Thursday, August 19, 2010

Straight talk on Hypocrisy

Our biggest problem in America is a lack of honor and loss of faith!!  This then leaves open for on-going Hypocrisy…

Video Re-Exposes Sen. Reid's Hypocrisy On Illegal Immigration

Looks like Republican opposition researchers finally are getting their act together in countering the Reid campaign machine, as they unearthed video of Harry Reid forcefully arguing against birthright citizenship for children of illegal aliens in 1993.

Video: Reid: Anchor Baby Reward for Illegal and Bad Behavior 

Doesn’t this sound like a John Kerry and Barack Obama statement??  I was for it before I was against it… or against it before I was for it?!?

Straight talk on hypocrisy of supporters of Ground Zero mosque

Photo: Anthony G. Martin

America's strength is in her churches.

It is time for some straight talk concerning the blatant hypocrisy on the part of supporters of the Ground Zero mosque.  Supporters speak out of both sides of their mouths, using the 'religious liberty' argument for the benefit of Muslims while ignoring numerous government-imposed restrictions on Christianity.

Fox News host Glenn Beck told his listeners yesterday that he would not be allowed to pray at his upcoming gathering at the Kennedy Center, due to the fact that the facility is on government property.

Beck insisted that there would be prayer anyway regardless of what Center officials say.  Later in the day the Kennedy Center relented, 'allowing' prayer during the Beck event.

A group of high school students were forbidden by officials from singing the National Anthem at the Lincoln Memorial..

Churches around the country are routinely prevented from building new structures based upon local 'ordinances,' the protests of residents within certain communities, or the refusal of local governments to issue building permits.

Plus, for several decades under the oppressive arm of 'progressives' in the federal government, God has been removed from public schools, prayer has been outlawed, and any suggestion of the rich Christian history of this nation has been practically stricken from the textbooks.

Christian-specific prayers are now forbidden at the opening of various City Councils around the country, encroaching on the rights of Christians to pray according to the dictates of their faith.  Yet 'prayer rooms' are being built at airports, on college campuses, and in other facilities, just for Muslims.

If the supporters of the mosque at Ground Zero were actually concerned about religious liberty and the Constitution, as they claim, then all of these factors cited above would be an outrage.  Yet nary a word from them about the aggressive push to silence Christians, forbid prayer, restrict churches from constructing new buildings, and the like.  And nary a word about the outright catering to Muslims in allowing them certain privileges that Christians and Jews are not afforded.

Barack Obama is the perfect embodiment of the anti-Christian mindset.  While skipping the National Day of Prayer two years in a row and having the Cross removed from churches in which he delivers speeches, he celebrates the Muslim holy commemoration of Ramadan right in the White House.

So, what is the real end-game behind the Ground Zero mosque and the push to grant Muslims more religious freedom than anyone else?

Islam is all about making converts out of us infidels.  And the ugly truth about this proselytizing is that the religion teaches that if the infidels refuse to convert, they should be killed.

These extremist factions of Islam have been allowed to infiltrate our country. with the help of Leftwing progressives, in the name of 'religious liberty.'

At the site of the crash of United Flight 93 in Pennsylvania--one of the planes involved in the 9/11 attacks--planners of the memorial are going to put the Muslim symbol of the crescent at the site...facing Mecca. Why?

And at the site of the New York City attack a mosque is planned just 60 steps or so away from Ground Zero--a building which was hit by one of the planes in the attack (which makes the mosque site part of Ground Zero).   Why?

Obama, Bloomberg, and other 'progressives' endorse the mosque at this particular site.  Officials hinted yesterday that they may agree to build the mosque somewhere else in the wake of the public outcry of condemnation.  But the developer of the site stated late in the day that there are no such plans.

The handwriting is on the wall, and it is abundantly clear that Muslim extremists wish to build shrines to the terrorists who attacked us on 9/11 by putting the Muslim crescent at the  Flight 93 Memorial and a mosque at Ground Zero...using the 'religious liberty' mantra as their cover, while denying the right of Christians to practice their religion openly, in public.

This is the plain truth.  And once again, American citizens with common sense can see through the hypocrisy.

Anthony G. Martin

And to prove that Bribery and Intimidations Works:  Immigration Fraudster Imam Qatanani can stay in U.S.



* Winds of Jihad featured Qantanani  on several occasions,  and how his supporters beleagered the courthouse for weeks and months to excert pressure on the judiciary. It seems to have had the desired effect: the creep got his residence permit.

* AP shills for Mohammad Qatanani

* Bleeding Hearts For Jihad

* Fitzgerald: The respected cleric’s deportation trial

* New Jersey Imam is member of Hamas

Update: Terror claims against NJ Muslim leader rejected

Popular Passaic County cleric can stay in U.S.

by Amy Ellis Nutt/The Star-Ledger

Thursday September 04, 2008, 1:13 PM


Robert Sciarrino/The Star-LedgerMohammad Qatanani, left , the imam of the Islamic Center of Passaic County is kissed on the forehead by a member of his mosque after it was learned the imam can stay in the United States.

A U.S. immigration judge has granted permanent residency to a prominent Passaic County Muslim leader accused of ties to Palestinian militants.

“I believe in the justice system,” Mohammad Qatanani said after learning the decision.

(Of course he does. That’s why he wants to replace it with sharia…/ed)

Qatanani, 44, was accused of lying on his application to become a permanent U.S. resident when he failed to disclose an alleged 1993 conviction in an Israeli court for assisting Hamas militants.

Robert Sciarrino/The Star-LedgerIsra Qatanani, center, the 17-year-old daughter of Mohammed Qatanani is hugged by her friend Noor Suleiman, right, while another friend Sereen Tartir, left, and a member of their mosque congratulates her.

U.S. Immigration Judge Alberto J. Riefkohl handed copies of his decision to Qatanani’s lawyer, Claudia Slovinsky, and immigration officials shortly after 1 p.m. Slovinsky flipped to the end of the 69-page ruling, then turned toward Qatanani and smiled.

Photos by Tony Kurdzuk/The Star-Ledger Mohammad Qatanani left, imam of the Islamic Center of Passaic County, talks to reporters this afternoon as his wife, Sumiah, spreads the word over her cell phone outside the Peter Rodino Building, where they were granted legal residency by a federal judge and will not be deported.

The imam’s dozen or so supporters in the courtroom burst into cheers. Some wept. Qatanani, wearing a white robe and holding prayer beads, hugged his lawyer.

Prosecutors will consider an appeal, said U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement spokesman Harold Ort. The have 30 days to file, he said.

Qatanani, the imam of the Islamic Center of Passaic County, has been in this country for more than a decade. During that time, civic and government officials have hailed his outreach to other religious leaders.

During testimony in June, the cleric denied he was ever a member of Hamas or that he made a confession to that effect to the Israelis. In fact, during his three months in police custody in Nablus on the West Bank, he says he was never told he’d done anything illegal.

“The judge’s decision is a victory not only for the imam — but for all men of good will,” said Aref Assaf, president of the Denville-based Arab American Forum.

For Full and Relate Coverage Go Here


Obama adviser: Divide Jerusalem

RestoringHonor  -  Join Glenn Beck at the Restoring Honor Rally on August 28, 2010 at the National Mall in Washington, DC beginning at 10:00 am!

What do 8/28 and Obama's inauguration have in common?
On bus demand : “The last time she saw such a big response for a regional event was ironically enough President Obama's inauguration in 2008.” Which was the largest gathering ever on the National Mall – this is going to be an historic event that you will not want to miss. STORY. If you have a bus please register it HERE so we can plan accordingly. Haven't made plans to attend the rally? Click HERE for a map of all buses that STILL have available space. Click HERE to get all the details about the rally.

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