Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Man's Best Friend in Shariah's Cruel Crosshairs

Islamic Shariah law is utterly and completely incompatible with western civilization and should remain confined the retrograde Middle East areas which embrace it, on Friday Iran outlawed all advertisements for pets, pet food, pet shops and all pet products.

Back in June, Reuters reported that a fatwa, or Islamic religious decree, had been issued in Iran denouncing pet dog and cat ownership.

This hatred for dogs is just part of Islamic Shariah law, and it will never fit in with the West.


They hate the West. They hate Christianity. They hate Jews. They hate "infidels." Yet here they are spreading their tentacles throughout our country, just as they have done in Europe. The children of Ishmael are now poised to erect a monster victory mosque and "cultural" center at Ground Zero.

. . . . Check out article , and # 4. 

Man's Best Friend in Shariah's Cruel Crosshairs

In just one more example of how Islamic Shariah law is utterly and completely incompatible with western civilization and should remain confined the retrograde Middle East areas which embrace it, on Friday Iran outlawed all advertisements for pets, pet food, pet shops and all pet products.

Back in June, Reuters reported that a fatwa, or Islamic religious decree, had been issued in Iran denouncing pet dog and cat ownership. The edict was announced by Iran's Ministry of Culture and Islamic Guidance and is based on the fatwa by 86-year-old Grand Ayatollah Nasser Makarem Shirazi, who claims that people's love for their dogs and cats may lead to "evil outcomes." Shirazi singled out dogs in particular, declaring them to be "unclean" under Shariah law.

He denounced Iranian dog owners for "blindly imitating the West." He said, "Many people in the West love their dogs more than their wives and children." Oh, like how the Islamists love their wives and children so much that they use them as human shields and suicide bombers? Nothing says "I love you" like a brand-new suicide bomb vest on your teenager, or your husband's fist hitting your face as he heads off to spend the night with one of his other wives, or your husband stoning you to death for "dishonoring" the family.

Of the declaration that dogs are unclean, Robert Spencer reporting in Jihad Watch says,

"Of course, so did the prophet of Islam: 'Ibn Mughaffal reported: The Messenger of Allah... ordered killing of the dogs, and then said: What about them, i.e. about other dogs? And then granted concession (to keep) the dog for hunting and the dog for (the security) of the herd, and said: When the dog licks the utensil, wash it seven times, and rub it with earth the eighth time.'--Sahih Muslim 551"

Apparently dish soap is highly overrated by those of us in the West. There's nothing like good old dirt to get the "unclean" out!

This hatred for dogs is just part of Islamic Shariah law, and it will never fit in with the West. As Robert Spencer points out, this goes back to Muhammad's opinions. We have seen examples of this here in America, where Muslim cab drivers refuse to pick up people who have dogs with them, even service dogs for the disabled. That's a violation of American law. It is illegal to deny access to a disabled person with a service dog. It's not a matter of the Muslim cabbie being worried that the dog will "mess" in the cab--it's part of his twisted Shariah law, and in the case of this elderly Islamic leader, Shirazi, the root of his disdain for dogs is his hatred for the West, which is common among Islamists.

They hate the West. They hate Christianity. They hate Jews. They hate "infidels." Yet here they are spreading their tentacles throughout our country, just as they have done in Europe. The children of Ishmael are now poised to erect a monster victory mosque and "cultural" center at Ground Zero. If it were to be built, I wonder if dogs would be permitted inside--in the spirit of "interfaith dialogue," of course!

I feel sorry for the Muslim people who live under this retrograde regime in Iran, and those in other Muslim-dominated countries, and I feel bad for the dogs and cats there, as well. How can you trust someone who hates dogs or cats? I don't trust such a person or his judgment. Dogs and cats are precious creatures that bring so much joy to our lives. Yes, dogs need to be bathed, and a weekly shampoo wash and rinse does wonders for the "unclean" doggie. Cats are self-cleaning, which is quite handy. God gave us these friend animals for our happiness, and there is no earthly loyalty like what they give us. I think of all the lonely people who may count among their few friends their cat or dog.

To some, this may seem like a small issue--the banning of all things pet in Iran--but it further illustrates the diametrical difference between Shariah law and the laws and civilization of the West. They do not mix, and they cannot be made to coexist without completely undoing our Constitution and culture. We must fight against the spread of the virulent ideology of Islamic Shariah law, which is slowly creeping into our country. It's the same Shariah law, whether it's in Iran or the Ground Zero Mosque.

Posted on Tuesday, August 31, 2010 10:32:26 AM by scottfactor


1 comment:

trencherbone said...

If you oppose the Ground Zero Victory Mosque then you are a HARBI!
Not sure what a Harbi is?
Then check this link to find out (but only if you have a strong stomach!).