Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Obama Misses Mark Again… Blames BP, Politicizes Crisis and Spin Spin Spins the Facts

Video & Text of O’s Oval Office Speech

Obama spent his Oval Office equity on making excuses and trying to save his presidency with spin, telling untruths, blaming BP and threatening to seize their assets, creating another commission and Czar and to ‘use’ and politicize this crisis and speech to push his pipe dream goal of a green future as he justified loss of jobs because of his moratorium and higher prices for energy because he is gong forward with Cap and Trade.  But there were no solutions, a lot of spin, no apology for his and his administrations incompetence and mishandling of the spill and no mention of waving the Jones Act, accepting the international help we have refused or pursuing any of the ideas of Americans who can’t even get a phone call back.

When you have Sarah PalinCharles Krauthammer, Monica Crowley, Stephen Hayes, a group of average citizens in LA  with Frank Luntz and even Alan Colmes agree that Obama’s speech was off the mark, ineffectual, political instead of problem oriented, and full of spin you know it wasn’t good!!

Bomb:  Obama’s Speech Ripped by Left and Right

Obama's Oil Spill Speech Turns to Energy Policy, Fueling Capitol Crossfire  -  President Obama tried Tuesday night in his Oval Office speech to rally the nation behind his efforts to tackle the Gulf oil spill, but by also highlighting his energy agenda, he set off reaction on Capitol Hill that could risk turning the disaster into a political football.

What Obama needed to say in his speech last night was:

Here are my 3 solutions to stop the oil leak … I have untied the hands of the governors of the gulf states affected and turned over the day to day management of this crisis to them while making all federal assistance available.  And,  I have waved the Jones Act and contacted and accepted all foreign offers of assistance and we will be actively pursuing all suggestions sent to us from all sources… period!!  Instead he demonized BP and pushed his Progressive Climate Change Bill~

CFP:  Obama Asks America to Commit Suicide

This (the Oval Office Spill) speech should have been given 50-days ago - Video:  Obama’s Oil Spill Timeline Days 1 – 41 minus the Cap ‘n’  Trade Push…

1/3 of the speech was spent promoting his proposed Cap and Trade or Climate Change  Bill

The Jones Act  - Still did not waive it. - Continues to Block Oil Cleanup Ships to Appease Unions

Video:  How the Jones Act and Labor Unions are Blocking Oil Spill Cleanup

Fla. Republicans ask Obama to waive Jones Act

WH declined help from the Dutch ‘in writing’, offered 3-days after the spill  -  Finally accepts Dutch Skimmers on day 55  

WH refused help from Norway, Saudi Arabia, Belgiam, Britain etc who have experience with spills – Obama Blocked Clean Up of BP Oil Spill by Friendly Countries

Obama and WH kept Gulf Governors from moving forward to protect their states.  No that the damage has been done, Obama told them to move ahead… perhaps to use them as scapegoats to blame later?

There are booms stored in a warehouse in Maine that we refused or ignored.

FEDs were absent the first 9 days after the spill and focused on everything else - Obama During Oil Spill – Golf, Parties, Photo-Ops… and More Golf!  (Photos)

What ever happened to the girl on the burning rig that sent the May Day when she realized nobody had and was then reprimanded for doing so?  -  WSJ:  There Was ‘Nobody in Charge’ – or worse?

Andrea Fleytas, a 23-year old worker on the burning rig, who helped operate the rig's sophisticated navigation machinery, suddenly noticed a glaring oversight: No one had issued a distress signal to the outside world, she recalls in an interview. Ms. Fleytas grabbed the radio and began calling over a signal monitored by the Coast Guard and other vessels…

"Mayday, Mayday. This is Deepwater Horizon. We have an uncontrollable fire."

When Capt. Kuchta realized what she had done, he reprimanded her, she says.

"I didn't give you authority to do that," he said, according to Ms. Fleytas, who says she responded: "I'm sorry."

Does anybody else find this reaction by the Captain Kuchta more than strange??  What was he covering up?? Why wouldn’t he be giving that girl a medal??  Something is definitely wrong there!!

Why was BP over insured for this rig?  -  DeepWater Horizon Oil Rig Sabotage and Insurance Plan 67

Why were people ‘in the know’ purchasing large volumes of stock in NALCO the chemical dispersant and water purification manufacturing company used in the Gulf clean-up, last November?  -  Investigation Reveals Possible Criminal Activity Connecting Obama to BP Oil SpillJoAnne Moretti, along with a team of investigators, delved into records which pointed to a paper trail connecting the major players in this disaster--BP, Deep Water Horizon, Halliburton, Citigroup, Goldman-Sachs, the U.S. Government, and a company called 'NALCO.'  A few recognizable names of individuals involved in the paper trail also surfaced--Warren Buffet, George Soros, John Holdren, Tony Rezko....and Barack Obama.

Why did Obama spout all that misinformation about the fact that we have no or declining resources to drill in?

Why did Obama appoint another Czar… added to the people he has already appointed to a commission that have no experience in this arena? 

Why are reporters and photographers still be kept from covering the area and taking photos without prior permission and supervision?

And if the President was going to kick BP’s ass, why have we hardly heard about their CEO going on vacation several days after the spill and he only stopped at the Gulf on his way home.  (Maybe because Obama vacationed, played golf and partied most of the first 50-days?).  Today the CEO said he cared about the “small” people.

FACT CHECK: Obama inflates hopes in spill recovery

Brown pelicans fly off rocks as oil continues to wash ashore from the Deepwater Horizon spill, Tuesday, June 15, 2010, in Rock Canal near Venice, La. AP – Brown pelicans fly off rocks as oil continues to wash ashore from the Deepwater Horizon spill, Tuesday, …

By CALVIN WOODWARD, Associated Press Writer Tue Jun 15, 10:17 pm ET

WASHINGTON – In assuring Americans on Tuesday that BP won't control the compensation fund for Gulf oil spill recovery, President Barack Obama failed to mention that the government won't control it, either.

That means it's anyone's guess whether the government can, in fact, make BP pay all costs related to the spill.

This fact check article was released shortly after Obama’s speech last night.  As we see below…  The fund set up by BP will afterall  be controlled by the US federal government, not a bipartisan group, and independent group, or a coalition the state governors and representatives of those affected by the spill. 

This administration and its cronies have proven that everything with them is political, just look at last night’s speech.  Obama was more interested in pushing Cap and Trade on us than solving the problems at hand and stopping the spill.

Getting money from this fund will almost definitely depend on political clout by those asking; favor of the White House; and the question of people like Progressive WH friend Charlie Crist getting money (indirectly of course) that could be siphoned off for political purposes (like beating challenger Marco Rubio in the upcoming governor’s race).

BP Sets Up $20B Fund for Spill Victims

BP will put $20 billion for an escrow fund to pay victims of oil disaster in Gulf | | | FULL COVERAGE

Obama aimed high in his prime-time Oval Office address — perhaps higher than the facts support and history teaches — as he vowed to restore livelihoods and nature from the still - unfolding calamity in the Gulf of Mexico.

A look at some of his statements and how they compare with those facts:

OBAMA: "We will make BP pay for the damage their company has caused and we will do whatever's necessary to help the Gulf Coast and its people recover from this tragedy. ... Tomorrow, I will meet with the chairman of BP and inform him that he is to set aside whatever resources are required to compensate the workers and businessowners who have been harmed as a result of his company's recklessness. And this fund will not be controlled by BP. In order to ensure that all legitimate claims are paid out in a fair and timely manner, the account must and will be administered by an independent, third party."

THE FACTS: An independent arbiter is no more bound to the government's wishes than an oil company's. In that sense, there is no certainty BP will be forced to make the Gulf economy whole again or that taxpayers are completely off the hook for any of the myriad costs associated with the spill or cleanup. The government can certainly press for that, using legislative and legal tools. But there are no guarantees.

It took 20 years to sort through liability after the Exxon Valdez oil spill in Alaska, and in the end, punitive damages were slashed by the courts to about $500 million from $2.5 billion. Many people who had lost their livelihoods in the spill died without seeing a check.


OBAMA: "In the coming days and weeks, these efforts should capture up to 90 percent of the oil leaking out of the well."

THE FACTS: BP and the administration contend that if all goes as planned, they should be able to contain nearly 90 percent of the worst-case oil flow. But that's a big "if." So far, little has gone as planned in the various remedies attempted to shut off or contain the flow. Possibly as many as 60,000 barrels a day are escaping. BP would need to nearly triple its recovery rate to reach the target.


OBAMA: Temporary measures will capture leaking oil "until the company finishes drilling a relief well later in the summer that is expected to stop the leak completely."

THE FACTS: That's the hope, but experts say the relief well runs the same risks that caused the original well to blow out. It potentially could create a worse spill if engineers were to accidentally damage the existing well or tear a hole in the undersea oil reservoir.


OBAMA: "From the very beginning of this crisis, the federal government has been in charge of the largest environmental cleanup effort in our nation's history."

THE FACTS: Early on, the government established a command center and put Coast Guard Adm. Thad Allen in charge of coordinating the overall spill response. But officials also repeatedly have emphasized that BP was "responsible" and they have relied heavily on BP in making decisions from hiring cleanup workers to what oil dispersing chemicals to use. Local officials in the Gulf region have complained that often they don't know who's in charge — the government or BP.


OBAMA: "We have approved the construction of new barrier islands in Louisiana to try and stop the oil before it reaches the shore."

THE FACTS: Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal and local officials pleaded for weeks with the Army Corps of Engineers and the spill response command for permission to build about 40 miles of sand berms along the barrier islands.

State officials applied for an emergency permit to build the berms May 11, but as days went by Jindal became increasingly angry at federal inaction. The White House finally agreed to a portion of the berm plan on June 2. BP then agreed to pay for the project.

The corps was worried that in some cases such a move would alter tides and drive oil into new areas and produce more harm than good.


OBAMA: "Already, I have issued a six-month moratorium on deepwater drilling. I know this creates difficulty for the people who work on these rigs, but for the sake of their safety and for the sake of the entire region, we need to know the facts before we allow deepwater drilling to continue."

THE FACTS: Obama issued a six-month moratorium on new permits for deepwater drilling but production continues from existing deepwater wells.


Associated Press writers Matthew Daly, H. Josef Hebert and Jim Drinkard in Washington and Carol Druga in Atlanta contributed to this report.


Reasoning Behind Obama’s 9/11 and BP Spill Comparison and O’s Words vs. Actions

Huckabee discusses BP Oil Spill

The Truth Behind the BP Spill in Videos

Investigation Reveals Possible Criminal Activity Connecting Obama to BP Oil Spill

WH Accepts BP Execs’ Apology… After Agreeing to $20B Slush…er ah… Compensation Fund for Spill Victims… That They (Not and Independent Group) Will Manage

And Where are those  Obama Supporting Hollywood Do-Gooders?  Missing from Both the Tennessee Floods and now the Oil Gulf Oil Spill??:  Day 40:  Hollywood Ignores Gulf Oil Spill & Nashville Floods?

Disturbing BP Oil Spill Details Just Keep On Coming

President Obama’s Mishandling of the Gulf Oil Spill

Word has it that the WH has already met this morning with Senator Scott Brown in an attempt to secure his vote for their energy bill… which will be the biggest tax increase program America has ever seen; will create some temporary jobs but in the end Green economies always cuts jobs;  will price your energy through the roof, and  has destroyed the economy of every country who has made the move to a government mandated green program.  The last country to do this was Spain:  EU  Warned Today that Democracy Will End in Spain and GreeceThink about that one:  Death of Democracy of Spain as a result of an Obama-like Climate program and Death of Democracy in Greece because of unsustainable Union Demands and Benefits like being supported and implemented in the U.S .by Obama and friends like SEIU’s Andy Stern.  Hmmm…. Part of  Obama’s fundamental transformation  of America Program and campaign promise?  You be the judge…

Please contact your state’s Senators and  Sen Scott Brown, Sen Barbara Boxer, Sen John Kerry, Sen Joe Lieberman to start, your Congressman and everyone you know to do the same.  Tell them:

NO CAP “N” TRADE, Climate Change Bill or whatever they want to call it.  (Obama has been holding up Spain as his good example of a green economy… now BANKRUPT and losing DEMOCRACY!)

YES to pressuring the White House to wave the Jones Act and accept international help and any inventors or other US ideas to clean up the Gulf and implement them.

And NO more legislation or confirmations until after the November Elections!!

Remember: “A government governs best… that governs least!!”

Posted by Ask Marion~

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