The Department of Homeland Security made headlines just today when word leaked the agency was systematically dismissing “thousands” of deportation cases pending against illegal immigrants nationwide – 2,500 in Houston alone. Last week, John Morton wrote a memo that could let off as many as 17,000 illegals who are related to American citizens.

Also today, DHS gave the word that Secretary Janet Napolitano is likely to ignore a congressionally mandated program to assure legal immigrants do not overstay their visas by fingerprinting them as they leave. Some 40-45 percent of all illegal immigrants – that is, 6-10 million people – have entered the country this way.

These stealth amnesty measures for traffic violators and visa-holders should ring an eerie echo for all Americans. Six of the 9/11 hijackers overstayed their visas, and two were stopped for a non-violent traffic arrest.

Although some of the hijackers arrived on student visas, the Obama administration has also exempted all otherwise-law abiding illegals of college age. The New York Times reported that the government has stopped deporting young illegals earlier this month – an exemption thatapplies to 726,000 people. Why? Tuscon’s KGUN-TV reports the case of Marlen Moreno, a woman brought to America illegally as a young girl who was about to be deported. Instead, Napolitano allowed her to stay an extra year:

The reason: If passed, she would be eligible for the DREAM act.

The DREAM Act allows illegals who complete two years of college or receive an honorable discharge to receive amnesty. Although the bill has not passed, and admitting thousands of poorly educated young people into underfunded colleges would have disastrous effects on higher education, Obama is keeping these illegals on hand in case the Democratic majority rams it through during a lame duck session.

Amnesty may come even if Congress does nothing. In June, the Center for Immigration Studiesobtained a memo from U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services that threatened to imposeamnesty by fiat. It discussed “meaningful immigration reform absent legislative action” by “issuing new guidance and regulations, exercising discretion with regard to parole-in-place, deferred action” and “process improvements.” Although Obama administration officials insist the memo was merely a “draft” that somehow got put together – a creative, amnesty-granting snafu – former Bush administration officials who were part of behind-the-scenes talks vouch that the fascist plan is on the table.

It is no wonder the ICE union passed a vote of no confidence against John Morton, who is in charge of (non-)enforcement. Obama appointed Harold Hurtt head of ICE’s “state and local coordination” office, although Hurtt is an advocate of sanctuary cities and an opponent of local immigration enforcement.

Obama is stalling immigration’s enforcement and prevention machinery in hopes of legalizing the alien population and turning them into loyal Democratic voters.

Although 68 percent of Americans support building a border fence, the federal government has built only half of the 700-mile fence authorized in 2006 – at least, only half is an actual fence. An additional 300 miles of “fence” stop automobiles but not humans. Some of the fence is“wildlife friendly” – allowing animals and humans to cross. One such stretch borders the farm of Robert Krentz, who was allegedly murdered by an illegal alien in March.

Some of his defenders point to the fact that fines on employers are up – a welcome development – tripling to $3 million. However, Fox News found “arrests and deportations of illegals taken into custody at work sites plummeted by more than 80 percent from the last year of the Bush administration.” Coincidentally, this strategy raises much-needed funds for Obama’s Big Government schemes while leaving illegal immigrants free to wait for amnesty.

Despite media reports of record-breaking enforcement, experts find deportations have fallen for the first time since 2002.

Pretenses of “cracking down on the border” are Obama’s way of quelling unrest so he can pass “Comprehensive Immigration Reform.” President George W. Bush did the same thing the last two years of his presidency. In fact, the Secure Communities program responsible for the majority of Obama’s deportations this year began in 2007 under Bush.

ICE is ignoring the will of the people because 67 percent of Hispanics voted for Barack Obama in 2008. So did 79 percent of Hispanic youth – the beneficiaries of the DREAM Act. If they were citizens, their sheer numbers would swallow up many bastions of traditional conservatism, and their voting patterns would ensure a left-wing majority for decades to come. No wonder the Center for Immigration Studies is hosting a conference asking, “Can Conservatism Survive Mass Immigration?”

The better question is, Can America survive Obama?

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