Thursday, January 6, 2011


Why George Soros Works So Hard to Undermine His Own People…





**Read Beck’s: Background Guide to George Soros

The Problem of the Radical, Non-Jewish Jew

By: Dennis Prager | Tuesday, February 27, 2007

What do Karl Marx, Leon Trotsky, Noam Chomsky and George Soros have in common?

They were/are all radicals, born to Jewish parents, had no Jewish identity and hurt Jews (not to mention non-Jews).

The term "non-Jewish Jew" is generally attributed to the Jewish historian Isaac Deutscher, who wrote an essay by that name in 1954. The term describes the individual who, though born a Jew (Judaism consists of a national/peoplehood identity, not only a religious one), identifies solely as a citizen of the world and not as a Jew, either nationally or religiously.

Once the walls of Jewish ghettos broke down and European Jews were allowed to leave Jewish societies, many Jews became non-Jewish Jews. In most cases, either they or their children assimilated into the societies in which they lived. However, a small but significant percentage became radicalized. They came to loathe "bourgeois," i.e., traditional middle class, values and Judeo-Christian society; Western national identities (though they generally supported anti-Western national identities); and they particularly loathed Jewish religious and national identity.

Karl Marx, the grandson of two Orthodox rabbis (and, to be entirely accurate, son of parents who converted to Christianity), wrote one of the most significant anti-Semitic essays of the 19th century, "On the Jewish Question" (1844). In it one finds such statements:

"Money is the jealous god of Israel, beside which no other god may exist...The god of the Jews has been secularized and has become the god of the world...The social emancipation of Jewry is the emancipation of society from Jewry."

Leon Trotsky, born Lev Bronstein, may be regarded as the intellectual father of Russian, later Soviet, Communism. He along with Stalin and three others fought to succeed Lenin as leader of the Communist Party after Lenin's death in 1924. In 1920, when Trotsky was head of the Red Army, Moscow's chief rabbi, Rabbi Jacob Mazeh, asked him to use the army to protect the Jews from pogromist attacks. Trotsky is reported to have responded, "Why do you come to me? I am not a Jew." To which Rabbi Mazeh answered: "That's the tragedy. It's the Trotskys who make revolutions, and it's the Bronsteins who pay the price."

Noam Chomsky has devoted much of his life to working against America and Israel. He is alienated from the very two identities into which he was born. Indeed he has vilified both his whole life. To cite but one example, he traveled to Lebanon to appear with Hizbollah leader Sayyed Nasrallah and lend his support to a group that is committed to the annihilation of Israel and is officially listed as a terrorist organization by the United States.

George Soros is the fourth example of an individual born Jewish who has become a radical world citizen who is alienated from America and from his Jewish origins, and damages both.

As described by Martin Peretz, editor-in-chief of The New Republic, "George Soros is ostentatiously indifferent to his own Jewishness. He is not a believer. He has no Jewish communal ties. He certainly isn't a Zionist. He told Connie Bruck in The New Yorker -- testily, she recounted -- that 'I don't deny the Jews their right to a national existence -- but I don't want to be part of it.'"

Writing in The Wall Street Journal, writer Joshua Muravchik reported that Soros has publicly likened Israel to the Nazis.

Of course, Soros supports Palestinian nationalism, but that is a consistent feature of radicals -- anti-Jewish and anti-American nationalisms are good, Jewish and American nationalisms are bad. Thus, as reported in the Jerusalem Post, "Soros and his wealthy Jewish American friends have now decided to aim their fire directly at form a political lobby that will weaken the influence of the pro-Israel lobby AIPAC."

How to explain such Jews? People with no national or religious roots who become politically active will often seek to undermine the national and religious roots of others, especially those in their own national/religious group. It is akin to the special animosity some ex-Catholics have toward the Church. Non-Jewish Jews are far more likely to work to weaken Christianity in America than Jewish Jews, especially religious Jews. Religious Jews celebrate religious Christians.

Jews with no religious or national identity do not like Jews who have those identities, and Americans who have likewise become world citizens do not much care for Americans who wave the American flag.

Just as chauvinism -- excessive and amoral nationalism -- can lead to nihilism, so, too, the absence of any national or religious identity can lead to nihilism. The radical non-Jewish Jew loves humanity, but hurts real humans, especially his own.

Dennis Prager hosts a nationally syndicated radio talk show based in Los Angeles. He is the author of four books, most recently  "Happiness Is a Serious Problem: A Human Nature Repair Manual" (HarperCollins). His website is To find out more about Dennis Prager, visit the Creators Syndicate Web page at

Why Unhappy People Become Liberals – Dennis Praeger


All the News that Fits Soros's Agenda

By Ed Lasky

Are three liberal billionaires trying to control what we think of as news in America?

Hedge fund billionaire George Soros, the sugar daddy of the Democratic Party, has given NPR an initial grant of $1.8 million to begin a project called Impact of Government that will allow NPR to hire one hundred journalists at NPR member stations in all fifty states. The focus will be covering state governments and how their actions affect people. The New York Times reports the response of Vivian Schiller, NPR's president and chief executive:

Ms. Schiller said the journalists would not be part of typical statehouse coverage, but instead would work on enterprise journalism that looks at how state government decisions play out over years, and extend beyond a single state's borders.

Ann Beeson, executive director of Soros's Open Society, stated that "[w]e're looking for opportunities to support new models to fill the gap in coverage."

Of course, Soros has other goals in mind, and this is merely seed money for future donations from himself and his liberal allies. Can anyone doubt that coverage will be tilted even more liberal than it already is and will be used to favor Democrats?

This is a gimme and obvious. At the same time, Soros sends a million dollars to Media Matters, a leftist "media monitoring" group that sends out barrages of criticism whenever a news outlet (especially Fox News) reports news that does not fit Media Matters' liberal agenda. Media Matters tries to chill free speech and censor conservatives. 

What has not drawn any attention is that Soros's political allies, Herb and Marion Sandler (billionaire profiteers from the Savings and Loan crisis -- one more thing they have in common with George Soros), founded a group called Pro Publica that has the same purpose as this new effort by George Soros (see How Allies of George Soros helped bring down Wachovia Bank and "The Sandlers, Soros and Marcellus Shale reserves").

Cartoon by Erin Bonsteel

The only difference is that Pro Publica is geared towards providing "investigative" columns for newspapers, websites, and other media outlets. Their stories have been appearing in the Washington Post, Politico, and other media channels.

Therefore, what is reported as "news" by the government-funded NPR will be tainted (and perhaps influenced) by money provided by the hyper-partisan George Soros and "news" provided by Pro Publica (for free) to other media outlets will also be influenced by the role of Herb and Marion Sandler in funding Pro Publica. These two projects are supposed to fill gaps in coverage due to financial constraints at NPR and privately owned media outlets.

Some critics may complain that the Associated Press is liberal, but that organization is owned and funded by newspapers that are part of its syndicate -- and is independent. The Soros and Sandler effort to provide "news" may very well be corrupted by their hyper-partisan liberal funders and founders. Reporters know who is behind their paychecks. Will they, for instance, investigate how George Soros controls an empire of so-called 527 groups, such as MoveOn.Org, and astroturf groups? Will Pro Publica inquire into the reasons why the Democrats have not investigated the role of the Sandlers in the financial crisis, or why the Department of Justice, that at one time was supposed to be looking into the Sandlers's actions, has seemingly dropped such an inquiry? Will Pro Publica ask why the Sandlers have not paid a price for their long-running practice of pushing dangerous mortgages on those least able to understand or afford them?

This is not the only area where Soros and the Sandlers have found common cause.

The Sandlers and Soros also co-founded the liberal think-tank Center for American Progress ("The Democratic Idea Factory"). The Center for American Progress also has a media agenda: its "experts" are often quoted by newspapers across America as if they were independent, neutral experts; their ties to liberal billionaires are never mentioned. One of the "arms" of the Center for American progress is called "Think Progress," and this was the source, the Ground Zero, of the agitprop regarding the Chamber of Commerce ads being funded by foreign money. This absurd charge (ridiculed by even the New York Times) was fanned by Barack Obama, Robert Gibbs, and Democrat politicians running for office across America. "The Daily Show" is not the only source of Fake News.

Beyond this issue, will these two efforts be used to influence politics on the state and federal level? Both Soros and the Sandlers are part of a group called the Democracy Alliance, formed by billionaires and Democratic Party operatives, designed to elect liberal Democrats to office. One of their "projects" is called the Secretary of States Project and was expressly designed to help the campaigns of liberals who were running to become the Secretaries of States throughout the nation. These are the very officials charged with ensuring the integrity of the voting process. That is how Al Franken won that “lost” election.

Will Soros and the Sandlers try to leverage their generosity to journalists in a way to influence reporting on state politics so that Democrats friendly to them and their agenda are elected as Secretaries of State? Will they use their leverage to make sure that the various states endowed with vast reserves of shale gas are prevented from tapping these resources? (This agenda seems to be of particular import to Pro Publica.)

Will news become just campaign propaganda packaged in camouflage?

There is a cliché about elites hearing from the rest of Americans: when they want our opinions, they will give them to us. Now it seems the same cliché may apply not just to opinions, but also to news.

Will that dream of being able to influence even more the public opinion and votes of Americans be that much closer to reality?

Will the flow of news be determined by rich liberals with a political agenda?

Stay tuned.

Ed Lasky is news editor of American Thinker.

Soros, HEALTHCARE Rationing and the ‘Death Project’

'Evil emperor' behind attacks on America
'Most dangerous man in the world' exposed in stunning report
Posted: December 01, 2010
1:13 pm Eastern

“Death panels” (as Sarah Palin warned us of and was ridiculed for) are included in the new Medicare regulations just as they were the essence of HillaryCare!  They have been resurrected by Dr. Burwick… the health and self-declared death czar! Just like before Obama, Hillary was George Soros’s darling~

Video: Judge Napolitano  Death Panels are Back! Dr. Donald Berwick has re-established them and Obama has embraced the concept.

© 2010 WorldNetDaily

To conservatives, he's the evil emperor in "Star Wars" – the Empire's shadowy and malevolent puppet-master, the real power behind the widespread subversion and destruction of freedom, prosperity and hope.

But to hundreds of organizations on the political and moral left, he is literally their lifeblood, a revered leader, a godfather – almost a god, who provides good things for his children.

Now, in a stunning exposé, the December issue of Whistleblower shines a thousand-watt spotlight on the "dark lord" of the left – billionaire investor George Soros.

"GEORGE SOROS AND HIS EVIL EMPIRE" illuminates the heart and soul of this mysterious leftwing transformer of societies. It reveals how he creates and financially sustains scores of influential and shockingly anti-American organizations – all dedicated to converting America into a European-style, government-controlled, socialist state.

"Soros, like Obama, is wired very differently than most of us," says WND Managing Editor David Kupelian. "He rejects and reviles most things decent Americans regard as good and sacred, and he tends to favor everything rotten: He wants to legalize drugs. He supports euthanasia. He's for socialism and opposes free-market capitalism. He’s for devaluing America's currency, telling the Financial Times last year 'an orderly decline of the dollar is actually desirable.' He supports the destruction of American sovereignty in favor of global governance. He detests conservative talk radio, Fox News and WorldNetDaily, and funds organizations that constantly attack the only free press America currently has."

In short, says Kupelian, "if it's immoral, subversive or harmful to America, Soros favors it, organizes it and funds it. If it's noble and freedom-producing, like free markets and small government, he despises it and creates organizations to undermine and ultimately destroy it. This issue of Whistleblower shines intense daylight on all of this."

Highlights of "GEORGE SOROS AND HIS EVIL EMPIRE" include:

* "George Soros bets against America" by Jerome Corsi, Ph.D., on how Soros attacks capitalism and makes billions on a global recession

* "The emperor" by David Kupelian, describing the kind of person that can profit personally at the expense of entire nations

* "The most dangerous man in the world?" by Joseph Farah, who ranks Soros above Obama and other likely "candidates"

* "Soros: This is 'when my character was made'" by Art Moore, who takes readers back to the Jewish billionaire investor's chilling Nazi-occupation drama during his teen years

* "MAN OF 1,000 FACES: Organizations directly funded by Soros and his Open Society Institute" – a comprehensive list and description of over 150 groups, each more subversive than the last, all financed by Soros

* "How the leftwing money machine works" by Art Moore, on how the secretive Tides network "launders" donations to radical causes

* "Rush Limbaugh: Soros is promoting widespread voter fraud"

* "Progressives won midterms, claims Soros-funded group," which now calls on Obama to govern via executive order and ignore Congress to push his radical agenda, by Aaron Klein

* "Soros' scheme for 'elite' judiciary" by Bob Unruh, on Soros' "highly coordinated, well-funded" campaign to "exclude conservative, rule-of-law judges"

* "Documentary embraces leftwing terrorists" by Matthew Vadum, revealing Soros' heavy involvement in underwriting and screening subversive, anti-American films

* "Group wants feds to probe talk radio" by Aaron Klein, on rising leftwing complaints cable-news networks are engaged in "hate speech"

* "All the news that fits Soros's agenda" by Ed Lasky, on how three leftist billionaires conspire to control the future of journalism

* "Soros, healthcare rationing and the 'Death Project'" by Jerome R. Corsi, on why Soros is such a big supporter of medical rationing

* "The problem of the radical non-Jewish Jew" by Dennis Prager, on why George Soros works so hard to undermine his own people

"Soros," says WND founder and Editor Joseph Farah, "is an America hater. There's no other way to put it. He recently said only America stands in the way of globalist progress and he's going to do everything in his power to bring America to its knees."

Farah adds: "Most of all, I am outraged by Soros' attempt to buy elections."

"Make no mistake," concludes Kupelian. "George Soros' goal is nothing less than to overthrow the United States of America and its Constitution. Fortunately, armed with the kind of information and insight found in this issue of Whistleblower, there's real hope we can engage and defeat the forces of the atheistic left which, for some strange and ungodly reason, always seem to be offended by everything good."

George Soros sees himself as a God or sorts creating a New World Order where he and people like him rule supreme…

In 1992, Dr John Coleman published  Conspirators' Hierarchy: The Story of the Committee of 300. With laudable scholarship and meticulous research, Dr Coleman identifies the players and carefully details the Illuminati agenda of worldwide domination and control. On page 161 of the Conspirators Hierarchy, Dr Coleman accurately summarizes the intent and purpose of the Committee of 300 as follows:

"A One World Government and one-unit monetary system, under permanent non-elected hereditary oligarchists who self-select from among their numbers in the form of a feudal system as it was in the Middle Ages. In this One World entity, population will be limited by restrictions on the number of children per family, diseases, wars, famines, until 1 billion people who are useful to the ruling class, in areas which will be strictly and clearly defined, remain as the total world population.

     There will be no middle class, only rulers and the servants. All laws will be uniform under a legal system of world courts practicing the same unified code of  laws, backed up by a One World Government police force and a One World unified military to enforce laws in all former countries where no national boundaries shall exist. The system will be on the basis of a welfare state; those who are obedient and subservient to the One World Government will be rewarded with the means to live; those who are rebellious will simple be starved to death or be declared outlaws, thus a target for anyone who wishes to kill them. Privately owned firearms or weapons of any kind will be prohibited."

This is where George Soros, his minions and his cronies are taking us if we do not wake up and stand up immediately!

Killing Capitalism Soros-Style – Originally posted on Nov 6, 2009

George Soros and Food Safety Bill – Originally posted on Dec 2, 2010


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