Thursday, July 8, 2010

Where Is the Media?

GB Video PART 1 can now be seen here!  -    CLICK FOR VIDEO

When Attorney General Eric Holder suddenly reversed course and had the DoJ dismiss the voter-intimidation case against two New Black Panther Party activists stemming from an incident in 2008 in Philadelphia, many questioned why the DoJ would quit a case it had already won. Attorneys within the DoJ wondered why the federal government had suddenly become disinterested in voter intimidation. Some, like Christian Adams, Asheesh Agarwal, and Mark Corallo have gone public with their outrage, and also wonder where the hell Congress has gone in its duty to oversee the executive branch and its enforcement of laws Congress passed.

Well, look, maybe this was just a bad day for the defendants. Maybe they were just nice young men who took civic engagement to a momentary extreme of enthusiasm. They’re probably just nice guys caught in a single instance of bad judgment … right? Er, not exactly, as Naked Emperor News and Breitbart’s B-Cast discovers after watching National Geographic. Read more...

Video:  DOJ Protected Black Panther Who Advocates Killing White Babies

Video:  Black Panther Case Heats Up  -  Full Article

Black Panther: kill whites and their babies

The Department of Justice apparently doesn't think the voter intimidation at the polls in Philadelphia by the Black Panthers merits any further attention. Perhaps they haven't seen the video of the same Black Panther who was at the polls also calling for white people (crackers, as he so eloquently put it) and their babies to be killed. The DOJ had actually already won the case and was preparing for sentencing when suddenly the case was dropped. Huh? Glenn has the disturbing audio on radio today. ( Transcript, Insider Audio)

Martin Luther King… “It is the content of character, not the color of skin…”

But our president believes that militant intimidation is the answer… or at least acceptable.   Remember the Alinsky/Cloward- Piven chant… any means justify the end~

GB Video PART 2 can now be seen here! -  CLICK FOR VIDEO

Panthers, Communists, Angela Davis, NAACP, Black Liberation Theology and Charles Ogletree…

GB Video PART 3 can now be seen here!  -  CLICK FOR VIDEO

GB Video PART 4 can now be seen here!  -  CLICK FOR VIDEO

Before our post-racial president’s election, life in America had evolved to the highest level of social and racial  equality ever.  Since the election of Barack Hussein Obama the use of race and the level of racism has been used by our government to manipulate Americans, legislation and situations

The tactic of using race against race is all about power and votes and the Democratic Party (now controlled by elitist Progressives) leads the way in this game, employing the tactics of racism and holding the ‘little man’ down to control them.  If you go back and read your history (what is left of it) it is all there.  But the Obama administration has raised the level of racism and religion based hatred and fear to an all time high… by design.

Racism in Mexico Rears its Ugly Head

Bias or Corruption? Media Ignoring Big Stories

Bias or Corruption? Media Ignoring Big Stories

--> Video:  Matthews Admits Media Plan to Destroy Palin  <--

Chris Matthews: An early knockout is the way she can win. The media will try to destroy her, of course, but if she goes early, wins early, I think she can win it before anyone can stop her. Read more...

Perhaps it is time to take a another look, for those of you who think Sarah Palin is a rube or incompetent.  If you really think that, you are either a liberal elitist… or you have already been had.  If they are putting this much effort into destroying Sarah Palin… Americans need to take note.  She is a power to be reckoned with; she believes the opposite of what they (America’s Progressive destroyers) believe… meaning she supports the Average American and America’s beliefs; and she could win if they can keep you in the dark or confused.  Wake-up America!!!

Remember when Palin warned us about Death Panels in the ObamaCare Plan and the media skewered her?  Now everyone knows they are there and today Obama has appointed a Marxist Czar to run them… again without any Congressional vetting:

Rush: Obama Regime Recess Appoints Marxist Donald Burwick to Run Death Panels -  See Videos

Whistleblower: DOJ OK's Voter Fraud to Help Dems Win Elections

It is all about the votes and stealing the election in 2010 and 2012 to build a permanent Progressive 3rd World State in America

This week Adams told the Commission: "The [voting] section doesn’t want to protect white voters." And he named names. He testified that Deputy Assistant Attorney General Julie Fernandes told Voting Section management that there would be no  more cases brought against black defendants vindicating the rights of white  victims.  Adams personally heard Fernandes say that the division would only bring "traditional civil rights cases" (code words  for suits against white racists).  Adams also heard Fernandes say that  she had no interest in the Voting Section enforcing Section 8 of the National  Voter Registration Act (which requires purging rolls of ineligible voters to  prevent voter fraud), because Section 8 does not increase voter turnout.  Fernandes now needs to be questioned under oath, as does the head of the Civil  Rights Division, Thomas Perez, who previously testified this was not the  Justice Department's policy and that he was unaware of such views.


More on the DOJ and the New Black Panther Party Voting Scandal

Former Justice Department Lawyer: Holder Dropped New Black Panther Case for Racial Reasons

Do Democrats commit hate crimes against black Republicans?

Black Panther Case Heats Up  -  Attorneys Guilfoyle and  Lis Wiehl verify that racist or intimidation charges against Whites are never prosecuted.

YouTube Video:  Clinton Defends Byrd’s KKK Past

Department of 'Social Justice'?

(Quick write-up of show and videos above)

FNC By Glenn Beck

Samir Shabazz and Jerry Jackson hate white people

Here we are, picking up the slack for the rest of the media again; they seem fairly disinterested in the New Black Panther case that was dropped by the Justice Department and Eric Holder.

Remember the footage from the 2008 presidential election? It's of New Black Party members who were standing in front of a polling location in Philadelphia in full uniform wielding a police-style baton weapon. They were clearly trying to intimidate potential voters.

Now how many times have you seen guys in uniform with baton weapons in front of your polling place? I know, it happens all the time, right? Well, a complaint was filed in the U.S. District Court in Philadelphia against Samir Shabazz and Jerry Jackson. They were part of a national effort by the New Black Panthers to station members at polls and intimidate.

After the case was effectively won by the Department of Justice and a default sentencing was imminent in May of 2009, the DOJ made the unheard of move to suddenly file a notice of voluntary dismissal of the lawsuit for two of the defendants.

There had to be some reason for the sudden turnaround, right? Some logical explanation. Maybe the defendants were unaware that they were standing in front of a polling location and it was all a big mix up. Maybe they were very, very sorry for violating Americans' rights and engaging in an activity that African-Americans, of all people, should be offended by.

Or maybe they just really, really hate white people?

Oh, I'm sorry, that's really presumptuous of me. Let me ask Samir Shabazz directly: How do you feel about white people?


SAMIR SHABAZZ: I hate white people — all of them. Every last iota of a cracker — I hate him. Because we're still in this condition.

We didn't come out here to play today. There's too much serious business going on in the black community to be out here sliding through South Street with white, dirty, cracker whore (expletive) on our arms.

You want freedom? You're going to have to kill some crackers. You're going to have to kill some of their babies. Let us get our act together.


OK, I think he hates white people. He doesn't like one iota of them. In fact, he wants to kill them. He also seems upset at black men in African garb who are with white women. Wow. And the Justice Department just let this guy walk?

Now, I'm not a justice expert, but I am a thinker. This doesn't really sound like justice. Maybe it's this new thing "social justice" I keep hearing progressives talk about. Nancy Pelosi cries about the rhetoric of the Tea Party; the media tried to paint people who want a restoration of our Constitution as racist or violent — but this man is both. Calling for people to kill white people and babies — and the DOJ does nothing.

They go after the "racist police officers" in Arizona and this "racist law" well, injustice maybe. I mean, I'm called a racist by various progressive blogs and critics because I support policies like the Arizona immigration law. Yet the DOJ can just walk away from these racists and Bill Clinton can excuse Robert Byrd's KKK past as just getting votes. Robert Byrd's actual KKK past can be forgiven, but being for smaller government makes you a racist?

When things don't make sense you have to come up with a different answer. Maybe the DOJ lost interest because of the testimony from former Justice Department lawyer J. Christian Adams, who says the NAACP lobbied the Obama administration to dismiss the Black Panther case:


QUESTION: Do you know whether anybody was consulting as to whether to proceed or the merits of the case with NAACP legal defense fund?

J. CHRISTIAN ADAMS, FORMER JUSTICE DEPARTMENT LAWYER: Well listen, this is not firsthand, but I was told by section management that NAACP members or staffers were talking with a voting section attorney in March of 2009 and asking when is this case getting dismissed? Which of course is interesting to hear for the first time that someone is thinking about dismissing the case that you're in the middle of building.... It seemed strange.


But why worry — as Nancy Pelosi has warned us, she has heard rhetoric like this before. In case she missed it the first time:


SHABAZZ: I hate white people — all of them. Every last iota of a cracker — I hate him. Because we're still in this condition.

We didn't come out here to play today. There's too much serious business going on in the black community to be out here sliding through South Street with white, dirty, cracker whore (expletive) on our arms.

You want freedom? You're going to have to kill some crackers. You're going to have to kill some of their babies. Let us get our act together.


There has to be some reason for the flip, because seeing video the guy who wants to kill white people, standing with a club outside a polling location really doesn't help the defense's case. Maybe it was a little favor for all the support the New Black Panthers gave Barack Obama during the election. I interviewed their top guy leading up to the election and, in one of the creepiest moments on TV, he called Barack Obama the only hope for America's salvation:


MALIK SHABAZZ, NEW BLACK PANTHER PARTY: If you had to understand that your ancestors had been in slavery and bondage for 300 years, that your ancestors had been denied the right to become policemen, firemen, attend schools and get mortgages, how would you feel if...

BECK: I'll tell you — I would feel — I'll tell you, I would feel — I would feel so unbelievably proud that that country has made so much progress that the richest woman in America is Oprah Winfrey and possibly the next president is also an African-American. I'd feel pretty darn good that we've made an awful lot of progress.

Obama's message is to come together, yet your message — according to your website — is the trials of blacks only, by all black juries, end of all black cooperation with police departments and a separate country for African-Americans. How is Obama your man?

SHABAZZ: Obama is my man, because I believe he can change America and I pray to almighty God that America will listen to and follow Barack Obama, black or white or whoever you are. I say that Barack Obama is the true salvation for America and to bring us beyond the negative and the nasty and injustices that have caused persons like Reverend Wright or myself to speak out. Barack Obama, I pray, Glenn, that you will support him —


He's praying that Obama would get us past the injustices. Isn't this case being dropped an injustice?

Why would Barack Obama want to side with these nuts from the New Black Panthers who were clearly intimidating voters? You have to stop thinking like a rational human being and start thinking like a radical one. Because these tactics are accepted as the norm in the radical world.

Compare the 10-point plan for the original Black Panthers with the New Black Panthers' plan— these guys don't associate with each other, but they are both pushing the same ideas. The apple doesn't fall far from the tree.

But let me back up for a minute and take a look at who this president is surrounding himself with — his circle of influence. We know about ACORN's use of intimidation tactics. The president has made it clear that he's walking in lockstep with ACORN:


THEN-PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE BARACK OBAMA: And I definitely welcome ACORN's input. You don't have to ask me about that. I'm going to call you even if you didn't ask me.


And remember what Bertha Lewis recently told her people:


BERTHA LEWIS, ACORN: It is going to dwarf the internment during World War II.

They are coming and they are coming after you.


The president has also made it clear how closely he works with SEIU:


OBAMA: Just imagine what we could do together. Imagine having a president whose life work was your work.


And SEIU has not hesitated to use intimidation and violence:


ANDY STERN, SEIU: We took names. We watched how they voted. We know where they live.


The president hired Van Jones — and they knew who he was:


VALERIE JARRETT, WHITE HOUSE SENIOR ADVISER: Van Jones, we were so delighted to be able to recruit him into the White House. We have been watching him really — he's not that old — for as long as he's been active out in Oakland —


Jones was head of Ella Baker Center and started the communist STORM organization whose manual stated: "Revolutionaries need to be militant in street actions. As leaders in the fight for liberation, we should be role models of fearlessness before the state and the oppressor." They also said: "Marches were be militant and confrontational, regularly defying police commands and occasionally plunging through police lines and barricades."

So the president had no problem associating with militants who intimidate.

But militant intimidation can sometimes go one step further and become terrorism. Bill Ayers founded the terrorist organization The Weather Underground. Jeff Jones, also of The Weather Underground, helped draft the stimulus package through the Apollo Alliance. Bernadine Dohrn, Bill Ayers' wife, was part of the Gaza flotilla and they partnered with Jodie Evans from Code Pink.

(Obama Once Visited ‘60’s Radicals - Dorn and Ayers who now seem to be involved in Flotilla Incident against Israel)

So homegrown terrorists are literally deciding where to send your tax money.

Are you hearing about any of this any where else? No much, if any!  So:  Watch "Glenn Beck" weekdays at 5 p.m. ET/ 2p.m. and 11p.m. PT on Fox News Channel as well as the rest of the coverage on Fox (Cable ) News and the Fox Business Channel.

Remember: Elections and Power are not about who votes but about who controls the elections and counts the votes.

People concerned about saving what is left of America and her freedoms better wake up, work the polling booths, work and supervise the vote counting, demand paper ballots or voting machines with receipts that can be recounted and demand fair elections allowing only those that are legally allowed to vote… to do so.

Americans always seem to wake up when there is a crisis…  Well we are there.  We are in a state of crisis!!  And all Americans of every race and creed need to be worried about the negative climate that is being created taking us and our children back 50+ years into hatred and division instead of forward.

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