Friday, June 11, 2010

President Obama's Message for Far-Left Fringe… and the End-Game for Radicals

This is a review of Wednesday  June 9th and Thursday June 10th’s GB show son the Far-Left and their End-Game Goals.

June 9, 2010 Glenn Beck TV show clips 1 -4

   PART 1 can now be seen here!


PART 2 can now be seen here!


PART 3 can now be seen here!


PART 4 can now be seen here!


By Glenn Beck

There is presently a war within the Democratic Party.  The Democratic Party that we used to know is gone.  It has been co-opt by Progressives, Socialists, Communists and Marxists.  The battle is between the Progressives who want to reach their end peacefully and the others want revolution, if that is what it takes.


President Obama is a man with a message


PRESIDENT BARACK OBAMA: And I don't sit around just talking to experts because this is a college seminar; we talk to these folks because they, potentially, have the best answers, so I know whose ass to kick.


Have you ever heard this sort of language from a sitting president in an interview? This isn't exactly the kind of thing that resonates with Americans. Americans want the president to uphold and defend the Constitution. They don't want him looking for some ass to kick.

But if the message wasn't meant for the average American, who was it meant for? Let's listen to some of the other voices complaining:


ROSIE O'DONNELL: I say seize their assets... right now. Seize their assets today. Take over the country, I don't care. Issue an executive order and say, BP, guess what? Call it socialism. Call it communism. Call it anything you want. Let's watch Rush Limbaugh explode on TV. Seize the assets, take over BP.


Just seize it?

Here's Bill Maher:


BILL MAHER, HBO HOST: You can't get Americans to agree on anything. Sixty percent — 60 percent — of people don't believe in evolution in this country. He just needs to drag them to it.


And here's what Andy Stern said this week:


ANDY STERN, FORMER PRESIDENT OF SEIU: America needs a 21st century economic plan because we now know the market-worshipping, privatizing, de-regulating, dehumanizing American financial plan has failed and should never be revived, worshipping the market again. It has failed America and everyone that works here.



The free market has failed? No, greed has failed.

That's who Obama was sending a message to: the far-left fringe; the Marxist revolutionaries. He's trying to pacify them because they are angry. He's telling them he'll kick some ass and drag them to it.

Now, it's important you understand that doesn't mean everyone in the Democratic Party. But I told you on this program that the masks would eventually come off and they'd just admit who they are:


GLENN BECK: It's only a matter of time before this collapses. But it's a dangerous time, because that's going to frustrate the other side and they will become more and more desperate. They will — they already are taking the mask off.


Listen to the rhetoric; the masks are off, gang. And that's who Obama is addressing, because that's a large part of who he's surrounded himself with: radical revolutionaries. And they are angry.

And that's why I also told you on this program that the president is in danger:


BECK: The most dangerous time in any regime, especially a revolutionary regime, is when it is on the verge of collapse. A regime with revolutionaries in it, it is trouble. The Democratic Party is collapsing. It's either going to have to renew itself or it's going to collapse and it is chockfull of revolutionaries.


Think about it. Look at the fundamental transformation that has happened so far since Obama took office — the most since FDR's New Deal: health care; government takeovers of car companies, banks and insurance companies.

And they're mad? Where does it end? Let me show you this chart. Remember this one? On one end we have total anarchy and on the other end we have total government.

Have you ever heard of the Black Flag Movement? It's supposed to represent the absence of a flag and is a rejection of any form of representation or institutions representing people. It was commonly used by anarchists. The Black Flag Movement started in the late 1800s and has its roots in socialism.

Some Symbols of  Anarchy

In April of 1919, through June of that same year, anarchists set off a series of bombings meant to fuel the anti-left Red Scare of 1919. They targeted all kinds of politicians and other government officials. Thirty booby trap bombs were sent. The day they were all supposed to go off: May Day, the communist revolutionary day.

Here's another historic note: Karl Marx. You may wonder how it is that so many people still follow him considering that every time his ideas have been implemented, they have not only failed but they've failed to the tune of over 100 million deaths at the hands of tyrannical governments with too much power. The excuse that Marxists give is that it hasn't been implemented in the right way just yet. What's the right way?

Here's what Marx said:

"At a certain stage of their development, the material forces of production in society come in conflict with the existing relations of production.... with the change of the economic foundation the entire immense superstructure is more or less rapidly transformed, in considering such transformations the distinction should always be made between the material transformation of the economic conditions of production which can be determined with the precision of natural science and the legal, political, religious, aesthetic or philosophic — in short, ideological forms in which men become conscious of this conflict and fight it out."

They are talking about fundamental transformation. They believe if they can just get the most iconic capitalist giant of a nation (that's us) to collapse on itself then they can point to capitalism as failed state (sound familiar, Andy Stern?) and implement their Marxist utopia here.

That's what these people believe and that's what they are going for.

You know, it's funny, I'm called an extremist. The Tea Parties are called extremist. Nancy Pelosi cried about all that dangerous rhetoric, but she didn't cry when progressives actually threw stuff at her.

They told us: Oh, don't worry — we just want to do health care for the people. That's it. No, they're not. They're radicals and they're not happy, despite getting the health care and all the government takeovers and increase in government power happening right now.

Understand: This is the biggest transformation of our system possibly ever in the history of our country and it's still not enough. If they get financial reform, government will control 70 percent of our economy. Politicians thought they could co-opt revolutionaries. Progressives want to take it in baby steps. You want the most clear cut example of this? Here it is.

They're tired of the baby steps.

So what is the end? What are they shooting for? What is enough?


O'DONNELL: Seize their assets today. Take over the country, I don't care. Issue an executive order and say, BP guess what? Call it socialism. Call it communism. Call it anything you want.


Van Jones said that he's dropped the radical pose in favor of the radical ends. What were those radical ends? He was in a group called STORM — Standing Together to Organize a Revolutionary Movement — a group whose members included anarchists and communists. Their tactics:

Revolutionaries need to be militant in street actions. As leaders in the fight for liberation, we should be role models of fearlessness before the state and the oppressor

Mobilize young people of color into militant direct action

Learning not to joke about government surveillance or violent criminal activity and learning to be cautions in our use of telephone and e-mail communications are valuable tools for serious revolutionaries

Marches were militant and confrontational, regularly defying police commands and occasionally plunging through police lines and barricades

The stated goal for STORM: Working towards getting the country to make a definite and collective shift towards communist politics.

I'm going to make the STORM handbook available in my free e-mail newsletter.

This is why I've said that the president is in danger: He's got revolutionaries all around him who believe in this and that the ends justify the means.

Now you have an idea what modern day anarchy is.

Video:  Leftist Nancy Pelosi is attacked by Code Pink Member… Yelling that she is not left enough, Tuesday at the Campaign for America's Future conference  Hello??

— Watch "Glenn Beck" weekdays at 5 p.m. ET (2p.m. & 11p.m. PT) on Fox Cable News  Channel

The One Thing archive

Is Obama at a Tipping Point?

A Stalin Memorial? In Virginia? No Joke!

If you haven’t read it, pick The Coming Insurrection by the Invisible Committee

What's the End Game for Radicals?


June 10, 2010 Glenn Beck TV show clips 1 - 4

   PART 1 can now be seen here!


PART 2 can now be seen here!


PART 3 can now be seen here!


***PART 4*** can now be seen here!  -  Please watch this one by and FBI Agent who infiltrated the Weather Underground – Bill Ayers group


Phaedra Ellis-Lamkins does not have a hidden agenda

On Wednesday, I took you through this chalkboard and showed you the difference between revolutionaries and politicians. They are using each other for power and control; the only thing left to decide is who will win in the end because only one of these groups will be left standing.

Oh, what a trap they have laid for us.

I came to this fuller understanding after doing research on the anarchists here in America in 1919. They were plotting to bomb things to get the politicians to move government in the direction they wanted it to move. And a lightbulb went off because I had just heard this sound from the president:


PRESIDENT BARACK OBAMA: And I don't sit around just talking to experts because this is a college seminar; we talk to these folks because they, potentially, have the best answers, so I know whose ass to kick.


And that bothered me. Not the swear word, but the thuggery. It doesn't appeal to the average American. He wasn't talking to you. So who was he talking to?

Bill O'Reilly and I disagree on Van Jones. He doesn't believe Jones is as dangerous as I think he is — and I hope he is right. But now you know who the president was talking to: the revolutionaries.

Van Jones went to deliver the message to progressives this week that hey, the president hears you. He spoke yesterday at America's Future Now Conference. He just happened to be talking about how they shouldn't be mad at the president and they should focus on governing from the "bottom up" because they already "have" the White House.

I'm sure no one prodded him to do this, but listen to what he said:


VAN JONES, FORMER WHITE HOUSE GREEN JOBS "CZAR":  The opportunity is to recognize that a governing movement is three things: It's top-down — you handled that, you got the White House, the Senate and the House. You handled the top-down. But it's also bottom-up and inside-out. Top-down, bottom-up and inside-out. So now your challenge, as you leave here — our challenge — is to take care of that bottom-up part and that inside-out part: the heart part. That's where we're weak now. And we have the chance as we move forward to take the old admonition from the South African movement and govern from below.


He also said this:


JONES: I think that when we look back at the history of the Obama administration, when we look back at the history of our progressive movement, that this week will mark an historic inflection point when progressives decided to be progressive again in this country.


I think something shifted this week.


Holy cow. A shift from what? I mean, has this administration ever appeared not to be progressive or radical? The stated goal of the administration is to fundamentally transform the country. It doesn't get more radical than that. But it's only now that Van Jones says the president is on board? On board with what? What is the end game here? What are we shifting to if we haven't already?

Remember the super-villain from "The Incredibles"? He wanted to be a superhero, so he creates a giant monster and unleashes it on the city. And guess who's the only one that knows how to stop it? Him! It's genius.

The theme of the progressive conference was "We Are the Change" and is best summed up on the group's website: "There is also the hard-won realization that once again American history is repeating itself, and that in the end... 'presidents do not create social urgency' — even presidents with Obama's gift for painting a broad progressive vision — but 'independent movements do.' And anyone who supports President Obama can do that by... 'making him do the right thing.'"

Remember, revolutionaries don't mind anarchy, they don't mind violence. The more violent the revolutionaries become, the more the politicians have to move to total government. It will take away all of your rights as well as their rights. But they are part of the system. If Obama takes power, they win. If he doesn't, radicals cause chaos and violence and they win.

This is from America Future Now: "Progressives have grown ever more disappointed. The reforms were both historic and insufficient to the cause. The recovery plan was too small. The health care plan was dangerously compromised. Financial reform is too timid. Even the student aid was overwhelmed by the soaring tuitions and severe cuts in programs in the universities. Wall Street was rescued while unemployment rose to 10 percent."

Let's examine a couple of those points:

The recovery plan was "too small"? $787 billion would make the stimulus package the 17th largest economy in the world.

Financial reform is "too timid." Really? Controlling 70 percent of the economy is timid? Wow, I'd hate to see "aggressive" in their world.

I saw this headline on Business Insider: "In 2010, the U.S. government is projected to issue almost as much new debt as the rest of the governments of the world combined."

The CEO of Green for All, (a big player in Crime Inc. — she sits on the board of Emerald Cities) spoke recently and here's what she had to say:


PHAEDRA ELLIS-LAMKINS, CEO OF GREEN FOR ALL: So when Glenn Beck started talking about me, someone said, are you angry? And what I said to him is absolutely we have a plot to take over this country. Absolutely we do!


It's not our hidden agenda.


So they do want to take over the country and the mask is coming off. But will anyone join us in this conversation out in the light of day? It would have been helpful before we passed health care.

Another speaker noted that Larry Summers, Tim Geithner, Rahm Emanuel aren't part of the movement. Revolutionaries see them "as part of the problem." That's saying something! When the guys who are leading the government's current march to power are considered "part of the problem"? Again, what do they want them to do? Well, you have to look at what revolutionaries believe.

Did anyone know that last month, the Communist Party USA's 29th Annual Convention was held?Oh Glenn, so what? It was on C-SPAN. And you should be worried because they are excited about all the progress they're making — not just in Washington but on the ground.

The party chair, Sam Webb, on his website said that not since the Great Depression have so many Americans been so uneasy and so angry and that increasingly, working people are turning their anger into organized and collective rage against this crisis." He cites a few examples of that rage:


SAM WEBB, COMMUNIST PARTY USA: Union workers at Hugo Boss in Ohio prevented their plant from closing also with the help from actor Danny Glover. Big victory. Opposition to Arizona's draconian unconstitutional immigration law is mushrooming there and elsewhere.

Student mobilizations on University of California campuses against cutbacks and tuition hikes were very, very impressive.

Labor's May Day marches struck a high note in a number of cities, including New York down on Wall Street.


They have a plan. What happens if they get power?

If you havn’t download and read Storm’s Handbook, please do.  It is important!  STORM Handbook

The radical left website America’s Future Now is promoting mayhem to take the country even further to the left:  WE ARE THE CHANGE! Hundreds of the top progressive leaders and activists from across the country gathered at the 2010 America’s Future Now! conference to take the next steps of a reform agenda for America. On their site find video of key sessions, coverage from our blog team, photos and tweets from participants. 

Obama and his leftist czars and cabinet are not radical enough for them… or at least not transforming America fast enough.

— Watch "Glenn Beck" weekdays at 5 p.m. ET & 2 p.m. & 11 p.m. PT on Fox Cable News Channel


"The Overton Window"

There's a new trailer out to advertise Glenn Beck's latest book, a thriller called "The Overton Window."

So what is the Overton Window? The theory is named after Joseph Overton, a former vice president of Michigan's Mackinac Center. The Goldwater Institute explains the theory:

The theory states that policy proposals in any given area can be arranged from the most freedom to the least free. But only a narrow window of those policy options is considered politically acceptable to politicians. This smaller list of policy options does not necessarily reflect the stance a lawmaker would prefer to take on an issue. Rather, this “window” looks onto the range of choices the lawmaker believes he or she can support and still win re-election. As ideas change in society, the window shifts to include new policies or exclude old ones.

"The Overton Window" is set to be released June 15.  Meanwhile, the Left is already bashing it, despite rave reviews from authors such as Vince Flynn (love him!), Brad Meltzer and Nelson DeMille.

Video:  Glenn’s Beck upcoming thriller ‘The Overton Window’

PS -- the poem featured in Beck's trailer is this one by Rudyard Kipling, despite folks on the Left claiming that each "over-the-top-line" was written by Beck himself.  The fact the the radical left is so afraid of Beck and so relentless in their attacks only proves that he is on to something and probably right, at least most of the time.  Nobody spends the kind of energy attacking someone who is wrong, off the mark, or crazy… as they like to make him appear.

June 10, 2010  05:48 PM EDT

FBI's ACORN Docs: We Are 'Working for the Democratic Party'

FBI's ACORN Docs: We Are 'Working for the Democratic Party'

New documents have been obtained and released by Judicial Watch, a watchdog organization that keeps an eye on government corruption, that shines more light on the dismembered ACORN organization. The documents show of election fraud as an employee told the FBI that ACORN was “working for the Democratic Party.”
Here is the documents from Judicial Watch:
“ACORN HQ is wkg [working] for the Democratic Party”
Washington, DC — June 9, 2010Judicial Watch, the public interest group that investigates and prosecutes government corruption, announced today that it has obtained documents from the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) related to the 2007 investigation and arrest of eight St. Louis, Missouri, workers from the “community organization” Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now (ACORN) for violation of election laws and voter fraud.
The documents include handwritten notes from FBI investigators interviewing canvassers working with Project Vote, an ACORN affiliate. Among the highlights from the FBI handwritten notes:

Read The Full Article

July 17th (SLC) – American Revival  Class – Get there if you can!  Learn about our history and how to direct change in the “right” direction. 

July 17 American Revival, Salt Lake City 

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