Friday, June 4, 2010

Gutsy Oil Spill Solution That Will Restore Environment in 6-weeks… Please Watch and Share

There are tons of people with ideas… This is the best I’ve seen.  But you really have to wonder why BP and government can’t find these solutions… Don’t you???

Please share this video and get out this info (and anything else that makes sense), including to people who could put it into play… - The Texas Land Office and Texas Water Commission successfully used 'oil eating' microbes...


I’m not an expert by any means… but I saw a video by a couple of farmers using grasses and hay to soak up the oil and there are a lot of other ideas out there.  And where are the barriers and skimmers at the level that Gov Jindal has been asking for since day one???  Had we done all these things plus posted hundreds of paid workers and volunteers… not just for photo ops, to help clean up the ocean and the beaches and save the birds and animals instead of hiding them from the public, we’d be one heck of a lot better off… while working on the “big saves” that somehow just aren’t working!!!  Why are we waiting on other options?  Why have we waited so long??

Or is there a completely different reason??

Obama During Oil Spill – Golf, Parties, Photo-Ops… and More Golf!  (Photos)

Investigation Reveals Possible Criminal Activity Connecting Obama to BP Oil Spill

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