What happened to the post racial America dream and promise that Obama was peddling and America embraced? Like most of the rest of his promises… it was a lie. America has not been as polarized in most of our lifetimes as now and the hostility between races, religions and ideologies was purposely been raised by this administration.
Racial progress, social integration and acceptance was at an all time high in America and was certainly part of what led to the possibility of the election of Barack Hussein Obama. However, since his election and inauguration, the Progressives in power, both in Congress and the White House have used the race card, anti-American sentiments, and the politics of division to drive their agenda… the agenda of the hope and change of America into a transformed country run by an imperial president with unprecedented power and control aided by the elitist left Progressives in Congress and the outside shadow groups that yield power. The politics of division and control have always been ‘their’ tool and goal against the common man… exactly what the Founding Fathers of America tried to protect us and the Republic against with the Constitution including the Bill of Rights, based on Judeo-Christian values and the separation of powers… three distinct and separate branches… plus a media empowered with the freedoms of the press and speech that were supposed to be independent and non-judgmental, like the Supreme Court… both have been compromised! All the other rights and powers were to left for the states and the people and the first and second amendment were to make sure that we were able to retain both what the Constitution gave us and and left us, without government interference. Even controversial 2/3’s rule, that has been twisted by the progressives and power brokers was a step away from slavery and toward freedoms for all without forfeiting the possibility of a United States because of ideology.
Shocking Video: Obama’s Words: Bombshell Anti-White Audio Uncovered
Whitewashing Black Racism
Why haven't national media outlets reported on the vile and violent rants of the New Black Panther Party (NBPP) thugs whose 2008 voter intimidation tactics got a pass from the Obama administration? Simple: Radical black racism doesn't fit the Hope and Change narrative. There's no way to shoehorn Bush-bashing into the story. And, let's face it, exposing the inflammatory rhetoric of the left does nothing to help liberal editors and reporters fulfill their true calling -- embarrassing the right.
This week, Justice Department whistleblower J. Christian Adams came forward with damning public testimony about how Obama officials believe "civil rights law should not be enforced in a race-neutral manner, and should never be enforced against blacks or other national minorities." In the wake of Adams' expose on how the Obama DOJ abandoned default judgments against the NBPP bullies for the sake of politically correct racial politics, a shocking video clip of one of the lead defendants in the Philadelphia voter intimidation case resurfaced on the Internet. It shows bloodthirsty King Samir Shabazz during a 2009 National Geographic documentary interview spewing:
"You want freedom? You're gonna have to kill some crackers! You're gonna have to kill some of their babies!"
These NBPP death threats and white-bashing diatribes are nothing new to those who have tracked the black supremacy movement. In August 2009, nearly a year ago, I reported on a sign on display outside NBPP defendant (and elected member of Philadelphia's 14th Ward Democratic Committee) Jerry Jackson's home. It reads: "COLORED ONLY: No Whites Allowed." In July 2009, I interviewed poll watcher/witness Christopher Hill, whom Shabazz and Jackson called "cracker" several times while Shabazz brandished his baton.
"They physically attempted to block me," Hill recounted. He also saw a group of elderly ladies walk away from the polling site without voting while the duo preened in front of the entrance. "If you're a poll watcher, you shouldn't be dressed in paramilitary garb," Hill said, as he wondered aloud at what would have happened if he had showed up in the same sort of costume.
In May 2009, I reported on the affidavit of civil rights attorney and poll watcher Bartle Bull, who witnessed the NBPP thuggery in Philadelphia and reported on billy club-wielding Shabazz's election day boast: "You're about to be ruled by the black man, cracker."
In the fall of 2008, just days before he showed up to hector white poll workers, Shabazz told the Philadelphia Inquirer:
"I'm about the total destruction of white people. I'm about the total liberation of black people. I hate white people. I hate my enemy... The only thing the cracker understands is violence... The only thing the cracker understands is gunpowder. You got to take violence to violence."
The desire to kill, subordinate and demonize white people is a staple of NBPP propaganda. An NBPP Trenton, N.J., chapter "block party" music video posted on YouTube calls on black followers to "bang for freedom," "put the bang right into a cracker's face," and "if you're going to bang, bang for black power ... hang a cracker ... if you're going to bang, bang on the white devil ... burying him near the river bank with the right shovel ... community revolution in progress ... banging for crackers to go to hell, we don't need em."
Chanting "Black Power," Minister Najee Muhammad, national field marshal for the New Black Panther Party, and Uhuru Shakur, local chairman of the Atlanta NBPP chapter, issued a pre-Election Day 2008 threat to "racists and other angry whites who are upset over an impending Barack Obama presidential victory." Said Muhammad: "Most certainly, we cannot allow these racist forces to slaughter our babies or commit other acts of violence against the black population, nor our black president."
That's rich, given that the only racists talking about slaughtering babies are the ones with New Black Panther Party patches on their puffed chests.
If a Tea Party activist threatened to kill the babies of his political opponents, it wouldn't just be front-page news. It would be the subject of Democrat-led congressional investigations, a series of terrified New York Times columns about the perilous "climate of hate," a Justice Department probe by Attorney General Eric Holder, a domestic terror alert from Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano, and another Important Teachable Moment Speech/Summit from Healer-in-Chief Barack Obama.
But with the racism shoe on the other foot, Team Obama and its media water-carriers are exhibiting the very racial cowardice Holder once purported to condemn. Thanks to Obama's feckless Department of Injustice, these black supremacist brutes are free to show up on the next national Election Day at polling places in full paramilitary regalia with nightsticks, hurling racist, anti-American epithets at those exercising their right to vote and at those protecting the integrity of the electoral process.
The reaction of our national media watchdogs: Shhhhhhhh.
By Michelle Malkin who makes news and waves with a unique combination of investigative journalism and incisive commentary. She is the author of Culture of Corruption
You’ve Got Hate Mail: Liberal Racism Gone Wild!
--> Panther Leader: Voter Case Is 'Overhyped' - What Do You Think? <--
Video: Malik Shabazz Discredits Holder and Incriminates Himself
Beck Fires Back at Black Panther Threats
--> Malik Zulu Shabazz: “Beck We Will Be Seeing You… In DC” <--(Really??? There probably is nobody who does more to right the awareness of black history rewritten by the Progressives than Glenn Beck… and they are threatening him. A man who is supported by Martin Luther King’s niece…)
Beck’s Founder’s Friday: African-American Founders
Beck’s Founders Fridays: African-American Founders – (Part I)
GB Founder’s Fridays: Black Heroes in American History Part 2
Mediaite has just posted exclusive video of Panther Chairman Malik Zulu Shabazz finding out about Beck’s upcoming “Restoring Honor” rally at the Lincoln Memorial, to be held on the anniversary of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr’s epochal speech at the same location. Here’s a partial transcript from the Mediate interview:
Malik Zulu Shabazz: I am aware of it, and that Glenn Beck should not be allowed to have this rally. Glenn Beck is a sneaky little devil, and he does sneaky things, and tries to portray that he’s really not the neo-racist that he really is. And for him to go and to secure the Lincoln Memorial on Dr. King’s birthday [sic] will meet not only [sic] opposition from civil rights leaders, but it’s going to meet direct opposition from the New Black Panther Party.
Since the Tea Party loves Glenn Beck and will be there, the New Black Panther Party can easily find the Tea Party, right with Glenn Beck. He can bring his Tea Party, and we’ll bring our party, and we’ll see Glenn Beck. (…)
Malik Zulu Shabazz: Beck has had me on before, I’ve been on Sean Hannity about 20 times, he’s under orders not to have me on, Bill O’Reilly’s under orders not to have me on. This is all a conspiracy. I would say a Zionist conspiracy, but you would say “He’s too conspiratorial.”
But it’s some kind of conspiracy going on, to keep the truth out, and to keep us off the airwaves, to keep talking about us, but not talk to us. So we’ll see Glenn Beck live in person. I don’t think his rally should be allowed to happen.
Tommy Christopher: Once again, any members that show up, you would advise them to act within the law…
Malik Zulu Shabazz: I’m going to be there. I want to see him myself. Sneaky little devil.
The Complete ArticleObama’s Thoughts on Black Panthers
“Black Nationalism provided that history, an unambiguous morality tale that was easily communicated and easily grasped. The steady attack on the white race, the constant recitation of black people’s brutal experience in this country, served as the ballast that could prevent the ideas of personal and communal responsibility from tipping into an ocean of despair…”
The Rebirth of Racism, Lack of Respect and un-American & Un-Presidential Behavior Coming from the Top
You can only give someone so many passes before admitting the truth or admitting that you are the fool!!
We have a group of elitist people in the White House supported by Progressives in Congress, like them, who think they are both better and smarter than than the Average American or our amazing Founding Fathers, who had the hand and grace of God with them.
Yet from through the 2008 campaign and not after 18-months into the Obama administration they have shown lack of class, disrespect, ignorance of protocol, ignorance of the law, ignorance of their jobs and blatant favoritism, cronyism, and racism that is perpetuated through misinformation, disinformation, disregard for the law and the public and an endless overstep of powers hidden behind and among constantly moving smoke and mirrors.
The list of examples goes on and on beginning with Obama’s right hand man Rahm Emanual using the expletive Moth_r F_cker in almost every sentence; Obama sitting in racist America hating Reverend Wright’s church for twenty years and comment’s about his white grandmother harbored any racial animosity (which seems highly unlikely considering the Dunhams were radical leftists who specifically moved to and joined a church that promoted Communist beliefs).
Being a conservative with mostly conservative friends, I can tell you that I have never heard a single person comment on or dislike Obama because he is black. If anything White Guilt probably got him elected. And it never occurred to most people that Obama was (whether practicing or not) and favored Muslims.
It is the White House who consistently has played the race card and made Islam verses Christianity, the religion of 80+ percent of Americans and supposedly the Obama family, an issue.
A Few Examples:
A former Justice Department attorney who quit his job to protest the Obama administration's handling of the New Black Panther Party voter intimidation case is accusing Attorney General Eric Holder of dropping the charges for racially-motivated reasons.
J. Christian Adams, now an attorney in Virginia and a conservative blogger, also accuses Deputy Attorney General Thomas Perez of lying under oath to Congress about the circumstances surrounding the decision to drop the probe.
The Justice Department has defended its move to drop the case, saying it obtained an injunction against one member to keep him away from polling stations while dismissing charges against the others "based on a careful assessment of the facts and the law."
But Adams told Fox News that politics and race was at play in the dismissal.
"There is a pervasive hostility within the civil rights division at the Justice Department toward these sorts of cases," Adams told Fox News' Megyn Kelly.
Adams says he believes the Justice Department has a policy now of not pursuing voting rights cases against white victims.
"In voting, that will be the case over the next few years, there's no doubt about it," he said.
Read the Transcript of Fox News' Megyn Kelly's Interview with J. Christian Adams
Don't Miss Part 2 of Kelly's Interview with Adams on America Live on Thursday July 1st, 2010!
In an opinion article published in the Washington Times last week, Adams said the dismissal "raises serious questions about the department's enforcement neutrality in upcoming midterm elections and the subsequent 2012 presidential election."
Justice Department spokeswoman Tracy Schmaler dismissed Adams' accusations as a "good faith disagreement" with ulterior motives.
"It is not uncommon for attorneys within the department to have good faith disagreements about the appropriate course of action in a particular case, although it is regrettable when a former department attorney distorts the facts and makes baseless allegations to promote his or her agenda," she said in a written statement.
In the final days of the Bush administration, three Black Panthers -- Minister King Samir Shabazz, Malik Zulu Shabazz and Jerry Jackson -- were charged in a civil complaint with violating the Voter Rights Act in November 2008 by using coercion, threats and intimidation at a Philadelphia polling station -- with Shabazz brandishing what prosecutors called a deadly weapon.
The Obama administration won the civil case in federal court in April 2009 but moved to dismiss the charges in May 2009. Justice attorneys said a criminal complaint, which resulted in the injunction, proceeded successfully.
The department "is committed to comprehensive and vigorous enforcement of both the civil and criminal provisions of federal law that prohibit voter intimidation. We continue to work with voters, communities, and local law enforcement to ensure that every American can vote free from intimidation, coercion or threats," Schmaler said Wednesday.
But the Justice Department's explanation has failed to appease the United States Commission on Civil Rights, which is probing the department's decision, or Republican lawmakers who say the dismissal could lead to an escalation of voter intimidation.
The commission held a hearing in April in which Rep. Frank Wolf, R-Va., who has led the charge for answers from the Justice Department, was among those testifying. The Justice Department did not provide witnesses at that hearing. Instead, Perez provided the commission with written remarks in May.
"At a minimum, without sufficient proof that New Black Panther Party or Malik Zulu Shabazz directed or controlled unlawful activities at the polls, or made speeches directed to immediately inciting or producing lawless action on Election Day, any attempt to bring suit against those parties based merely upon their alleged 'approval' or 'endorsement' of Minister King Samir Shabazz and Jackson’s activities would have likely failed," he said in the statement.
The commission has repeatedly sought information from the Justice Department, going as far as filing subpoenas. Schmaler said the department has provided 2,000 pages of information in response.
But Adams said in the Times article that the department ordered the attorneys "to ignore the subpoena, lawlessly placing us in an unacceptably legal limbo."
Adams also says that after the dismissal, Justice Department attorneys were instructed not to bring any more cases against racial minorities under the Voting Section.
Adams told Fox News that the New Black Panther case was the "easiest I ever had at the Justice Department.
"It doesn't get any easier than this," he said. "If this doesn't constitute voter intimidation, nothing will."
But his allegations go beyond the Justice Department. He wrote that the dismissal is a symptom of the Obama administration's reverse racism and "creeping lawlessness."
"Citizens would be shocked to learn about the open and pervasive hostility within the Justice Department to bringing civil rights cases against nonwhite defendants on behalf of white victims," he wrote in the Times article. "Equal enforcement of justice is not a priority of this administration. Open contempt is voiced for these types of cases." Read more ...
OBAMA: And I really want to emphasize the word responsibility. Whether you are a white executive living out in the suburbs who doesn't want to pay taxes to inner city children for them to go to school…
Yes, those white executives really hate inner city kids. Gee, that sounds an awful lot like profiling (the same practice the Department of Justice says we can't do against terrorists that don't exist).
It almost sounds like the president had his mind made up on this guy and anyone like him. The reason Obama doesn't want to meet with him is because the BP CEO doesn't advance the president's agenda. See, the president needs a villain and Tony Hayward is it. Every progressive president in history focused public anger and frustration on an easy target, instead of addressing the issues at hand. Teddy Roosevelt, Woodrow Wilson and FDR all used the same playbook — look it up.
Which brings me to another comparison: Obama is bashing the BP CEO without any of the facts. Why does that sound familiar? Oh, I remember. I don't have all the facts but the police acted stupidly:
OBAMA: I think it's fair to say, number one, any of us would be pretty angry; number two that the Cambridge Police acted stupidly in arresting somebody when there was already proof that they were in their own home...
Yeah but Glenn, the president changed his mind and he's going to meet with the BP guy!
True, but don't tell me this is some sort of fact-finding mission. The president already has his mind made up, just like the "police acted stupidly" beer summit. The bad guy was the judgmental, racist cop. The good guy was the gentile professor. And the savior was Barack Obama. That's how he sees it. But the evidence from the story and the pictures from the summit tell a completely different story. Why is the racist helping this man down the steps? Shouldn't he have tripped him up or something?
So there are three reactions without any facts. It's almost like he's generalizing, profiling and stereotyping.
Here's another comparison: Again, before having any of the facts, before even bothering to read the Arizona immigration law, President Obama called it a "poorly conceived law." That's weird, because his Department of Justice hadn't read it. Homeland Security hadn't read it. Yet he already made up his mind he wasn't going to meet with the governor of Arizona. And, without any facts whatsoever, he was already worried about what would happen to Hispanic Americans:
OBAMA: Now suddenly, if you don't have your papers and you took your kid out to get ice cream, you're going to be harassed, that's something that could potentially happen.
Of course, the law specifically prohibits that exact behavior. But the president knows something that you don't know: Cops act stupidly! He doesn't need to actually talk with people — no, he already knows them. He knows that the typical white person has their reactions to meeting minorities "bred into them":
OBAMA: The point I was making was not that my grandmother harbors any racial animosity. She doesn't. But she is a typical white person, who, if she sees somebody on the street that she doesn't know, you know, there's a reaction that's been bred in our experiences that don't go away...
Thank goodness we have a president who isn't into profiling or stereotyping or anything like that.
One last comparison: The president is out looking for some "ass to kick" and he's outraged. Yet, three days after the Gulf explosion, the Dutch government offered ships and state of the art equipment. The administration said thanks, but no thanks.
Back on May 5, the administration announced that 13 international offers of help had been received and that decisions on what to accept would be made "in the next day or two." Two weeks later, the State Department said the government saw "no reason" to accept any of the offers. Now the president is saying it's an emergency. Really? Well, why did you turn down the help? In order to accept the foreign help, Obama would have to do exactly what George W. Bush did immediately after Katrina hit: Waive the Jones Act. It requires basically that all commercial acts conducted in U.S.-controlled waters be performed by U.S.-flagged ships, constructed in the United States, owned by U.S. citizens and crewed by U.S. citizens and U.S. permanent residents.
What possible logical reason would there be to call for all hands on deck in the biggest environmental emergency in the history of our country and then not sign this waiver? Is it possible that this administration is so in bed and beholden to the labor unions — who are complaining they'd lose jobs — that they are doing another favor for the unions?
OBAMA: I've spent my entire adult life working with SEIU. I'm not a newcomer to this.
No, seriously, don't worry. The president is definitely looking out for you. He's not putting SEIU first over you and health care. He's definitely not putting the dockworkers ahead of the environment or the fisherman in the Gulf spill.
It seems like the president already has his mind made up about a lot of things: CEOs, typical white people, Arizona cops, Cambridge cops and policies like cap-and-trade. And once the president's mind is made up, you aren't going to change it. Unless you are a dictator who wants to destroy Israel — here's Ahmadinejad: "We ask the West to remove what they created 60 years ago and if they do not listen to our recommendations, then the Palestinian nation and other nations will eventually do this for them.... Remove Israel before it is too late and save yourself from the fury of regional nations."
There are ongoing issues of dressing down, talking trash, not wearing, displaying or saluting the American Flag by the president and his White House staff and Czars, ornaments with Chairman Mao on the White House Christmas Tree, the minimalization of American Traditions, presidential behavior and the replacement of Judeo-Christian events and heritage with Muslim or minority group traditions that only serve to divide us instead of unite us.
Congressman: Obama Favors Black People
Rep. Steve King (R-Iowa): When you look at this administration, I'm offended by Eric Holder and the President also, their posture. It looks like Eric Holder said that white people in America are cowards when it comes to race. And I don't know what the basis of that is but I'm not a coward when it comes to that and I'm happy to talk about these things and I think we should. But the President has demonstrated that he has a default mechanism in him that breaks down the side of race - on the side that favors the black person.

Is It Appropriate for WH Staff to Wear Ball Caps in Oval Office?
The caption for the photo, which was released by the White House, Reads: "President Barack Obama meets with senior advisors regarding the ongoing response to the BP oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico, in the Oval Office, Saturday, June 12, 2010"
Ronald Reagan would not enter the Oval Office unless he was wearing a coat and tie. Nor was anyone else allowed to. He instituted the rule out of respect for the office. How low its occupants have fallen.
It is just common courtesy and a act of respect to remove your hat when you enter anyone's house. None in that room respect America or what this nation stands for, it is just another act of defiance and loathing of what that house represents. In other words, there true feelings are plain for all to see, because they don't all have to wear a hat, they only have to allow one to make their point.
Author Eric Rush, the man who exposed the Obama’s connection to Rev. Jeremiah Wright just released his new book Negrophilia. He appeared on Hannity as part of his book promotion tour.
He says he would like to get people to start speaking out and stop being held back by race and political correctness. He explains that the hard left has been promoting the agenda for blacks and the relationship between whites and black… pushing the message that America is an institutionally racist country… and it isn’t.
In America, there a freedom fighters and the race mongers (the Progressive left) that enslaves minorities by keeping them dependent. He says the left (liberals, Progressives, and Democrats) is much more racist in deed and thought than the right (conservatives, patriotic Americans and Republicans).
Negrophilia: From Slave Block to Pedestal - America's Racial Obsession
White Guilt: How Blacks and Whites Together Destroyed the Promise of the Civil Rights Era (P.S.)
NAACP: ‘Uncle Tom’ Kenneth Gladney ‘Not Black Enough’ to Protect
On May 5th, 2010, the Missouri NAACP hosted a press conference and rally on behalf of Perry Molens and Elston McCowan, demanding the county prosecutor drop assault charges stemming from an attack outside Russ Carnahan’s townhall in South St. Louis County on Health Care last August. Molens and McCowan were arrested after the staged Carnahan event in August after they beat, kicked and stomped on black vendor Kenneth Gladney. The two Russ Carnahan supporters and SEIU members also called Kenneth the n-word as they bashed him into the cement.
This press conference in May was intended to drum up political pressure to prevent the jury trial of the two SEIU staff members arrested for attacking Kenneth Gladney in the presence of three witnesses.
Video of the entire press conference was posted online in eight parts and includes speeches by Harold Crumpton (NAACP national board member and president, St Louis City branch), Mary Ratliff, (NAACP state president, Missouri), progressive blogger Adam Shriver (cited as their legal expert), Elston McCowan, Perry Molens, and emceed by Zaki Abruti, UAPO. Also attending the event were a host of self-defined socialist agitators and a self-proclaimed Huffington Post reporter, Jeanine Molloff. Read more... (Video)
ASPIRIN TAX: I believe it…
Come on… it’s funny and we might as well laugh now and then!
In reality, everything Obama and the Progressives in power touch is spun around racism and their control and gather of more and more power…
And now we have Rev Wright raise his ugly voice again:
Obama's Race-Rant Rev Rages On
CHICAGO -- He's been keeping such a low profile since nearly derailing Barack Obama's campaign for president in 2008 -- is it possible that the controversial Rev. Jeremiah Wright has mellowed?
During a five-day seminar Wright taught last week at the University of Chicago, he was back at it, claiming that whites and Jews are controlling the flow of worldwide information and oppressing blacks in Israel and America.
"White folk done took this country," Wright said. "You're in their home, and they're gonna let you know it."
The course, advertised as focusing on politics and public policy in South Africa and America, was taught in a small, ground-floor room at the Chicago Theological Seminary on the university campus, where Wright's voice echoed out an open window. The class was composed of about 15 to 20 students, mainly older African-American women who would arrive early and giddily linger during lunch breaks and after class, looking for the reverend's attention. (The course cost a little over $1,000 if taken for college credit and $300 if taken without.)
The absence of young people was telling: The lectures seemed ossified, relics of a pre-civil-rights America -- a point that Obama himself made during his famous speech on race in March 2008, prompted by the incendiary comments ("God damn America!") made by his former pastor and mentor. Read The Full Article
Did Obama Appointee Say, 'Never Bring Another Lawsuit Against a Black'?
Obama: Israelis Don't Like Me Cuz My Middle Name's Hussein
Dem Bank Bill Sets Race-Gender Quotas for Wall Street
What It All Means By: Charles Payne
“Free markets HUD style is the only way to describe the agency's neighborhood stabilization program in Cuyahoga County, Ohio.” …Charles Payne
WASHINGTON - What one finds when reading congressional legislation is invariably surprising. Take the Dodd-Frank financial regulation bill, for instance, which was created by merging Senate and House bills. When the Senate returns from recess one of its first actions will be to vote on the bill, which passed the House on June 30.
I was searching the bill for a provision about derivatives. What did I find but Section 342, which declares that race and gender employment ratios, if not quotas, must be observed by private financial institutions that do business with the government. In a major power grab, the new law inserts race and gender quotas into America's financial industry.
“The worst thing you can do for black people is to put them in positions they are not qualified for!” Charles Payne
In addition to this bill's well-publicized plans to establish over a dozen new financial regulatory offices, Section 342 sets up at least 20 Offices of Minority and Women Inclusion. This has had no coverage by the news media and has large implications.
The Treasury, the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, the Federal Housing Finance Agency, the 12 Federal Reserve regional banks, the Board of Governors of the Fed, the National Credit Union Administration, the Comptroller of the Currency, the Securities and Exchange Commission, the new Consumer Financial Protection Bureau...all would get their own Office of Minority and Women Inclusion. Read The Full Article
'American Taliban' Lawyer Leading DOJ Lawsuit vs. Arizona
Obama's Former Rev. Wright Gives Seminar Bashing Whites and Jews, Media Mum
Did Kagan Compare the NRA to the KKK?
Video: America is Colorblind… (or was on her way until we elected the post-racial Christian President who has in 18-months turned this country back 50+ years… in all the wrong ways
Most Americans, especially those living today, are basically good people who abhor violence, except in the movies, and inequality. Will there always be some of that? Of course, as former Presidential candidate and Governor of Arkansas and pastor Mike Huckabee said, “People are people and you will never completely wipe out all hatred or prejudice, but Americans are essentially good people and we have made amazing progress in the past 100-years!”… even with the progressives feeding the fires of hatred, division, and prejudice go meet their goals and all the while re-writing history to support their lies.
I have not heard a single person in my circle of acquaintances and friends, and it is pretty large, ever say anything negative about Obama because he is black, but using the race card and attacks on White people, directly and indirectly, has been persistent in this administration… and it is sadly beginning to stoke the fires and hatred of groups like the Black Panthers, Hispanics who believe in Azatlan and radical Muslims, a group that the president seems to favor as well.
But on a lighter side, this is how crazy it is becoming: 'Tan tax' discussions include allegations of reverse racism
(In the end, everyone loses!)
Political Correctness – The Revenge of Marxism
Black Conservatives Take Lead in Tea Party Movement
Some Blacks Now Have Doubts About Obama – Star Parker
Black Conservatives Take Lead in Tea Party Movement
Confessions of a Black Conservative
2010 Marc Lloyd Tea Party Anthem
Video: Black Conservatives Talk about Tea Party Movement
“…For this cause”, I say to Al Sharpton, Jeanine Garafolo, and all you other libs, "Let my people go!"
Lloyd Marcus, (black) Unhyphenated American, singer/songwriter, entertainer, author, artist, and Tea Party patriot Lloyd Marcus.com
The biggest racists of the 20th Century were the Progressives… who are now again in power! That is why we are starting to feel and see those old dirty feelings raise their ugly head…
Obama, the Clintons, Kerry, McCain, Bush etc are all modern day Progressives the came from the The American Progressive and Eugenics Movement that was born under Woodrow Wilson. Although the Progressive Movement has virtually taken over and devoured the Democrat Party there are progressives in both parties, which just enforces that fact that American must become educated voter.
The First Big Silent Movie (from the eyes of a Klan’s Man purportedly based on Woodrow Wilson’s writings) Birth of a Nation Silent Film Plus Bo or re-mastered: Birth of a Nation. And one of the heroes of the Progressive Movement including Hillary Clinton is Margaret Sanger. The Negro Project: Margaret Sanger’s Eugenic Plan for Black Americans and the poor or undesirable of all colors, which is what Planned parent was created for.
Do not let the Progressives bring us back under their control through the manipulation of votes (now underway through illegal immigration and push for statehood for Puerto Rico) and the peddling of hate against whomever fits their agenda.
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