Friday, September 17, 2010

GB: We Are All Enslaved to and Dependent on the Government… Time to Bake and Share Our Own Pie!

“I’m a baker… not a divider!”… Glenn Beck

Video 1 -  Charity and Pie…

Part of the small government answer is Charity… or we all dry up!

Teach a man to fish… instead of giving him fish…  Teach a man to bake… instead of giving him pie…   Now, not all of us can bake (or bake well, so some will always need help, so lets all get off our butts and bake some pie to share!  It is essential to get off the big government merry-go-round!

“The poor will always be among us!”

Wealth is not finite… scarcity is the myth and often times a created myth!!  But charity is the responsibility of all those who have been given much!!  Charity is an investment in people… for the future.

Video 2  - Charity and Pie…

The IMF (UN) is setting up America to Fail… along with a lot of other people and groups!

We pay for 17% of the expenses for the UN… which has up until now given us an increased veto power, but that veto power is now being challenged.

The IMF, who is trying to redistribute the wealth between all the member nations just released its latest report… warning that the worst economic crisis in America and Europe is coming… and it could lead to social unrest… are you prepared?  Yup, exactly what crazy Glenn has been talking about for years… but this time it comes from the IMF, the International Money Fund people. 

-->  Obama’s Science Czar… We Need to De-Develop the United States <--

Just take a look at today’s headlines and decided how much progress they are making:

USA’s Poverty Rate Reaches Highest Level in 51 Years

Foreclosures Up 25% Over Last Year… "In all, banks repossessed 95,364 properties last month, up 3 percent from July and an increase of 25 percent from August 2009, RealtyTrac said." So how is that recovery working for you?

Growth Stalled at End of Recovery Summer

Video 3 – Charity and Pie

Could you survive just one day without government assistance??

60 percent of Americans now get more from government than they pay in.  Government spends $10,000 per person… without figuring in defense or judicial departments.

But government virtually subsidizes almost everything, directly or indirectly… often making it more expensive that than less and catering to special interest as well as the governments!

Jon Stossel:

It is actually impossible to calculate how much we each get from the government (which isn’t necessarily a help) like:

Energy subsidies for our utilities

Food subsidies… sugar, farms in general, corn, etc

Price subsidies… cotton

And the list goes on and on…  And we won’t even start here on all the bailouts and stimulus that has driven our debt beyond what was even imaginable a few years back.~

America grew the fastest when our government was the smallest! Our problem is a Progressive Problem…. not a Democrat or Republican Problem.  And we can only survive if we cut into all the big government programs , stop government spending, reduce the size of government and control the unions… huge cutbacks in all these areas NOW!

We are already no longer the #1  bread basket of the world and we are falling to the end of the line in many areas!

U.S. Dollar Continues to Fall, Gold Hits New Record High, Stocks Flat

8/28 Photo Book
To ensure the spirit is never forgotten, we are putting together a keepsake book that tells the story of 8/28 through pictures. While many of the pictures were taken by George Lange (Glenn’s photographer) others were taken by ordinary people who put their lives on hold to come to the mall that day. Pre-Order yours now!

Want to see exclusive 8/28 photos now? George Lange took thousands of pictures in the days leading up to 8/28. We sorted through all of them for the ones you would like best and put together something extra special. Check out Insider Extreme for access to a brand new behind the scenes video. Plus on September 29th, Insider Extreme will premiere the full length documentary titled “Restoring Honor: 8/28 the Documentary”. Check out the trailer HERE. Not a member? Sign up now.

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