Thursday, August 5, 2010

ObamaCare Discharge Petition

Missouri Votes For New American Dream:  The Repeal of ObamaCare

I have been made aware, through the Chairman of the Laredo Tea Party Patriots, of a Discharge Petition made available by Congressman Steve King To the Representatives in the House for adoption to, in effect, Discharge the "Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act" or ObamaCare.

What is the Discharge Petition?

To understand what a Discharge Petition is, we have to understand the bill process.  This is how a bill is considered.  The bill under consideration goes to the Speaker of the House, who will then assign the bill to the appropriate committee.  If the Speaker does not want the bill to ever come to a vote before the full House of Representatives, the bill “dies” in committee. 

The Discharge Petition circumvents what the Speaker wants.  The discharge petition, if signed by at least 218 Members of the House of Representatives, causes the bill to be “discharged” from the committee of jurisdiction for consideration and a vote by the full House. 

This CONSTITUTIONAL mechanism has been used in our nation’s history.  We have attached a link from Wikipedia for more information

How can it be used to repeal the recently passed health care law?

Rep. Steve King (R-IA) recently filed a discharge petition – Discharge Petition No. 11 - a special measure that would require the U.S. House of Representatives to vote to repeal the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act.  If this discharge petition gets the needed 218 signatures, the bill will bypass the Speaker so the bill to repeal will go straight to the full house to vote.

I, Chris Bowling, Chairman, have taken up the responsibility on your behalf to send the Request for Congressman Cuellar to sign the petition and Candidate Bryan Underwood to sign the Pledge to sign the Petition if elected. These two documents are attached in this email.

This letter follows the petition and pledged that is mailed to the above stated individuals,

We, the People of Texas, both citizens and voters, demand that our elected representatives add their name to Discharge Petition No. 11 and that they urge their fellow Members of the United States House of Representatives to do the same and then hold a straight up-or-down vote in both the House and the Senate to repeal the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act.  

We, the People of Texas, demand that our Congressmen do what is right in accordance with the Constitution and what is right for the American People and repeal the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act in its entirety.  

We, the People of Texas, will hold our elected officials who choose NOT to repeal the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act accountable on Election Day, November 2, 2010.

You are free to do with this information that you will.

 ObamaCare… New Chart

This latest chart of ObamaCare only shows about a third of the complexity of the hurricane and where it is blowing us.

High Resolution Version of Chart (PDF) »

Only repeal is real

Sign the “Repeal 2010 Healthcare Reform” Petition:  Click Here

Repeal ObamaCare

Help John Boehner Fight to Repeal ObamaCare & Start Over.

The Truth About Obamacare

"Eternal vigilance is the price of liberty."
---Wendell Phillips---

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